You are free to use this in any product, or on any web site. For more information about ImageFlow read the Documentation and check my Newsblog. For anything else simply drop me a line in my Shoutbox.
Version 0.8
Added Safari 1.x compatibility (a very big thanks to Stephan Droste!)
Added image link events onclick and ondblclick: the link is directly stored in the longdesc attribute of the image tag
Improved image scaling: now all image formats will stay inside the main div container "imageflow"
Minor performance improvements
Show full ChangeLog
Version 0.7
Added different cursor types
Added configuration variables
Changed implementation: all JavaScript is now stored inside the imageflow.js
Changed the captions handling: now the caption text is directly stored in the alt attribute of the image tag
Fixed a bug (description)
Version 0.6
Added arrow key support
Improved usability: now it just interacts on mouse wheel events if the cursor is over the main div container "imageflow"
Improved div container positioning
Fixed a bug (description)
Version 0.5.1
Fixed a mouse wheel bug (description)
Version 0.5
Added focus feature: now it can handle large amounts of images (>100)
Added scrollbar
Fixed display order of loading procedure
Version 0.4
Added mouse wheel support
Added loading bar
Minor performance improvements
Version 0.3
Added server side generated reflections
Minor performance improvements
Fixed correct scaling of square formats
Version 0.2
Changed global scaling and positioning: now it scales in relation to the div container "images"
Version 0.1
Improved browser compatibility
Added bottom alignment
Added correct scaling of different image formats
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