var name = "Richard";
function showName () {
var name = "Jack"; // local variable; only accessible in this showName function
console.log (name); // Jack
console.log (name); // Richard: the global variable
var name = "Richard";
// the blocks in this if statement do not create a local context for the name variable
if (name) {
name = "Jack"; // this name is the global name variable and it is being changed to "Jack" here
console.log (name); // Jack: still the global variable
// Here, the name variable is the same global name variable, but it was changed in the if statement
console.log (name); // Jack
// 不要忘记使用var关键字
// 如果声明一个变量的时候没有使用var关键字,那么这个变量将是一个全局变量!
// If you don't declare your local variables with the var keyword, they are part of the global scope
var name = "Michael Jackson";
function showCelebrityName () {
console.log (name);
function showOrdinaryPersonName () {
name = "Johnny Evers";
console.log (name);
showCelebrityName (); // Michael Jackson
// name is not a local variable, it simply changes the global name variable
showOrdinaryPersonName (); // Johnny Evers
// The global variable is now Johnny Evers, not the celebrity name anymore
showCelebrityName (); // Johnny Evers
// The solution is to declare your local variable with the var keyword
function showOrdinaryPersonName () {
var name = "Johnny Evers"; // Now name is always a local variable and it will not overwrite the global variable
console.log (name);
// 局部变量优先级大于全局变量
var name = "Paul";
function users () {
// Here, the name variable is local and it takes precedence over the same name variable in the global scope
var name = "Jack";
// The search for name starts right here inside the function before it attempts to look outside the function in the global scope
console.log (name);
users (); // Jack
// name and sex is not in any function
var myName = "zhou";
var sex = "male";
console.log(window.myName); //paul
console.log('sex' in window); //true
function showAge(){
age = 20;
showAge(); //20
console.log(age); //因为age是全局变量,所以这里输出的也是20
var Value1 = 200;
var Value2 = 20;
var myObj = {
Value1 : 10,
Value2 : 1,
caleculatedIt: function(){
console.log(this.Value1 * this.Value2);
}, 1000);
myObj.caleculatedIt(); //4000
为了避免对全局作用域的污染, 所以一般情况下我们尽可能少的声明全局变量。
变量提升(Variable Hoisting)
function showName () {
console.log ("First Name: " + name);
var name = "Ford";
console.log ("Last Name: " + name);
showName ();
// First Name: undefined
// Last Name: Ford
// The reason undefined prints first is because the local variable name was hoisted to the top of the function
// Which means it is this local variable that get calls the first time.
// This is how the code is actually processed by the JavaScript engine:
function showName () {
var name; // name is hoisted (note that is undefined at this point, since the assignment happens below)
console.log ("First Name: " + name); // First Name: undefined
name = "Ford"; // name is assigned a value
// now name is Ford
console.log ("Last Name: " + name); // Last Name: Ford
// Both the variable and the function are named myName
var myName;?
function myName () {
console.log ("Rich");
// The function declaration overrides the variable name
console.log(typeof myName); // function
// But in this example, the variable assignment overrides the function declaration
var myName = "Richard"; // This is the variable assignment (initialization) that overrides the function declaration.
function myName () {
console.log ("Rich");
console.log(typeof myName); // string
最后一点, 在严格模式下,如果没有先声明变量就给变量赋值将会报错!
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