人物设计可能是最有趣的事情,你可以使用Photoshop作为工具之一。 今天,我们将演示如何在Photoshop中绘制一个海盗角色。 让我们开始吧!
Step 1
Let’s start with a sketch, I always draw a sketch and scan it into my computer.
Step 2
Create a new 2000 by 1800 pixel document with a white background. Fill the background layer with a blue color #3686c3. Put the layer in a group, name it "Background", duplicate the background layer, rename it "Background Color" and put it in the "Background" group. Delete the old background layer.
创建2000*1800像素白色背景新文件。 用蓝色#3686c3填充背景层。 命名为“背景颜色 ”。
Step 3
Put the sketch in a new layer and name it “Sketch”.
Step 4
Set the “Sketch” Opacity to 20%. Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw the head shape.
设置“素描”不透明度为20%。 使用钢笔工具(P)绘制的头部形状。

Step 5
Once the head path is complete, right click on the path, select Make Selection, then press OK.
Create a new layer and name it with a name easy to remember (in this example, name the layer “Head”).
Fill the selection with a grey color, then deselect with Command/Ctrl + D.
用灰色填充,快捷键: CTRL + D取消选区。

Step 6
Select the “Head” layer, create a group with Command/Ctrl + G and name this group “Head”.
Create a new layer above the layer “Head” (Shift + Command/Ctrl + N), name it “Shadow”, and choose “Multiply” mode.
Create a second layer (Shift + Command/Ctrl + N), name it “Light”, and choose “Screen” mode.
选择“头”图层,按 Ctrl + G组合图层,并命名该组合为“头”。
在“头”层上创建一个新图层( Ctrl +Shift + N),命名为“影”新层,并选择“叠加”模式。
创建第二层(Ctrl +Shift + N),命名为“光”,然后选择“正片叠加”模式。
Step 7
Repeat steps 5 to 6 for all the character’s parts.
Step 8
Ok, It’s time to bring some colors to our character. We are going to start with the head. Select the layer "Head", lock the transparency (by clicking the small icon "Lock" in the top left of the layers). Choose a color (#f4bc83), a hard brush (Opacity 100%) for coloring the head shape. Repeat this step for all the character’s shapes.
Step 9
Select the “Shadow” layer then get the head selection by clicking on the “Head” layer with Command/Ctrl + Left Click. Hide the selection (Command/Ctrl + H). We’re now ready to work on the shadow’s head.

Step 10
I’m starting with a soft 66 pixel brush with the opacity set to 10%. Start to draw the shadows with the same base color (#f4bc83) as the head, then gradually, choose a darker color. Adjust the brush size to suit your needs.
Step 11
Do the same things on the “Light” layer, but this time, gradually choose a lighter color when drawing.

Repeat steps 10 to 11 for all others parts of the character.

Step 13
And voilà, the shadows and the lights has been added on most of the character’s parts. But there’re still some parts that deserve more details.

Step 14
The hat looks good, but let’s add a little texture to it.
Step 15
Place the "Black and White Grunge" texture in the document (between the "Base" layer and the "Shadow" layer), name it "Texture" and resize it to fit the hat. Select the hat’s shape with Command/Ctrl + Left Click by clicking on the "Hat" layer, invert the selection with Shift + Command/Ctrl + I. Hit Delete and deselect with Command/Ctrl + D.
导入一张黑白纹理图片放置在阴影和光亮图层中间,命名为“纹理”,并调整其大小以适合帽子。选择帽子与命令Ctrl+左键点击帽子图层,命令 Ctrl+shift+I反选选区,命令Ctrl+D去掉选区。

Step 16
Set the “Texture” layer to Multiply mode
Step 17
Repeat steps 15 to 16 for the others clothes.

Step 18
For the eyes, select the black border layer and apply a Gaussian filter on it.
Step 19
Like the previous steps, add the shadows on the “Shadow” layer.

Step 20
Add the light in the eyes on the “Light” layer.

Step 21
With the Eraser Tool (E), give the eye a better look by erasing the black border a little bit.

Step 22
Repeat steps 18 to 21 for the left eye.
Step 23
For the mouth, create a new layer and set mode to “Color” and the opacity to 50-55%, add a little bit of red around the mouth with a soft brush.

Step 24
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