我是靠谱客的博主 微笑小海豚,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍arcgis api for js学习-QueryStatistics前言一、根据人口和面积字段计算人口密度二、创建统计对象StatisticDefinition三、设置参数Query四、执行查询并渲染结果全部代码:总结,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。




    • QueryStatistics
  • 前言
  • 一、根据人口和面积字段计算人口密度
  • 二、创建统计对象StatisticDefinition
  • 三、设置参数Query
  • 四、执行查询并渲染结果
  • 全部代码:
  • 总结


      比较重要的是:此示例使用的SQL表达式从托管功能服务查询摘要统计信息。可以从任何服务的平均值、最小值、最大值等统计值中生成。但是,SQL表达式仅在advancedQueryCapabilities.supportsSqlExpression is true.的feature services上的查询统计操作中受支持。其中的advancedQueryCapabilities.supportsSqlExpression is true是FeatureLayer的属性。



var map = new Map("map", {
                basemap: "streets-night-vector",
                center: [-122.304568, 47.608492],
                zoom: 13
            var url = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/arcgis/rest/services/Puget_Sound_BG_Food/FeatureServer/0";

             * The fields used to query for statistics
             * ALAND is land area in square meters 面积
             * TOTPOP_CY is total population in the block group (2015) 人口数量
             * HasData indicates if data is available in the feature

            var fields = [ "ALAND", "TOTPOP_CY", "HasData", "TOTHH" ];

            // 要素图层
            var blockGroupsLyr = new FeatureLayer(url, {
                outFields: fields
             * The sqlExpression is a standard SQL expression that will be used to
             * query the service for statistics. Since the ALAND field represents the
             * land area in square meters, we want to convert the units to square
             * miles. Therefore `(ALAND * 0.0000003861)` will return the area in square
             * miles. Dividing the TOTPOP_CY by that expression will return the
             * population per square mile.
             * This expression is then set on the onStatisticField property of each
             * statistic definition object. Since we don't have a field for population
             * density in people per square mile, we can use this simple SQL expression
             * in the place of a field and we'll get our desired result:
             * "TOTPOP_CY / (ALAND * 0.0000003861)"
            var sqlExpression = "TOTPOP_CY / (ALAND * 0.000001)";



// Object used to request the smallest population density from the
            // block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var minStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            // 统计类型
            minStatDef.statisticType = "min";
            minStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            minStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "minPopDensity";

            // Object used to request the largest population density from the
            // block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var maxStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            maxStatDef.statisticType = "max";
            maxStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            maxStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "maxPopDensity";

            // Object used to request the average population density for
            // all block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var avgStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            avgStatDef.statisticType = "avg";
            avgStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            avgStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "avgPopDensity";

            // Object used to request the number of
            // block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var countStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            countStatDef.statisticType = "count";
            countStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            countStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "numBlockGroups";

            // Object used to request the standard deviation of the population density for
            // all block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var stddevStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            stddevStatDef.statisticType = "stddev";
            stddevStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            stddevStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "StdDevPopDensity";


      其中包括查询的缓冲半径:distance距离+units单位、输出的字段outFields,统计字段:outStatistics 。
注意:这里设置的缓冲区才是真正查询时使用的缓冲区进行的空间过滤(spatial filter)

// Set the base parameters for the query. All statistic definition objects
            // are passed as an array into the outStatistics param
            var queryParams = new Query();
            queryParams.distance = 2;  // Return all block groups within one mile of the point
            queryParams.units = "kilometers";
            queryParams.outFields = fields;
            queryParams.outStatistics = [minStatDef, maxStatDef, avgStatDef, countStatDef, stddevStatDef];


      在下面的代码中需要注意的是:在点击地图的时候还设置了一个查询参数queryParams.geometry = point;,这个参数使用来空间过滤的,使用这个点击的点会相应的使前面设置的缓冲区依据该点生成缓冲区,这个参数会和空间关系spatialRelationship一起使用,如果不指定spatialRelationship该查询参数,Query会使用其中的默认参数Query.SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS;是指一个要素一部分包含在另外一个要素中的空间关系。

// Executes on each map click
            function getPoint(evt){

                // Set the location of the mouse click event to the query parameters
                var point = evt.mapPoint;
                queryParams.geometry = point;
                // queryParams.spatialRelationship = Query.SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS;

                // Clear the graphics from any previous queries

                // Add a point graphic represting the location clicked on the map
                var ptGraphic = new Graphic(point, pointSymbol);

                // Add a graphic representing a one-mile buffer around the clicked point
                var buffer = geometryEngine.geodesicBuffer(point, 1, "kilometers");//投影是wgs1984或者web墨卡托就使用这个,否则就是用buffer()
                var bufferGraphic = new Graphic(buffer, buffSymbol);

                // Execute the statistics query against the feature service and call the getStats() callback
                blockGroupsLyr.queryFeatures(queryParams, getStats, errback);

            // Executes on each query
            function getStats(results){
                var graphics = results.features;
                for (var i = 0; i < graphics.length; i++) {
                    var graphic = graphics[i];

                // The return object of the query containing the statistics requested
                var stats = results.features[0].attributes;

                // Print the statistic results to the DOM
                dom.byId("countResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.numBlockGroups);
                dom.byId("minResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.minPopDensity) + " people/sq mi";
                dom.byId("maxResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.maxPopDensity) + " people/sq mi";
                dom.byId("avgResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.avgPopDensity) + " people/sq mi";
                dom.byId("stdDevResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.StdDevPopDensity) + " people/sq mi";


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no"/>
    <title>Query Statistics with SQL Expression</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/3.34/esri/css/esri.css">
        html, body, #map {
            height: 100%;
            width: 100%;
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
        #results {
            position: absolute;
            z-index: 10;
            bottom: 45px;
            right: 10px;
            background-color: black;
            opacity: 0.8;
            color: cornsilk;
            width: 300px;
            padding: 5px;
            padding-bottom: 10px;
            padding-left: 10px;
            padding-right: 10px;
        .stats {
            color: darkorange;
    <script src="https://js.arcgis.com/3.34/"></script>
        ], function(Map, FeatureLayer, Query, StatisticDefinition, geometryEngine,
                    SimpleMarkerSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, Graphic, Color, dom) {

            var map = new Map("map", {
                basemap: "streets-night-vector",
                center: [-122.304568, 47.608492],
                zoom: 13
            var url = "https://services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/arcgis/rest/services/Puget_Sound_BG_Food/FeatureServer/0";

             * The fields used to query for statistics
             * ALAND is land area in square meters 面积
             * TOTPOP_CY is total population in the block group (2015) 人口数量
             * HasData indicates if data is available in the feature

            var fields = [ "ALAND", "TOTPOP_CY", "HasData", "TOTHH" ];

            // 要素图层
            var blockGroupsLyr = new FeatureLayer(url, {
                outFields: fields
            // 用于表示地图上单击的符号
            var pointSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 10, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([0,255,0, 0.3]), 10), new Color([0,255,0,1]));

            // 用于表示点击周围一英里缓冲区符号
            var buffSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_LONGDASHDOT, new Color([255,128,0,1]), 3), new Color([255,128,0,0.15]));

            var fill = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_LONGDASHDOT, new Color([255,0,0,1]), 3), new Color([0,255,0,0.6]));

            // When the map is clicked, get the point at the clicked location and execute getPoint()
            // 单击地图时,在单击的位置获取点并执行getPoint()
            map.on("click", getPoint);

             * The sqlExpression is a standard SQL expression that will be used to
             * query the service for statistics. Since the ALAND field represents the
             * land area in square meters, we want to convert the units to square
             * miles. Therefore `(ALAND * 0.0000003861)` will return the area in square
             * miles. Dividing the TOTPOP_CY by that expression will return the
             * population per square mile.
             * This expression is then set on the onStatisticField property of each
             * statistic definition object. Since we don't have a field for population
             * density in people per square mile, we can use this simple SQL expression
             * in the place of a field and we'll get our desired result:
             * "TOTPOP_CY / (ALAND * 0.0000003861)"
            var sqlExpression = "TOTPOP_CY / (ALAND * 0.000001)";

            // Object used to request the smallest population density from the
            // block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var minStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            // 统计类型
            minStatDef.statisticType = "min";
            minStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            minStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "minPopDensity";

            // Object used to request the largest population density from the
            // block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var maxStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            maxStatDef.statisticType = "max";
            maxStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            maxStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "maxPopDensity";

            // Object used to request the average population density for
            // all block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var avgStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            avgStatDef.statisticType = "avg";
            avgStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            avgStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "avgPopDensity";

            // Object used to request the number of
            // block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var countStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            countStatDef.statisticType = "count";
            countStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            countStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "numBlockGroups";

            // Object used to request the standard deviation of the population density for
            // all block groups within one mile of the mouse click.
            var stddevStatDef = new StatisticDefinition();
            stddevStatDef.statisticType = "stddev";
            stddevStatDef.onStatisticField = sqlExpression;
            stddevStatDef.outStatisticFieldName = "StdDevPopDensity";

            // Set the base parameters for the query. All statistic definition objects
            // are passed as an array into the outStatistics param
            var queryParams = new Query();
            queryParams.distance = 2;  // Return all block groups within one mile of the point
            queryParams.units = "kilometers";
            queryParams.outFields = fields;
            queryParams.outStatistics = [minStatDef, maxStatDef, avgStatDef, countStatDef, stddevStatDef];

            // Executes on each map click
            function getPoint(evt){

                // Set the location of the mouse click event to the query parameters
                var point = evt.mapPoint;
                queryParams.geometry = point;
                // queryParams.spatialRelationship = Query.SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS;

                // Clear the graphics from any previous queries

                // Add a point graphic represting the location clicked on the map
                var ptGraphic = new Graphic(point, pointSymbol);

                // Add a graphic representing a one-mile buffer around the clicked point
                var buffer = geometryEngine.geodesicBuffer(point, 1, "kilometers");//投影是wgs1984或者web墨卡托就使用这个,否则就是用buffer()
                var bufferGraphic = new Graphic(buffer, buffSymbol);

                // Execute the statistics query against the feature service and call the getStats() callback
                blockGroupsLyr.queryFeatures(queryParams, getStats, errback);

            // Executes on each query
            function getStats(results){
                var graphics = results.features;
                for (var i = 0; i < graphics.length; i++) {
                    var graphic = graphics[i];

                // The return object of the query containing the statistics requested
                var stats = results.features[0].attributes;

                // Print the statistic results to the DOM
                dom.byId("countResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.numBlockGroups);
                dom.byId("minResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.minPopDensity) + " people/sq mi";
                dom.byId("maxResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.maxPopDensity) + " people/sq mi";
                dom.byId("avgResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.avgPopDensity) + " people/sq mi";
                dom.byId("stdDevResult").innerHTML = Math.round(stats.StdDevPopDensity) + " people/sq mi";

            function errback(err){
                console.log("Couldn't retrieve summary statistics. ", err);

<div id="map"></div>
<div id="results"><h3>Summary Statistics</h3>
    Click on the map to view summary statistics of the
    population density for U.S. Census block groups within
    one mile of the clicked point.<br><br>
    <div id="display">
        <strong>Block groups: </strong><span class="stats" id="countResult"></span><br>
        <strong>Min density: </strong><span class="stats" id="minResult"></span><br>
        <strong>Max density: </strong><span class="stats" id="maxResult"></span><br>
        <strong>Average density: </strong><span class="stats" id="avgResult"></span><br>
        <strong>Standard deviation: </strong><span class="stats" id="stdDevResult"></span>




以上就是微笑小海豚为你收集整理的arcgis api for js学习-QueryStatistics前言一、根据人口和面积字段计算人口密度二、创建统计对象StatisticDefinition三、设置参数Query四、执行查询并渲染结果全部代码:总结的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决arcgis api for js学习-QueryStatistics前言一、根据人口和面积字段计算人口密度二、创建统计对象StatisticDefinition三、设置参数Query四、执行查询并渲染结果全部代码:总结所遇到的程序开发问题。



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