MATLAB Tutorial Outline
-Basic math and logical operations
-note that MATLAB uses “~=” instead of “!=”
-Creating matrices explicitly
-” ” or “,” to separate horizontally, “;” vertically
-combining matrices
-accessing matrix elements
-by index, “:”, “end”
-note that it’s 1-based and uses () not [] for the index
-matrix math and logical operations on matrices
-Mention that vectorization is faster than loops in MATLAB.
-using the help and doc commands to read documentation on a function, via these examples:
zeros(), ones(m,n), plot(), imread(), imshow() or imagesc()
-control statements: if, for, while
-as an example: load two images and do a “green-screen” effect. Do it first with nested “for” loops, and then again with vectorization. Provide a downloadable script with the critical line missing, for people to participate. Afterward convert the script to a function to demonstrate functions.
-ask how many have taken CS106A. If some haven’t, briefly discuss good coding: commenting, using named constants instead of “magic numbers”, saving backups
-Other MATLAB data structures: cell arrays, structs
-Examples: cell array to hold a list of images. Struct to hold an image plus related data.
I’ll post this message and the topic list in Piazza:
Programming assignments in CS131 will use MATLAB.
An excellent MATLAB tutorial by Prof. Andrew Ng can be found at the link below, under section V, “Octave Tutorial” (Octave is just an open-source clone of MATLAB; the videos apply to either).
A handy text reference on MATLAB syntax is here:
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