微软于2020年11月发布了.net 5.0【.net core 的升级】。
现在我们浏览下各个.net 5.0 托管API【命名空间,如 System】的主要说明:
.NET API 参考【主要命名空间】 version 5.0
命名空间(namespace) | 说明 |
Accessibility | 表示组件对象模型(COM)可访问性接口的托管包装 |
Microsoft.CSharp | 包含支持使用C#语言编译和代码生成的类。 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic | 包含在Visual Basic中支持Visual Basic运行时的类型。 |
Microsoft.Win32 | 提供两种类型的类:处理操作系统引发的事件的类和操作系统注册表的类。 |
System | 包含定义常用值和引用数据类型、事件和事件处理程序、接口、属性和处理异常的基本类和基类。 |
System.Buffers | 包含用于创建和管理内存缓冲区的类型,例如由Span<T>和Memory<T>表示的类型。 |
System.CodeDom | 包含可用于表示源代码文档的元素和结构的类。此命名空间中的类可用于建模源代码文档的结构,该文档可以使用System.CodeDom.Compiler命名空间。 |
System.Collections | 包含定义各种对象集合的接口和类,如列表、队列、位数组、哈希表和字典。 |
System.Collections.Concurrent | 提供几个线程安全集合类,这些类应用于替换中的相应类型系统。集合以及System.Collections.Generic多个线程同时访问集合时的名称空间。但是,通过扩展方法或显式接口实现对集合对象元素的访问不能保证是线程安全的,可能需要调用方进行同步。 |
System.Collections.Generic | 包含定义泛型集合的接口和类,使用户可以创建比非泛型强类型集合提供更好的类型安全性和性能的强类型集合。 |
System.Collections.Specialized | 包含专门化的强类型集合;例如,链表字典、位向量和只包含字符串的集合。 |
System.ComponentModel | 提供用于实现组件和控件的运行时和设计时行为的类。这个命名空间包括实现属性和类型转换器、绑定到数据源和授权组件的基类和接口。 |
System.Configuration | 包含为处理配置数据提供编程模型的类型。 |
System.Data | 提供对表示ADO.NET公司建筑。ADO.NET公司允许您构建有效管理来自多个数据源的数据的组件。 |
System.Diagnostics | 提供允许您与系统进程、事件日志和性能计数器交互的类。 |
System.DirectoryServices | 提供从托管代码轻松访问Active Directory域服务。命名空间包含两个组件类DirectoryEntry和DirectorySearcher,它们使用ActiveDirectory服务接口(ADSI)技术。ADSI是微软提供的一组接口,作为一种灵活的工具,可以与各种网络提供商合作。ADSI使管理员能够相对容易地定位和管理网络上的资源,而不管网络的大小。 |
System.Drawing | 提供对GDI+基本图形功能的访问。中提供了更高级的功能System.Drawing2D图纸, 系统绘图成像,和系统图文本名称空间。 |
System.Dynamic | 提供支持动态语言运行库的类和接口。 |
System.Globalization | 包含定义区域性相关信息的类,包括语言、国家/地区、正在使用的日历、日期、货币和数字的格式模式以及字符串的排序顺序。这些类对于编写全球化(国际化)应用程序非常有用。StringInfo和TextInfo等类提供高级全球化功能,包括代理支持和文本元素处理。 |
System.IO | 包含允许对文件和数据流进行读写的类型,以及提供基本文件和目录支持的类型。 |
System.IO.Compression | 包含为流提供基本压缩和解压缩服务的类。 |
System.Linq | 提供支持使用语言集成查询【Language-Integrated Query】(LINQ)的查询的类和接口。 |
System.Linq.Expressions | 包含类、接口和枚举,使语言级代码表达式能够以表达式树的形式表示为对象。 |
System.Media | 包含用于播放声音媒体文件和访问系统提供的声音的类。 |
System.Net | 为当今网络上使用的许多协议提供了一个简单的编程接口。WebRequest和WebResponse类构成了所谓的可插拔协议(plugable protocols)的基础,这是一种网络服务的实现,使您能够开发使用Internet资源的应用程序,而不必担心各个协议的具体细节。中的类系统.Net命名空间可用于开发Windows应用商店应用程序或桌面应用程序。在Windows应用商店应用中使用时,类系统.Net命名空间受网络隔离功能的影响,网络隔离功能是Windows开发人员预览版使用的应用程序安全模型的一部分。必须在Windows应用商店应用的应用程序清单中为系统启用适当的网络功能,才能允许Windows应用商店应用程序访问网络。有关详细信息,请参阅Windows应用商店应用的网络隔离。 |
System.Net.Security | 为主机之间的安全通信提供网络流。 |
System.Net.Sockets | winsockets的实现为开发人员提供了一个严格管理的Windows套接字接口。 |
System.Numerics | 包含对.NET定义的数字基元(如Byte、Double和Int32)进行补充的数值类型。 |
System.Printing | 提供使您能够自动管理打印服务器、打印队列和打印作业的类。 |
System.Reflection | 包含通过检查程序集、模块、成员、参数和其他实体的元数据来检索托管代码中有关这些实体的信息的类型。这些类型还可用于操作已加载类型的实例,例如用于挂接事件或调用方法。要动态创建类型,请使用 System.Reflection.Emit命名空间。 |
System.Resources | 提供允许开发人员创建、存储和管理应用程序中使用的各种特定于区域性的资源的类和接口。最重要的班级之一系统资源命名空间是ResourceManager类。 |
System.Runtime | 包含支持不同命名空间(如系统、运行时和安全命名空间)的高级类型。 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices | 提供多种支持COM互操作和平台调用服务的成员。如果您不熟悉这些服务,请参阅与非托管代码进行互操作。 |
System.Security | 提供公共语言运行时安全系统的底层结构,包括权限的基类。 |
System.Security.Cryptography | 提供加密服务,包括数据的安全编码和解码,以及许多其他操作,如哈希、随机数生成和消息验证。有关更多信息,请参阅加密服务。 |
System.ServiceProcess | 提供允许您实现、安装和控制Windows服务应用程序的类。服务是长时间运行的可执行文件,没有用户界面。实现服务涉及从ServiceBase类继承并定义在传入start、stop、pause和continue命令时要处理的特定行为,以及在系统关闭时要执行的自定义行为和操作。 |
System.Text | 包含表示ASCII和Unicode字符编码的类;用于将字符块转换为字节块和从字节块转换字符块的抽象基类;以及在不创建字符串中间实例的情况下操作和格式化字符串对象的帮助器类。 |
System.Text.Json | 提供高性能、低分配和符合标准的功能来处理JavaScript对象表示法(JSON),包括将对象序列化为JSON文本和将JSON文本反序列化为对象,并内置UTF-8支持。它还提供了读写编码为UTF-8的JSON文本的类型,以及创建内存中文档对象模型(DOM),以便在数据的结构化视图中随机访问JSON元素。 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions | 提供正则表达式功能,可从.NET中运行的任何平台或语言中使用。除了此命名空间中包含的类型外,RegexStringValidator类还允许您确定特定字符串是否符合正则表达式模式。 |
System.Threading | 提供支持多线程编程的类和接口。除了用于同步线程活动和访问数据的类(Mutex、Monitor、Interlocked、AutoResetEvent等),此命名空间还包括一个ThreadPool类,它允许您使用系统提供的线程池,以及一个在线程池线程上执行回调方法的计时器类。 |
System.Threading.Tasks | 提供简化编写并发和异步代码的工作的类型。主要类型有Task,它表示可以等待和取消的异步操作,Task<TResult>是可以返回值的任务。TaskFactory类提供用于创建和启动任务的静态方法,TaskScheduler类提供默认的线程调度基础结构。 |
System.Timers | 提供计时器组件,该组件允许您按指定间隔引发事件。 |
System.Web | 启用通信服务器hat。这个命名空间包括HttpRequest类,它提供关于当前HTTP请求的广泛信息;HttpResponse类,它管理到客户端的HTTP输出;HttpServerUtility类,它提供对服务器端实用程序和进程的访问。系统.Web还包括用于cookie操作、文件传输、异常信息和输出缓存控制的类。 |
System.Windows | 提供了几个重要的Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)基本元素类、支持WPF属性系统和事件逻辑的各种类,以及WPF核心和框架更广泛使用的其他类型。 |
System.Windows.Controls | 提供用于创建元素(称为控件)的类,这些元素使用户能够与应用程序交互。控件类是用户使用任何应用程序体验的核心,因为它们允许用户查看、选择或输入数据或其他信息。 |
System.Windows.Forms | 包含用于创建基于Windows的应用程序的类,这些应用程序充分利用了Microsoft Windows操作系统中提供的丰富用户界面功能。 |
System.Windows.Xps | 提供将XPS文档【XML Paper Specification(XML文件规格书)的简称,是一种电子文件格式】写入数据存储或打印队列的类。 |
System.Xaml | 提供与XAML【eXtensible Application Markup Language,可扩展应用程序标记语言】读取器和XAML编写器相关的类型。这包括.NET XAML服务及其XAML读取器和XAML编写器的默认实现。还包含与XAML类型系统相关的类型以及与XAML和.netxaml服务概念相关的其他支持类型。 |
System.Xml | 为处理XML【可扩展标记语言,Extensible Markup Language】提供基于标准的支持。 |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders | 包含映射客户端自动化提供程序的单一类型。 |
名称 | 说明 |
Accessibility Namespace | Represents a managed wrapper for the Component Object Model (COM) accessibility interface. |
Microsoft.CSharp Namespace | Contains classes that support compilation and code generation using the C# language. |
Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder Namespace | Provides classes and interfaces that support interoperation between Dynamic Language Runtime and C#. |
Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace | Contains types that support the Visual Basic Runtime in Visual Basic. |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices Namespace | Contains types that support the Visual Basic Application Model and provide access to application information. |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices Namespace | Contains internal-use only types that support the Visual Basic compiler. |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices Namespace | Contains types that support the My objects related to devices in Visual Basic. |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO Namespace | Contains types that support the My file system object in Visual Basic. |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Logging Namespace | Contains types that support the My logging objects in Visual Basic and provides a simple log listener that directs logging output to file. |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.MyServices Namespace | Contains types that support My in Visual Basic. |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.MyServices.Internal Namespace | Contains internal-use only types that support My in Visual Basic. |
Microsoft.Win32 Namespace | Provides two types of classes: those that handle events raised by the operating system and those that manipulate the system registry. |
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles Namespace | Contains classes that are abstract derivations of safe handle classes that provide common functionality supporting file and operating system handles. |
Microsoft.Windows.Input Namespace | Contains interfaces for preview commands in a Microsoft Ribbon for WPF control. |
Microsoft.Windows.Themes Namespace | Provides exposure to the set of themes defined by Windows Presentation Foundation. In WPF, a theme is a set of resources, defined at the system level, which provide the default appearance for controls and other visual elements of an application. WPF themes are created using styles and include Luna, Aero, Royale, and Classic. Only the client area of a WPF application uses these themes; the appearance of the window border and buttons that form the window chrome is controlled by the Win32 theme service. |
System Namespace | Contains fundamental classes and base classes that define commonly-used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions. |
System.Buffers Namespace | Contains types used in creating and managing memory buffers, such as those represented by Span<T> and Memory<T>. |
System.Buffers.Binary Namespace | Provides static methods for reading and writing the binary representations of primitive types from and to spans of bytes, respectively. |
System.Buffers.Text Namespace | This namespace contains types that can be used to parse and format common data types to and from UTF-8 text representations. |
System.CodeDom Namespace | Contains classes that can be used to represent the elements and structure of a source code document. The classes in this namespace can be used to model the structure of a source code document that can be output as source code in a supported language using the functionality provided by the System.CodeDom.Compiler namespace. |
System.CodeDom.Compiler Namespace | Contains types for managing the generation and compilation of source code in supported programming languages. Code generators can each produce source code in a particular programming language based on the structure of Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) source code models consisting of elements provided by the System.CodeDom namespace. |
System.Collections Namespace | Contains interfaces and classes that define various collections of objects, such as lists, queues, bit arrays, hash tables and dictionaries. |
System.Collections.Concurrent Namespace | Provides several thread-safe collection classes that should be used in place of the corresponding types in the System.Collections and System.Collections.Generic namespaces whenever multiple threads are accessing the collection concurrently. However, access to elements of a collection object through extension methods or through explicit interface implementations are not guaranteed to be thread-safe and may need to be synchronized by the caller. |
System.Collections.Generic Namespace | Contains interfaces and classes that define generic collections, which allow users to create strongly typed collections that provide better type safety and performance than non-generic strongly typed collections. |
System.Collections.Immutable Namespace | Contains interfaces and classes that define immutable collections. |
System.Collections.ObjectModel Namespace | Contains classes that can be used as collections in the object model of a reusable library. Use these classes when properties or methods return collections. |
System.Collections.Specialized Namespace | Contains specialized and strongly-typed collections; for example, a linked list dictionary, a bit vector, and collections that contain only strings. |
System.ComponentModel Namespace | Provides classes that are used to implement the run-time and design-time behavior of components and controls. This namespace includes the base classes and interfaces for implementing attributes and type converters, binding to data sources, and licensing components. |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Namespace | Provides attribute classes that are used to define metadata for ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET data controls. |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema Namespace | Provides support for attribute classes that are used to define metadata for ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET data controls. |
System.ComponentModel.Design Namespace | Contains classes that developers can use to build custom design-time behavior for components and user interfaces for configuring components at design time. The design time environment provides systems that enable developers to arrange components and configure their properties. Some components may require specific design-time only behavior to function properly in a design time environment. It may also be valuable to provide custom user interfaces which assist developers in configuring components or the values of complex data types. The classes and interfaces defined within this namespace can be used to build design-time behavior for components, access design-time services, and implement customized design-time configuration interfaces. |
System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization Namespace | Provides types that support customization and control of serialization at design time. |
System.Configuration Namespace | Contains the types that provide the programming model for handling configuration data. |
System.Configuration.Assemblies Namespace | Contains classes that are used to configure an assembly. |
System.Configuration.Internal Namespace | Contains configuration types that are intended for internal use only. |
System.Configuration.Provider Namespace | Contains the base classes shared by both server and client applications to support a pluggable model to easily add or remove functionality. |
System.Data Namespace | Provides access to classes that represent the ADO.NET architecture. ADO.NET lets you build components that efficiently manage data from multiple data sources. |
System.Data.Common Namespace | Contains classes shared by .NET data providers. |
System.Data.Odbc Namespace | The System.Data.Odbc namespace is the .NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC. |
System.Data.OleDb Namespace | The System.Data.OleDb namespace is the.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB. |
System.Data.OracleClient Namespace | The System.Data.OracleClient namespace is the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle. |
System.Data.SqlClient Namespace | The System.Data.SqlClient namespace is the .NET Data Provider for SQL Server. |
System.Data.SqlTypes Namespace | Provides classes for native data types in SQL Server. These classes provide a safer, faster alternative to the data types provided by the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR). Using the classes in this namespace helps prevent type conversion errors caused by loss of precision. Because other data types are converted to and from SqlTypes behind the scenes, explicitly creating and using objects within this namespace also yields faster code. |
System.Diagnostics Namespace | Provides classes that allow you to interact with system processes, event logs, and performance counters. |
System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis Namespace | Contains classes for interaction with code analysis tools. These tools are used to analyze code for conformance to coding conventions such as naming or security rules. |
System.Diagnostics.Contracts Namespace | Contains static classes for representing program contracts such as preconditions, postconditions, and invariants. |
System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader Namespace | Using the System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader namespace, you can develop applications that read and manage event logs. An event in an event log contains information, a warning, or an error that has been published by a specific application, service, or operating system component. These events are read by applications that monitor a computer's health and applications that take action when specific events occur. For more information, see Technology Summary for Reading and Managing Event Logs and Event Log Scenarios. |
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData Namespace | Use the classes in this namespace to provide counter data. The counters are used to expose performance metrics to consumers such as the Performance Monitor. The namespace does not contain classes for consuming the counter data. For a complete description of the performance counters architecture, see Performance Counters. |
System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore Namespace | Provides classes that allow you to read and write debug symbol information, such as source line to Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) maps. Compilers that target .NET can store the debug symbol information into programmer's database (PDB) files. Debuggers and code profiler tools can read the debug symbol information at run time. |
System.Diagnostics.Tracing Namespace | Provides types and members that enable you to create strongly typed events to be captured by event tracing for Windows (ETW). |
System.DirectoryServices Namespace | Provides easy access to Active Directory Domain Services from managed code. The namespace contains two component classes, DirectoryEntry and DirectorySearcher, which use the Active Directory Services Interfaces (ADSI) technology. ADSI is the set of interfaces that Microsoft provides as a flexible tool for working with a variety of network providers. ADSI gives the administrator the ability to locate and manage resources on a network with relative ease, regardless of the size of the network. |
System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory Namespace | Provides a high level abstraction object model that builds around Microsoft Active Directory services tasks. The Active Directory service concepts such as forest, domain, site, subnet, partition, and schema are part of the object model. |
System.Drawing Namespace | Provides access to GDI+ basic graphics functionality. More advanced functionality is provided in the System.Drawing.Drawing2D, System.Drawing.Imaging, and System.Drawing.Text namespaces. |
System.Drawing.Configuration Namespace | Contains a class that supports configuration for classes in the System.Drawing namespace. |
System.Drawing.Design Namespace | Contains classes that extend design-time user interface (UI) logic and drawing. |
System.Drawing.Drawing2D Namespace | Provides advanced two-dimensional and vector graphics functionality. |
System.Drawing.Imaging Namespace | Provides advanced GDI+ imaging functionality. Basic graphics functionality is provided by the System.Drawing namespace. |
System.Drawing.Printing Namespace | Provides print-related services for Windows Forms applications. |
System.Drawing.Text Namespace | Provides advanced GDI+ typography functionality. |
System.Dynamic Namespace | Provides classes and interfaces that support Dynamic Language Runtime. |
System.Formats.Asn1 Namespace | Contains types used in reading and writing Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) data structures. |
System.Globalization Namespace | Contains classes that define culture-related information, including language, country/region, calendars in use, format patterns for dates, currency, and numbers, and sort order for strings. These classes are useful for writing globalized (internationalized) applications. Classes such as StringInfo and TextInfo provide advanced globalization functionalities, including surrogate support and text element processing. |
System.IO Namespace | Contains types that allow reading and writing to files and data streams, and types that provide basic file and directory support. |
System.IO.Compression Namespace | Contains classes that provide basic compression and decompression services for streams. |
System.IO.Enumeration Namespace | Provides classes, structs, and delegates to search and enumerate file system elements. |
System.IO.IsolatedStorage Namespace | Contains types that allow the creation and use of isolated stores. With these stores, you can read and write data that less trusted code cannot access and prevent the exposure of sensitive information that can be saved elsewhere on the file system. Data is stored in compartments that are isolated by the current user and by the assembly in which the code exists. Additionally, data can be isolated by domain. Roaming profiles can be used in conjunction with isolated storage so isolated stores will travel with the user's profile. The IsolatedStorageScope enumeration indicates different types of isolation. For more information about when to use isolated storage, see Isolated Storage. |
System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles Namespace | Provides classes for using a memory-mapped file, which maps the contents of a file to an application's logical address space. |
System.IO.Packaging Namespace | Provides classes that support storage of multiple data objects in a single container. |
System.IO.Pipes Namespace | Contains types that provide a means for interprocess communication through anonymous and/or named pipes. |
System.Linq Namespace | Provides classes and interfaces that support queries that use Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). |
System.Linq.Expressions Namespace | Contains classes, interfaces and enumerations that enable language-level code expressions to be represented as objects in the form of expression trees. |
System.Media Namespace | Contains classes for playing sound files and accessing sounds provided by the system. |
System.Net Namespace | Provides a simple programming interface for many of the protocols used on networks today. The WebRequest and WebResponse classes form the basis of what are called pluggable protocols, an implementation of network services that enables you to develop applications that use Internet resources without worrying about the specific details of the individual protocols. Classes in the System.Net namespace can be used to develop Windows Store apps or desktop apps. When used in a Windows Store app, classes in the System.Net namespace are affected by network isolation feature, part of the application security model used by the Windows Developer Preview. The appropriate network capabilities must be enabled in the app manifest for a Windows Store app for the system to allow network access by a Windows Store app. For more information, see the Network Isolation for Windows Store Apps. |
System.Net.Cache Namespace | Defines the types and enumerations used to define cache policies for resources obtained using the WebRequest and HttpWebRequest classes. |
System.Net.Http Namespace | Provides a programming interface for modern HTTP applications. |
System.Net.Http.Headers Namespace | Provides support for collections of HTTP headers used by the System.Net.Http namespace. |
System.Net.Http.Json Namespace | Provides extension methods for HttpClient and HttpContent that perform automatic serialization and deserialization using System.Text.Json. |
System.Net.Mail Namespace | Contains classes used to send electronic mail to a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for delivery. |
System.Net.Mime Namespace | Contains types that are used to represent Multipurpose Internet Mail Exchange (MIME) headers. These types are used with the types in the System.Net.Mail namespace to specify Content-Type, Content-Disposition, and Content-transfer-Encoding headers when using the SmtpClient class to send email. |
System.Net.NetworkInformation Namespace | Provides access to network traffic data, network address information, and notification of address changes for the local computer. The namespace also contains classes that implement the Ping utility. You can use Ping and related classes to check whether a computer is reachable across the network. |
System.Net.PeerToPeer Namespace | Provides access to peer networking functionality. |
System.Net.PeerToPeer.Collaboration Namespace | Enhances System.Net.PeerToPeer networking functionality and provides capabilities for serverless managed collaboration sessions. |
System.Net.Security Namespace | Provides network streams for secure communications between hosts. |
System.Net.Sockets Namespace | Provides a managed implementation of the Windows Sockets (Winsock) interface for developers who need to tightly control access to the network. |
System.Net.WebSockets Namespace | Provides a managed implementation of the WebSocket interface for developers. |
System.Numerics Namespace | Contains numeric types that complement the numeric primitives, such as Byte, Double, and Int32, that are defined by .NET. |
System.Printing Namespace | Provides classes that enable you to automate the management of print servers, print queues, and print jobs. |
System.Printing.IndexedProperties Namespace | Provides classes that enable rapidly copying the property settings of a print system object to another object of the same type. Also, enables iteration through the properties of print system objects and the discovery of their types at run time, without using reflection. |
System.Printing.Interop Namespace | Provides interconversion of managed PrintTicket objects and unmanaged Graphics Device Interface (GDI) DEVMODE structures. |
System.Reflection Namespace | Contains types that retrieve information about assemblies, modules, members, parameters, and other entities in managed code by examining their metadata. These types also can be used to manipulate instances of loaded types, for example to hook up events or to invoke methods. To dynamically create types, use the System.Reflection.Emit namespace. |
System.Reflection.Emit Namespace | Contains classes that allow a compiler or tool to emit metadata and Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) and optionally generate a PE file on disk. The primary clients of these classes are script engines and compilers. |
System.Reflection.Metadata Namespace | Contains types that represent metadata information about assemblies, modules, members, parameters, and other entities in managed code. |
System.Reflection.Metadata.Ecma335 Namespace | |
System.Reflection.PortableExecutable Namespace | |
System.Resources Namespace | Provides classes and interfaces that allow developers to create, store, and manage various culture-specific resources used in an application. One of the most important classes of the System.Resources namespace is the ResourceManager class. |
System.Resources.Extensions Namespace | Provides classes that can read and write resources in a format that supports non-primitive objects. |
System.Runtime Namespace | Contains advanced types that support diverse namespaces such as the System, Runtime, and the Security namespaces. |
System.Runtime.CompilerServices Namespace | Provides functionality for compiler writers who use managed code to specify attributes in metadata that affect the run-time behavior of the common language runtime. |
System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution Namespace | Defines a set of types that enumerate and define a contract for reliability between the author of some code, and the developers who take a dependency on that code. The types in the System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution namespace are intended for use in constrained execution regions (CERs). |
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices Namespace | Provides classes for advanced exception handling. |
System.Runtime.InteropServices Namespace | Provides a wide variety of members that support COM interop and platform invoke services. If you are unfamiliar with these services, see Interoperating with Unmanaged Code. |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes Namespace | Contains managed types that correspond to types used by COM interop. |
System.Runtime.Intrinsics Namespace | Contains types used to create and convey register states in various sizes and formats for use with instruction-set extensions. For the instructions to manipulate these registers, see System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86 and System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm. |
System.Runtime.Intrinsics.Arm Namespace | Exposes select instruction-set extensions for ARM systems. These instruction sets are expressed as separate classes for each extension. Support for any extension within the current environment can be determined by querying the IsSupported property on the respective type. |
System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86 Namespace | Exposes select instruction-set extensions for x86 and x64 systems. These instruction sets are expressed as separate classes for each extension. Support for any extension within the current environment can be determined by querying the IsSupported property on the respective type. |
System.Runtime.Loader Namespace | Provides interfaces and classes to allow developers the opportunity to influence runtime loading behavior. |
System.Runtime.Remoting Namespace | Provides classes and interfaces that allow developers to create and configure distributed applications. Some of the more important classes of the System.Runtime.Remoting namespace are the RemotingConfiguration class, the RemotingServices class, and the ObjRef class. |
System.Runtime.Serialization Namespace | Contains classes that can be used for serializing and deserializing objects. Serialization is the process of converting an object or a graph of objects into a linear sequence of bytes for either storage or transmission to another location. Deserialization is the process of taking in stored information and recreating objects from it. |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters Namespace | Provides common enumerations, interfaces, and classes that are used by serialization formatters. |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary Namespace | Contains the BinaryFormatter class, which can be used to serialize and deserialize objects in binary format. |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json Namespace | Provides classes related to Json serialization. |
System.Runtime.Versioning Namespace | Contains advanced types that support versioning in side by side implementations of .NET. |
System.Security Namespace | Provides the underlying structure of the common language runtime security system, including base classes for permissions. |
System.Security.AccessControl Namespace | Provides programming elements that control access to and audit security-related actions on securable objects. |
System.Security.Authentication Namespace | Provides a set of enumerations that describe the security of a connection. These enumerations include CipherAlgorithmType, ExchangeAlgorithmType, HashAlgorithmType, and SslProtocols. |
System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection Namespace | Provides support for authentication using extended protection for applications. |
System.Security.Claims Namespace | Contains classes that implement claims-based identity in .NET, including classes that represent claims, claims-based identities, and claims-based principals. |
System.Security.Cryptography Namespace | Provides cryptographic services, including secure encoding and decoding of data, as well as many other operations, such as hashing, random number generation, and message authentication. For more information, see Cryptographic Services. |
System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs Namespace | Provides programming elements for Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS), including methods for signing data, exchanging keys, requesting certificates, public key encryption and decryption, and other security functions. |
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates Namespace | Contains the common language runtime implementation of the Authenticode X.509 v.3 certificate. This certificate is signed with a private key that uniquely and positively identifies the holder of the certificate. |
System.Security.Cryptography.Xml Namespace | Contains classes to support the creation and validation of XML digital signatures. The classes in this namespace implement the World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation, XML-Signature Syntax and Processing. |
System.Security.Permissions Namespace | Defines classes that control access to operations and resources based on policy. |
System.Security.Policy Namespace | Contains code groups, membership conditions, and evidence. These three types of classes are used to create the rules applied by the common language runtime security policy system. Evidence classes are the input to security policy and membership conditions are the switches; together these create policy statements and determine the granted permission set. Policy levels and code groups are the structure of the policy hierarchy. Code groups are the encapsulation of a rule and are arranged hierarchically in a policy level. |
System.Security.Principal Namespace | Defines a principal object that represents the security context under which code is running. For more information, see Role-Based Security. |
System.Security.RightsManagement Namespace | Provides types to support rights management of application-created content such as that stored in a Package or XpsDocument. |
System.ServiceProcess Namespace | Provides classes that allow you to implement, install, and control Windows service applications. Services are long-running executables that run without a user interface. Implementing a service involves inheriting from the ServiceBase class and defining specific behavior to process when start, stop, pause, and continue commands are passed in, as well as custom behavior and actions to take when the system shuts down. |
System.Text Namespace | Contains classes that represent ASCII and Unicode character encodings; abstract base classes for converting blocks of characters to and from blocks of bytes; and a helper class that manipulates and formats String objects without creating intermediate instances of String. |
System.Text.Encodings.Web Namespace | Contains a base class that represent a web encoder; subclasses that represent HTML, JavaScript, and Url character encoding; and a class that represents a filter for allowing only certain characters, character ranges, or code points to be encoded. |
System.Text.Json Namespace | Provides high-performance, low-allocating, and standards-compliant capabilities to process JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), which includes serializing objects to JSON text and deserializing JSON text to objects, with UTF-8 support built-in. It also provides types to read and write JSON text encoded as UTF-8, and to create an in-memory document object model (DOM) for random access of the JSON elements within a structured view of the data. |
System.Text.Json.Serialization Namespace | Contains classes that are used to customize and extend serialization and deserialization of objects into JSON formatted documents or streams, either via an attribute model or via type converters. |
System.Text.RegularExpressions Namespace | Provides regular expression functionality that may be used from any platform or language that runs within .NET. In addition to the types contained in this namespace, the RegexStringValidator class enables you to determine whether a particular string conforms to a regular expression pattern. |
System.Text.Unicode Namespace | Contains types that let you retrieve and work with named Unicode ranges. |
System.Threading Namespace | Provides classes and interfaces that enable multithreaded programming. In addition to classes for synchronizing thread activities and access to data (Mutex, Monitor, Interlocked, AutoResetEvent, and so on), this namespace includes a ThreadPool class that allows you to use a pool of system-supplied threads, and a Timer class that executes callback methods on thread pool threads. |
System.Threading.Channels Namespace | Provides a set of synchronization data structures for passing data between producers and consumers asynchronously. |
System.Threading.Tasks Namespace | Provides types that simplify the work of writing concurrent and asynchronous code. The main types are Task which represents an asynchronous operation that can be waited on and cancelled, and Task<TResult>, which is a task that can return a value. The TaskFactory class provides static methods for creating and starting tasks, and the TaskScheduler class provides the default thread scheduling infrastructure. |
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow Namespace | Provides an actor-based programming model that supports in-process message passing for coarse-grained dataflow and pipelining tasks. |
System.Threading.Tasks.Sources Namespace | Provides types for creating ValueTask and ValueTask<TResult> optimized to minimize allocations. The IValueTaskSource and IValueTaskSource<TResult> interfaces can be implemented on objects used to provide the backing implementations for ValueTask and ValueTask<TResult>, and ManualResetValueTaskSourceCore<TResult> can be used to implement the core logic necessary to support the task lifecycle. These are advanced types and need only be used in specialized situations where performance is paramount. |
System.Timers Namespace | Provides the Timer component, which allows you to raise an event on a specified interval. |
System.Transactions Namespace | Contains classes that allow you to write your own transactional application and resource manager. Specifically, you can create and participate in a transaction (local or distributed) with one or multiple participants. |
System.Web Namespace | Contains classes and interfaces that enable browser-server communication. This namespace includes the HttpRequest class, which provides extensive information about the current HTTP request; the HttpResponse class, which manages HTTP output to the client; and the HttpServerUtility class, which provides access to server-side utilities and processes. System.Web also includes classes for cookie manipulation, file transfer, exception information, and output cache control. |
System.Windows Namespace | Provides several important Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) base element classes, various classes that support the WPF property system and event logic, and other types that are more broadly consumed by the WPF core and framework. |
System.Windows.Annotations Namespace | Provides classes to support user-created annotations on content displayed in WPF document viewing controls. |
System.Windows.Annotations.Storage Namespace | Provides types that define the storage architecture and mediums to save and retrieve user-created annotations. |
System.Windows.Automation Namespace | Provides support for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) UI Automation clients. |
System.Windows.Automation.Peers Namespace | Defines the AutomationPeer base class and a set of types that derive from it that correspond to .NET controls. Each AutomationPeer exposes the corresponding .NET control to Microsoft UI Automation. |
System.Windows.Automation.Provider Namespace | Provides APIs for creating UI Automation providers. |
System.Windows.Automation.Text Namespace | Contains enumerations that specify text formatting and related behavior for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) UI automation. |
System.Windows.Baml2006 Namespace | Contains reader and writer classes that can consume XAML in BAML form. |
System.Windows.Controls Namespace | Provides classes to create elements, known as controls, that enable a user to interact with an application. The control classes are at the core of the user's experience with any application because they allow a user to view, select, or enter data or other information. |
System.Windows.Controls.Primitives Namespace | Contains base classes and controls that are intended to be used as part of other more complex controls. |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon Namespace | Contains types that are used to create a user interface by using the Microsoft Ribbon for WPF. |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives Namespace | Contains types that are used as layout containers in a Microsoft Ribbon for WPF control. |
System.Windows.Converters Namespace | Provides classes to support type conversion during serialization in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). |
System.Windows.Data Namespace | Contains classes used for binding properties to data sources, data source provider classes, and data-specific implementations of collections and views. |
System.Windows.Diagnostics Namespace | Provides support for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) XAML tooling. |
System.Windows.Documents Namespace | Contains types that support FixedDocument, FlowDocument, and XML Paper Specification (XPS) document creation. |
System.Windows.Documents.DocumentStructures Namespace | Provides classes to describe the structure of an XpsDocument in terms of sections, paragraphs, figures, bulleted or numbered lists, and tables. |
System.Windows.Documents.Serialization Namespace | Provides types that support the creation and use of run-time accessible plug-in serializers that read and write documents in different data formats. |
System.Windows.Forms Namespace | Contains classes for creating Windows-based applications that take full advantage of the rich user interface features available in the Microsoft Windows operating system. |
System.Windows.Forms.Automation Namespace | Provides support for Windows Forms UI Automation clients. |
System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel.Com2Interop Namespace | Contains helper classes that Visual Studio uses to display property pages while in design mode. |
System.Windows.Forms.Design Namespace | Contains classes that support design-time configuration and behavior for Windows Forms components. These classes consist of designer classes that provide support for Windows Forms components, a set of design-time services; UITypeEditor classes for configuring certain types of properties, and classes for importing ActiveX controls. |
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior Namespace | Contains classes for creating custom user interface behavior for components at design time. |
System.Windows.Forms.Integration Namespace | Contains classes that support interoperation of Windows Forms and WPF controls. |
System.Windows.Forms.Layout Namespace | Contains classes for implementing layout behaviors in your form or control. |
System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGridInternal Namespace | Provides internal support for the PropertyGrid control. The classes in this namespace support the .NET infrastructure and aren't intended to be used directly from your code. |
System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles Namespace | Contains classes for rendering controls and other Windows user interface (UI) elements with visual styles in operating systems that support them. |
System.Windows.Ink Namespace | Provides classes to interact with and manipulate ink on the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) platform. |
System.Windows.Input Namespace | Provides types to support the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) input system. This includes device abstraction classes for mouse, keyboard, and stylus devices, a common input manager class, support for commanding and custom commands, and various utility classes. |
System.Windows.Input.Manipulations Namespace | Provides functionality for monitoring and responding to a collection of manipulators as a single composite, enabling an application to track the changes to the composite instead of the individual components. |
System.Windows.Input.StylusPlugIns Namespace | Provides classes that support manipulating data from a tablet pen on the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) platform. These classes offer low-level control over Stylus input and the creation of digital ink Stroke objects. The StylusPlugIn class provides a mechanism for you to implement custom behavior and apply that behavior to the stream of data coming from the stylus device for the optimal performance. |
System.Windows.Input.StylusWisp Namespace | Provides classes that support manipulating data from a WISP tablet device pen on the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) platform. |
System.Windows.Interop Namespace | Provides supporting types for interoperation between Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and other technologies such as Windows APIs and provides base classes for other specific interoperation scenarios involving WPF. |
System.Windows.Markup Namespace | Provides types to support XAML. Some of these types are located in WPF assemblies and are specific to WPF scenarios that involve XAML. Other types in this namespace provide support for .NET XAML Services in general, and don't require referencing WPF assemblies. |
System.Windows.Markup.Localizer Namespace | Provides types that assist in the localization of binary XAML (BAML) sources. |
System.Windows.Markup.Primitives Namespace | Contains classes that support Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). |
System.Windows.Media Namespace | Provides types that enable integration of rich media, including drawings, text, and audio/video content in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications. |
System.Windows.Media.Animation Namespace | Provides types that support property animation functionality, including timelines, storyboards, and key frames. |
System.Windows.Media.Converters Namespace | Contains classes that are used by the MarkupWriter for serialization of Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). |
System.Windows.Media.Effects Namespace | Provides types that can be used to apply visual effects to bitmap images. |
System.Windows.Media.Imaging Namespace | Provides types that are used to encode and decode bitmap images. |
System.Windows.Media.Media3D Namespace | Contains types that support 3-D presentation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications. |
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Converters Namespace | Contains classes that are used by the MarkupWriter for serialization of Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). |
System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting Namespace | Provides types that control formatting of text, typically at a lower level than control-based text presentation or the text object model. |
System.Windows.Navigation Namespace | Provides types that support navigation, including navigating between windows and navigation journaling. |
System.Windows.Resources Namespace | Provides low-level classes that support the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) resource model and the Resources build action. |
System.Windows.Shapes Namespace | Provides access to a library of shapes that can be used in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) or code. |
System.Windows.Shell Namespace | Contains types that provide managed code access to the enhanced functionality of the Windows 7 taskbar. |
System.Windows.Threading Namespace | Contains types to support the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) threading system. |
System.Windows.Xps Namespace | Provides classes that write XPS documents to a data store or print queue. |
System.Windows.Xps.Packaging Namespace | Provides types that allow applications to read and write the components of an XPS document. |
System.Windows.Xps.Serialization Namespace | Provides types that support serialization of XPS documents. |
System.Xaml Namespace | Provides types that relate to XAML readers and XAML writers. This includes the default implementations of .NET XAML Services and its XAML readers and XAML writers. Also contains types relevant to the XAML type system and other support types related to XAML and .NET XAML Services concepts. |
System.Xaml.Permissions Namespace | Contains types that specify permissions for certain XAML loading scenarios, such as loading under partial trust or loading internal types. |
System.Xaml.Schema Namespace | Contains types that support extensibility of the XAML type system. |
System.Xml Namespace | Provides standards-based support for processing XML. |
System.Xml.Linq Namespace | Contains the classes for LINQ to XML. LINQ to XML is an in-memory XML programming interface that enables you to modify XML documents efficiently and easily. |
System.Xml.Resolvers Namespace | Provides support for prepopulating the cache with DTDs or XML streams. |
System.Xml.Schema Namespace | Contains the XML classes that provide standards-based support for XML schema definition language (XSD) schemas. |
System.Xml.Serialization Namespace | Contains classes that are used to serialize objects into XML format documents or streams. |
System.Xml.XPath Namespace | Contains the classes that define a cursor model for navigating and editing XML information items as instances of the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model. |
System.Xml.Xsl Namespace | Provides support for Extensible Stylesheet Transformation (XSLT) transforms. It supports the W3C XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 Recommendation. |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders Namespace | Contains a single type that maps client automation providers. |
以上就是腼腆大雁最近收集整理的关于.Net 5.0 API命名空间功能说明的全部内容,更多相关.Net内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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