Myles, 你好
上周末我和XXX闲聊时,他告诉我你是一个编程高手,而且在接下来的几个月里你将要休假在家。我下周将会辞职,去专心投入我的一个创业计划[...他想要开发的应用的描述...]。我没有一点编程经验,我正在寻找一个程序员和我一起完成这个项目。如果你对开发这个应用感兴趣——或你知道有人对做这样的应用感兴趣——请告诉我。你可以直接打我的电话:(****** ****)
你好 *****,
— 事实上,我每周都会收到3、4封这样的邮件。在当前的科技浪潮下,任何一个身兼技能并为人所知的程序员都会收到这样的邮件。
— 如果你想抢到一个程序员,你需要把你有价值的东西拿到桌面上让人看见。因为程序员会问自己,「我为什么需要你来参与这样的一个创意计划?」我自己可以完成它…
— 所以,你需要做的是:
1. 以某种形式酬谢程序员。
2. 在相关领域里有令人信服的专业/成功背景经验。
3. 具有相当的技术技能。
4. 懂得良好的设计技术。
I received an email today:
Hey Myles,
Was just hanging out with ***** this weekend and he mentioned your programming expertise and the fact that you might be taking time off in the coming month. I am resigning from my job in the next week to work on a startup idea for [insert description of app here]. I have effectively no programming experience and have been looking for a programmer to work with me on this project. If this is something you'd be interested in - or if you know someone who would have an interest in working on this kind of project - please let me know. You can also contact me on my cell: (*** *** ****).Thanks a lot man, *****.
My response
Hi *****,Great to hear from you - I hope all is well.
Your project sounds exciting, and I'm always glad to discover that people I know are feeling entrepreneurial. The world needs more of this attitude.
While ***** is correct that I have some programming experience and am not working for the next few weeks, I really can't afford to take on a project like this. I already have too much to get done and not enough time - I'm sorry.
Here are some thoughts however:
- The reality is that I get 3 or 4 emails per week similar to this one. In the current tech environment, any programmer worth their salt and known to be somewhat available is also getting these emails.
- If you want to snag a developer you're going to have to bring some value to the table. The developer is going to be asking himself, "why do I need you to execute this idea?" I could just build it myself..
- So, either you need to:
- Have some way to pay the developer.
- Have an impressive track record of expertise / success in the relevant industry.
- Have considerable technical skills.
- Have considerable design skills.
I don't want to dishearten you. I really look forward to seeing your app on the front-page of techcrunch : )
Good luck,
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