使用Sublime Text 3打造PHP开发IDE教程,SulimeText3是我喜欢的一款编辑器,她支持多种语言开发,相比IDE来说启动非常快速,缺点就是很多功能需要自己手动安装插件,对于
步骤一 首先确保你电脑安装了php,并把php设置到环境变量里了。 步骤二 点击 sublime_text的“工具”->"编译系统"->"编译新系统" 步骤三输入编译脚本
I've been using SublimeText as a general editor for a while but only recently got back into PHP. Setting Sublime Text2 for PHP Development
Jun 26, 2016 - We love the code intelligence we get from PHPStorm, but still miss the speed, quick boot-up, and convenience of Sublime Text. Also note This is Sublime Text 3 we're talking about. The most significantly PHP-focused package for Sublime Text is called Sublime PHP Companion.
Jan 13, 2016 - Each will help improve your efficiency as a PHP code smith! can quickly install any of the other plugins directly from within Sublime Text 2!
Apr 29, 2016 - Essential Sublime Text 3 Plugins for PHP Developers. Sublime Text 3. Sublime Text has got to be one of the most popular text editors out there
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