其中,queryForList 是进行分页查找,queryFountCount 是进行返回符合条件的数目
先从queryFountCount 中返回符合条件的数目,供前台显示具体可以翻到的页数,然后才执行
queryForList 进行限制性的分页查找,传入一个javaBean来限制查询的启始页以及一次查询的条数
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace = "cn.mybatis.com.hellow.Mapper.EmployeeMapper">
<sql id ="base_where">
<if test="keyword!=null">
and name LIKE concat('%',#{keyword},'%') or sn LIKE concat('%',#{keyword},'%')
<if test="minSalary!=null">
and salsry >= #{minSalary}
<if test="maxSalary!=null">
and salsry <= #{maxSalary}
<if test="depId>0">
and deptid = #{depId}
<select id="queryForList" resultMap="change">
select id, name , sn , salsry , deptId from employee
<include refid="base_where"></include>
<if test="pageSize>0">
limit #{start},#{pageSize};
<if test="keyword!=null">
and name LIKE concat('%',#{keyword},'%') or sn LIKE concat('%',#{keyword},'%')
<if test="minSalary!=null">
and salsry >= #{minSalary}
<if test="maxSalary!=null">
and salsry <= #{maxSalary}
<if test="depId>0">
and deptid = #{depId}
<select id="queryFountCount" resultType="int">
select count(id) from employee
<include refid="base_where"></include>
<resultMap id="change" type="Employee">
<result column="salsry" property="salary"></result>
<result column="deptId" property="depId"></result>
package cn.mybatis.com.hellow.query;
import lombok.Data;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
* 封装员工的高级查询信息
public class EmployQueryObject {
private String keyword;//关键字,员工的名字或员工编号
private BigDecimal minSalary;//最低工资
private BigDecimal maxSalary;//最高工资
private Long depId = -1L;//部门ID,缺省为-1表示所有部门
private int currentPage = 1;//当前页
private int pageSize = 3;//每页的条数
//分页查询: limit start,pageSize,查询开始的数据
public int getStart(){
return (currentPage-1)*pageSize;
public String getKeyword(String str){
return emptyStr(str);
private String emptyStr(String str){
return hasLength(str)? str:null;
private boolean hasLength(String str){
return str !=null && !"".equals(str.trim());
PageResult :
package cn.mybatis.com.hellow.query;
import lombok.Getter;
import java.util.List;
* 对分页的内容进行封装
public class PageResult {
private List<?> result;//每一页的结果集
private int totalCount;//结果总数
private int currentPage = 1;//当前页
private int pageSize = 3; //每一页最多有多少条数据
private int prevPage;//上一页
private int nextPage;//下一页
private int totalPage;//最后一页(一共多少页)
public PageResult(List<?> result, int totalCount, int currentPage, int pageSize) {
this.result = result;
this.totalCount = totalCount;
this.currentPage = currentPage;
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.totalPage = totalCount % pageSize == 0 ? totalCount / pageSize : totalCount / pageSize+1;
this.prevPage = currentPage-1 >= 1 ? currentPage-1: 1;
this.nextPage = currentPage+1 <= totalPage ? currentPage + 1 : totalPage;
this.currentPage = currentPage > totalPage ? totalPage : currentPage;
import cn.mybatis.com.hellow.domain.Employee;
import cn.mybatis.com.hellow.query.EmployQueryObject;
import cn.mybatis.com.hellow.query.PageResult;
import cn.mybatis.com.util.myBatisUtil;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements IEmployeeService {
private EmployeeMapper employeeMapper = myBatisUtil.getMapper(EmployeeMapper.class);
public PageResult query(EmployQueryObject qo) {
int rows = employeeMapper.queryFountCount(qo);
if(rows == 0){
return new PageResult(Collections.EMPTY_LIST,0,1,qo.getPageSize());
//queryForList 取出 EmployQueryObject 封装好的提前设定的开始查询的位置,以及需要查询的个数
List<Employee> result = employeeMapper.queryForList(qo);
return new PageResult(result,rows,qo.getCurrentPage(),qo.getPageSize());
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