我是靠谱客的博主 糊涂鞋垫,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍哈希编码学习方法_这是在需要时立即学习编码工具和概念的新方法 这是在需要时立即学习编码工具和概念的新方法 (Here’s a new way to learn coding tools and concepts right when you need them),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



by Quincy Larson

昆西·拉尔森(Quincy Larson)

这是在需要时立即学习编码工具和概念的新方法 (Here’s a new way to learn coding tools and concepts right when you need them)

As a developer, I constantly learn new concepts and tools.


This learning process usually starts when I’m coding and I get stuck.


I do a quick Google search and usually end up on a Stack Overflow page that looks like this:

我进行了快速的Google搜索,通常最终显示在如下所示的Stack Overflow页面上:

Then at lunch, I hear all my friends raving about something called functional programming.


“Hm…” I think to myself. “I only learned object-oriented programming, and am a bit embarrassed to ask what functional programming is.”

“嗯……”我心想。 “我只学习了面向对象的程序设计,而问什么是函数程序设计有些尴尬。”

So I turn to my laptop. “What is functional programming?” I ask Google.

所以我转向笔记本电脑。 “什么是函数式编程?” 我问谷歌。

And Google tells me to read a Wikipedia article that looks like this:


Wow — that’s a lot of big words, links to articles, and footnotes. Entscheidungsproblem? Is that even English?

哇-很多大字,文章链接和脚注。 Entscheidungs问题? 那甚至是英语吗?

I just wanted a “good enough” explanation of what the heck functional programming is.


介绍freeCodeCamp指南-对像您这样忙碌的人的足够好的解释 (Introducing the freeCodeCamp Guide — good enough explanations for busy people like you)

This desire for “good enough” explanations inspired us to build the freeCodeCamp Guide.

对“足够好”的解释的渴望启发了我们构建freeCodeCamp指南 。

The Guide is a searchable reference that aims to cover all concepts related to software development.


The articles are simple enough for non-native English speakers to understand them. They’re short enough for busy people to read them while taking a few sips of coffee.

对于非英语母语者来说,这些文章足够简单。 它们足够短,忙碌的人们可以一边喝几口咖啡一边阅读。

Currently, the freeCodeCamp Guide has about 3,000 articles. About half of these are “stubs” — topics that we know are important, but haven’t had time to write yet.

目前,freeCodeCamp指南约有3,000篇文章。 其中大约一半是“存根”,我们知道这些话题很重要,但还没有时间写。

These articles cover topics that aren’t part of the freeCodeCamp web development certificates, like SQL:

这些文章涵盖了不属于freeCodeCamp Web开发证书的主题,例如SQL:

And Python:


For our search engine, we’re using the powerful open source Elasticsearch tool. Not only does this search through the freeCodeCamp Guide articles, it also searches through:

对于我们的搜索引擎,我们正在使用功能强大的开源Elasticsearch工具。 此搜索不仅搜索freeCodeCamp指南文章,还搜索以下内容:

  • hundreds of interactive freeCodeCamp coding challenges

  • hundreds of freeCodeCamp YouTube videos

    数百个freeCodeCamp YouTube视频
  • and soon, thousands of freeCodeCamp Medium articles


This entire project is completely free and open source. So if you’re looking for an easy way to get started contributing to open source, this is it!

整个项目是完全免费和开源的。 因此,如果您正在寻找一种简单的方法来开始为开源做贡献,就是这样!

如何通过改进freeCodeCamp指南,在浏览器中为开源做出贡献 (How to contribute to open source — right in your browser — by improving the freeCodeCamp Guide)

You can contribute to the freeCodeCamp Guide right in your browser on GitHub. You can also do this without going through the usual process of cloning the GitHub repository to your local computer, installing packages, and exploring the codebase.

您可以直接在GitHub上的浏览器中为freeCodeCamp指南做出贡献。 您也可以执行此操作,而无需完成将GitHub存储库克隆到本地计算机,安装软件包以及浏览代码库的通常过程。

Instead, you just need to choose a topic you’re interested in — maybe you just discovered a new design concept, for example — and write about it.


Currently there are thousands of topics and sub-topics. Most of these are Wikipedia-style “stubs” with nothing more than a name. You can do some research and help flesh-out these stubs.

当前有数千个主题和子主题。 其中大多数是维基百科风格的“存根”,仅是一个名称。 您可以进行一些研究并帮助充实这些存根。

Here’s a short gif showing how you can do this:


The steps are:


  1. Explore the guide folders and choose a topic you want to write about.


  2. Open that folder’s index.md file by double-clicking it.

  3. Click the pen symbol in the upper right-hand corner to edit it.

  4. Make your changes to it. You can embed images, YouTube, CodePen, REPL.it — whatever you need to help teach a concept.

    对其进行更改。 您可以嵌入图像,YouTube,CodePen,REPL.it,也可以嵌入任何需要帮助教授概念的内容。
  5. Scroll down and describe your changes in the commit message.

  6. Make sure the “Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request” radio button is selected.

  7. Click “Commit Changes.”

  8. On the next page, click “Create Pull Request.”


We will run some tests to make sure your changes didn’t break anything. Then one of our maintainers will give you feedback on your article. Once everything looks good, we’ll merge your pull request.

我们将进行一些测试,以确保您所做的更改不会破坏任何内容。 然后,我们的一名维护者将为您提供有关您文章的反馈。 一旦一切看起来不错,我们将合并您的拉取请求。

Your contribution will automatically be deployed to the freeCodeCamp Guide, where millions of people can read and reference it.


Contributing to our guide articles is a good way to ease into contributing to open source. You can also join our Contributor chat room to hang out with other contributors and ask questions.

对我们的指南文章进行贡献是减轻对开源贡献的一种好方法。 您也可以加入我们的“ 贡献者”聊天室 ,与其他贡献者一起聊天并提出问题。

我们如何构建freeCodeCamp指南 (How we built the freeCodeCamp Guide)

Over the past few months, we’ve used a variety of tools to build this fast, single-page app:


  • React and Redux

  • Gatsby.js — a tool for creating fast static websites


  • Elasticsearch — the gold standard for full-text search

    Elasticsearch —全文搜索的黄金标准

  • Netlify — a high-performance static website hosting tool


The following people have been instrumental in the development of the freeCodeCamp Guide so far:


  • Stuart Taylor


  • Heather Kusmierz

    希瑟·库斯米尔兹(Heather Kusmierz)

  • Timo Keurentjes

    蒂莫·库伦杰斯(Timo Keurentjes)

  • Steve Chevalier


  • Vanessa Sena

    凡妮莎·塞纳(Vanessa Sena)

  • Kuriakin Zeng


  • Eric Leung


  • Kevin Holmes


  • Rahul Tiwari

    拉胡尔·蒂瓦里(Rahul Tiwari)

The freeCodeCamp Guide is very much a work in progress. If you notice any bugs, or see any ways that the freeCodeCamp Guide can be improved, create a GitHub issue and we’ll look into it.

freeCodeCamp指南正在进行中。 如果您发现任何错误,或发现可以改进freeCodeCamp指南的任何方式,请创建GitHub问题 ,我们将进行调查。

If you want to support the freeCodeCamp Guide and other open source efforts that the freeCodeCamp community is building, you can support our nonprofit with monthly donation you can afford.

如果您想支持freeCodeCamp指南以及freeCodeCamp社区正在建立的其他开源工作,则可以通过每月负担得起的捐款来支持我们的公益组织 。

Have fun exploring the freeCodeCamp Guide!

玩得开心, 探索freeCodeCamp指南 !

Thanks for reading, and for being a part of the freeCodeCamp community. We’re going to keep doing everything we can to make life easier for busy people like you!

感谢您的阅读,并成为freeCodeCamp社区的一部分。 我们将继续竭尽所能,让像您这样忙碌的人们的生活更轻松!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/heres-a-new-way-to-learn-coding-tools-and-concepts-right-when-you-need-them-ee82d15c576d/



以上就是糊涂鞋垫为你收集整理的哈希编码学习方法_这是在需要时立即学习编码工具和概念的新方法 这是在需要时立即学习编码工具和概念的新方法 (Here’s a new way to learn coding tools and concepts right when you need them)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决哈希编码学习方法_这是在需要时立即学习编码工具和概念的新方法 这是在需要时立即学习编码工具和概念的新方法 (Here’s a new way to learn coding tools and concepts right when you need them)所遇到的程序开发问题。



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