Recently, we showed you a simple way to add footnotes in WordPress posts. After sharing that article, one of our users asked, if there was a way to reference to a specific paragraph or sentence in WordPress posts? This sounds like an amazing feature for journalists using WordPress. Surprisingly enough, we found the answer in an open-source emphasis script by the New York Times. Normally it would take some time for you to implement the script on your own site, but thanks to Ben Balter (@BenBalter), it will be a matter of few clicks. In this article, we will show you how to highlight and reference a specific paragraph or sentence in your WordPress posts.
最近,我们向您展示了一种在WordPress帖子中添加脚注的简单方法。 分享完该文章后,我们的一位用户问,是否可以引用WordPress帖子中的特定段落或句子? 对于使用WordPress的记者来说,这听起来像是一项了不起的功能。 令人惊讶的是,我们在《纽约时报》的开源重点脚本中找到了答案。 通常,您需要花费一些时间在自己的站点上实现脚本,但是由于Ben Balter(@BenBalter),只需单击几下即可。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何突出显示和引用WordPress帖子中的特定段落或句子。
First thing you need to is install and activate the plugin called WP Emphasis. This plugin is simple plug and play. There are no settings that you have to configure. To highlight or link to a specific paragraph or sentence, simply view your post in a browser.
您需要首先安装并激活名为WP Emphasis的插件。 该插件是简单的即插即用功能。 没有必须配置的设置。 要突出显示或链接到特定的段落或句子,只需在浏览器中查看您的帖子即可。
Tap the Shift Key Twice (Double-Tap Shift Key Mode). The paragraph symbol ¶ will appear next to each paragraph.
点按两次Shift键(双击Shift键模式)。 段落符号¶将出现在每个段落旁边。

If you bring your mouse over to these little icons, you will notice that these are hyperlinks. Simply click on any of the paragraph icon, and you will see the URL will update in the browser. Copy it and paste it wherever you like.
如果将鼠标移到这些小图标上,您会注意到这些是超链接。 只需单击任何段落图标,您将看到URL将在浏览器中更新。 复制并粘贴到您喜欢的任何位置。
Now if you want to link to specific sentence(s), you can easily do that as well. All you have to do is while you are in the double-tap shift key mode, simply click on any sentence. It will automatically highlight, and the url will update as well. You can also select a group of sentences by simply clicking multiple sentences. Here is an example of how it would look when you link to it:
现在,如果您想链接到特定句子,也可以轻松地做到这一点。 您所要做的就是在双切换键模式下,只需单击任何句子。 它会自动突出显示,并且网址也会更新。 您还可以通过单击多个句子来选择一组句子。 这是一个链接时的外观示例:

This double-tap shift key mode makes it really easy because all the formatting, syntax is figured out for you. If you want to see how the syntax and those little characters are generated at the end of your URL, you can look at the NY Times Emphasis Script Page.
这种两次轻按的移位键模式非常容易,因为所有格式,语法都已为您找到。 如果您想查看语法和这些小字符是如何在URL末尾生成的,可以查看《 纽约时报》强调脚本页面 。
Or if you just want things to work, install and activate WP Emphasis plugin.
或者,如果您只是想让一切正常,请安装并激活WP Emphasis插件。
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