我是靠谱客的博主 和谐白云,这篇文章主要介绍Oracle数据库自学的基本操作,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

create table student_djz (
stuId integer
select * from  student_djz;
create user test identified by test;
grant connect,resource to test; 
create role TESTROLE;
select * from role_sys_privs where role='TESTROLE';
select * from role_role_privs;
select * from all_users;
select * from dba_sys_privs;
select * from dba_roles where role='TESTROLE';
drop role testrole;
revoke connect,resource from test;


select *from dba_users
select *from user_objects
select *from all_users
select*from all_objects
select * from v$logmnr_dictionary
select*from v$archived_log
select*from v$parameter

select * from v$controlfile
select *from v$datafile
select * from dba_data_files
select * from v$log
select * from v$logfile
select * from v$archived_log
select * from dba_extents
select * from dba_segments
select *from dba_Tablespaces
select * from v$tablespace

alter database backup controlfile to 'c:control.bkp';

create tablespace tablespace_1
 datafile 'e:tbs1.dbf' size 10M;
create tablespace tablespace_2 
datafile'e:tbs2a.dbf'size 10M,'e:tbs2b.dbf'size 10M;
--创建大文件表空间 tablespace_3
create bigfile tablespace tablespace_3 
datafile 'e:tbs3.dbf' size 10M;
--创建自动扩展的表空间 tablespace_4
create tablespace tablespace_4 
datafile 'e:tbs4.dbf' size 500k reuse autoextend on next 500k maxsize 100M;      
create tablespace tablespace_6 
datafile'e:tbs6.dbf' size 20M logging;
create tablespace tablespace_7
datafile'e:tbs7.dbf'size 10M extent management local;
create tablespace tablespace_8
datafile'e:tbs8.dbf' size 100M reuse extent management local autoallocate;
create tablespace tablespace_9
datafile'e:tbs9.dbf'size 10M extent management local uniform size 128K;
create tablespace tablespace_10
datafile'e:tbs10.dbf'size 10M extent management local segment space management  manual;
create tablespace tablespace_11
datafile'e:tbs11.dbf'size 10M extent management local segment space management auto;
alter system set db_16k_cache_size=10M;
create tablespace tablespace_12
datafile'e:tbs12.dbf'size 100M blocksize 16K;
select * from dba_tablespaces
create temporary tablespace temp1
tempfile 'e:temp1.dbf' size 5M autoextend on;
--创建UNDO表空间 undo1
create UNDO tablespace undo12
datafile'e:undo12.dbf' size 10M autoextend on next 2M maxsize 100M;

alter tablespace tablespace_3 resize 50M;
alter tablespace tablespace_1 offline;
alter tablespace tablespace_1 online;
alter tablespace tablespace_1 offline immediate;
alter tablespace tablespace_1 rename to tablespace_1a;
drop tablespace tablespace_1;
drop tablespace tablespace_1 including contents;
drop tablespace tablespace_1 including contents and datafiles; 
alter tablespace tablespace_1a
add datafile'e:tbs1b.dbf'size 10M;
alter tablespace tablespace_1a
add datafile'e:tbs1c.dbf'size 10m
autoextend on
next 1M
maxsize 50M;
alter database
datafile 'e:tbs1b.dbf'
autoextend on next 5M maxsize 100M;
alter database
datafile 'e:tbs1b.dbf'
resize 40M;
alter tablespace tablespace_1a offline normal;

e:>move e:tbs1a.dbf e:tbs1ay.dbf
alter tablespace tablespace_1a
rename datafile 'e:tbs1a.dbf'to 'c:tbsa1y.dbf';
alter tablespace tablespace_1a online;
alter database
add logfile group 4('e:tbs4a.dbf') size 100M;
alter database
add logfile member 'e:tbs4b.dbf' to group 4;
alter database
drop logfile member'e:tbs4b.dbf';
alter database
rename file'e:tbs4a.dbf' to 'e:tbs4c.dbf'
alter database drop logfile group 4;

select?*?from dba_users;

select * from dba_tablespaces
select deptno from scott.dept
select deptno,dname from scott.dept;
select * from scott.dept;
select distinct deptno from scott.dept;
select deptno a from scott.dept;
select deptno as a from scott.dept;
select 100+200 from dual;
select 100*200 from dual;
select dname from scott.dept;
select * from scott.dept dept;
select * from scott.dept where deptno>15;
--查询表中列大于15的数据,且dname为sales (sales要大写)
select * from scott.dept where deptno>15 and dname='SALES';
-- 查询表Scott。dept中deptno列在17和34之间的数据
select* from scott.dept where deptno between 17 and 34;
-- 查询表Scott。dept中deptno列在10或30的数据
select* from scott.dept where deptno in(10,30);
-- 查询表Scott。dept中deptno列为非空的数据
select* from scott.dept where deptno is not null;
-- 查询表Scott。dept中deptno列以SAL开头的数据
select* from scott.dept where dname like'SAL%';
-- 查询表Scott.dept和scott.emp中deptno列相同的数据
select e.empno,e.ename,e.job,d.dname,d.loc
from scott.emp e,scott.dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno;

--order by
select * from scott.dept order by deptno;
select * from scott.dept order by deptno DESC;
select * from scott.dept order by deptno ,dname;
select deptno,dname from scott.dept order by 2;
--group by 字句
select deptno,count(empno),AVG(sal)
from scott.emp
group by deptno;
select deptno,count(empno),AVG(sal)
from scott.emp
group by deptno
having AVG(sal)>2000;
select count(*)from scott.dept;
select count(deptno)from scott.dept;
select MAX (deptno)from scott.dept;
select SUM (deptno) from scott.dept;
select AVG (deptno) from scott.dept;
select VARIANCE (deptno) from scott.dept;
select STDDEV (deptno) from scott.dept;

select * from scott.emp
select empno,ename
from(select empno,ename from scott.emp where deptno=20 );

select empno,ename 
from(select*from scott.emp where deptno=20);
select ename,job from scott.emp
where empno =(select empno from scott.emp where mgr=7902);
select deptno,min(sal)
from scott.emp group by deptno
having min(sal)>(select min(sal)from scott.emp where deptno=20);
insert into
(select empno from scott.emp) values (3000);
update scott.emp
set empno =(select AVG(empno)from scott.emp) where empno=3000;
delete from (select* from scott.emp)
where job='clerk'and sal=800;

create table T1(id int primary key)
create table T2(id int primary key)
insert into T1 values (4)
insert into T2 values (6)
select * from T2
--union 合并两个结果的集合
select * from T1;
select * from T2;
select * from T1 union select * from T2;
--union all获取两个结果集的并集,但是不会自动去除重复行
select * from T1 union all select * from T2
select * from T1 intersect select * from T2;
select * from T1 minus select * from T2;


create table table_1(
id int,
name  varchar2 (20)
-- 插入一行数据
insert into table_1
values (14,'Oracle');
insert into table_1(id)
update table_1 set id=10 where id=1;
update table_1 set id=10;
delete from table_1 where id=10;
delete from table_1;

select ascii ('A'),ascii('a'),ascii('ABC')from dual;
select CHR(65),CHR(97)from dual;
select concat ('a','b')from dual;
--initcap返回将单词heLLo INux的每个首字母大写,其他字母都 小写的字符串
select initcap ('a','b')from dual;
--instr在corporate floor中从3开始搜索OR第二次出现的位置,并返回该位置的数字
select instr('corporate floor','or',3,2)from dual;
--length返回字符hello linux的长度
select length ('hellolinux')from dual;
--lower返回将字符hello Oracle 所有字母都小写的字符串
select lower('hello oracle')from dual;
select lpad('hello',7,'*')from dual;
--RPAD去掉hello 的右边填充,知道字符串的总长度到达7
select RPAD('hello',7,'*')from dual;
select ltrim('hello','he')from dual;
select rtrim('hello','llo')from dual;
select replace('hello','el','EL')from dual;
select substr ('abcdefg'3,4)from dual;
select translate ('hello','llo','LLO')from dual;
select trim(leading 'a'from'aabcdefgaa'),
from dual;
--UPPER返回将字符串Hello Oracle所有字母都大写的字符串
select upper('Hello Oracle')from dual;
select sysdate from dual;
--last_day 返回当天日期所在月份的最后一天
select sysdate,last_day(sysdate)from dual;
--MONTHS BETWEEN返回日期月数的时间差
select months_between(to_date('02-02-2015','mm-dd-yyyy'),to_date('06-06-2016','mm-dd-yyyy'))
"months"from dual;
select next_day ('12-6月-2015','星期一')from dual;

select greatest(9,999,99)from dual;
select greatest('ABC','abc','abd','abda')from dual;
select least(9,999,99)from dual;
select least('ABC','abc','abd','abda')from dual;
select nvl2(1,2,3)from dual;
select ABS(-15),ABS(15)from dual;
select ACOS(-1),ACOS(1)from dual;
select ASIN(0.6)from dual;
select ANTN(-1),ANTN(1)from dual;
select CEIL(5.7),CEIL(-5.7),CEIL(5.4)from dual;
select cos(100)from dual;
select COSH(0)from dual;
select LN(95)from dual;
select LOG(10,100),LOG(3,27)from dual;
select MOD(11,4),MOD(-11,4)from dual;
select power(2,6),power(2,3),power(2,3)from dual;
select round(25.182,1)from dual;
select sign(-15),sign(15.6),sign(15)from dual;
select sin(30*3.14159265359/180)from dual;
select SQRT(26)FROM dual;
create table T1(
id int primary key,
username varchar(50),
userage int,
userxb varchar(50)
insert into T1 values (1,'Oracle',20,'男');
insert into T1 values (2,'大舅子爱邦',20,'男');
insert into T1 values (3,'狗头老高',21,'男');
insert into T1 values (4,'三水的校花涛',19,'女');

select * from T1
show usertest

create user usertest identified by 123456;
grant connect,resource to usertest; 
create role TESTROLE;
create table table_1(
id int,
name varchar2(20)
create table table_2(id int,name varchar2(20))tablespace users;
create table table_4(id int,name varchar2(20))parallel;
create table table_5(id int,name varchar2(20))logging;
create table table_6 as select * from scott.dept;

alter table table_1 enable all triggers
alter table table_1 disable all triggers;

alter table table_1 disable table lock;
alter table tab;e_1 enable table lock;

alter table table_1 deallocate unused;

conn scott/tiger
alter table dept set unused(dname);
select *from user_unused_col_tabs;                         

select * from table_1
alter table table_1 add kkk varchar2(20);
alter table table_1 add(duty number (2,2),visa varchar2(30));
--修改列  使用MODIFY字句修改现有列的属性
alter table table_1 modify id varchar2(40);
conn scott/tiger
alter table table_1 drop(kkk);
comment on table table_1 is 'table name is table_1';
column comments fromat A10
select table_name,table_type,comments
       from dba_tab_comments
       where table_name='table_1';
alter table table_1 nologging;
alter table table_1 logging;
alter  table table_1 nocompress;
alter table table_1 compress;
select table_name,compression
   from dba_tables
   where table_name='table_1'and owner='sys';
create table table_1(
id int,
name varchar2(20)
create table table_2(id int,name varchar2(20))tablespace users;
create table table_4(id int,name varchar2(20))parallel;
create table table_5(id int,name varchar2(20))logging;
create table table_6 as select * from scott.dept;

alter table table_1 enable all triggers
alter table table_1 disable all triggers;

alter table table_1 disable table lock;
alter table tab;e_1 enable table lock;

alter table table_1 deallocate unused;

conn scott/tiger
alter table dept set unused(dname);
select *from user_unused_col_tabs;                         

select * from table_1
alter table table_1 add kkk varchar2(20);
alter table table_1 add(duty number (2,2),visa varchar2(30));
--修改列  使用MODIFY字句修改现有列的属性
alter table table_1 modify id varchar2(40);
conn scott/tiger
alter table table_1 drop(kkk);
comment on table table_1 is 'table name is table_1';
column comments fromat A10
select table_name,table_type,comments
       from dba_tab_comments
       where table_name='table_1';
alter table table_1 nologging;
alter table table_1 logging;
alter  table table_1 nocompress;
alter table table_1 compress;
select table_name,compression
   from dba_tables
   where table_name='table_1'and owner='sys';
alter table table_1 modify id constraint notnull_id not null;
alter table table_1 modify id not null;

alter table table_1 add primary key(id);
select constraint_name,table_name
from dba_constraints
where table_name='table_1';
alter table table_1 add constraint uq_id unique(id);
alter table table_1 add constraint ck_id check(id>0);
alter table table_2 add constraint fk_id foreign key(id) references table_1(id); 
alter table table_1 enable constraint pk_id;
alter table table_1 disable constraint pk_id;

( student_id number(10) not null,
student_name varchar2(50) not null,
student_message varchar2(50),
CONSTRAINT student_pk PRIMARY KEY(student_id)
( teacher_id number(10) not null,
student_id number(10) not null,
CONSTRAINT teacher_pk PRIMARY KEY (teacher_id ),
CONSTRAINT fk_student
FOREIGN KEY (student_id)
REFERENCES student(student_id)
select a.constraint_name, a.column_name
from user_cons_columns a, user_constraints b
where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
and b.constraint_type = 'P' and a.table_name = 'STUDENT'
create view view_1 as select * from scott.dept; 
select *from view_1
create or replace view view_1 as select * from scott.dept; 
create view view_2(name,minsal,maxsal,avgsal)
select dept.dname,min(emp.sal),max(emp.sal),avg(emp.sal)
from scott.emp emp,scott.dept dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
group by dept.dname;
create view view_3 as
select * from scott.dept with read only;
create view view_4 as
select deptno,dname from scott.dept where deptno>10
with check option constraint ck_deptno;
create view view_5 as
select emp.ename,emp.empno,emp.job,dept.dname
from scott.emp emp,scott.dept dept
where emp.deptno in(10,30)
and emp.deptno=dept.deptno;
create  force view view_6 as select * from scott.dept;
insert into view_1(deptno,DNAME)
update view_1 set deptno=deptno*1.1 where deptno=66;
delete from view_1 where deptno=66;
alter view view_1 compile;
column object_name format a10
select object_name,status
from dba_objects
where object_name='view_1';
drop view view_1;
create synonym deptsyn for scott.dept;
create public synonym public_dept for scott.dept;
select * from deptsyn;
insert into deptsyn(deptno,dname)
values (80,'lisi');
update dept set deptno=90 where deptno=80;
delete from dept where deptno=90;
drop synonym deptsyn;
drop public synonym public_dept;

create sequence sequence_1
start with 1  --间隔起始值为一
increment by 1 --增量间隔不允许为0,也不允许为小数
nomaxvalue  --不设置最大值(最大值过大)
nocycle    --达到最大值自动循环
cache 10
select sequence_1.nextval from dual;
select sequence_1.currval from dual;
insert into table_1(id,name)
values (sequence_1.nextval,'zhangsan');
select * from table_1;
update table_1
set id=sequence_1.nextval
where id=3;
select * from table_1;
alter sequence sequence_1
increment by 1
maxvalue 10000
cache 20;
drop sequence sequence_1;

create index index_1 on table_1(id);
create index index_2 on table_1(id)tablespace users;
create index index_3 on table_1(id,name);
create index index_4 on table_1(id,name)compress 1;
create index index_5 on table_1(id)nosort nologging;
create index index_6 on table_1(id)
tablespace users
storage(initial 20k next 20k pctincrease 75);
create index index_8 on table_1(id)online;
create bitmap index index_11 on table_1(name);
create index  index_12 on table_1(id)reverse;
alter index index_1 rebuild;
alter index index_1 rebuild online;
alter index index_1 rebuild tablespace users;
alter index index_1 rebuild reverse;
alter index index_2 shrink space;
alter index index_1 coalesce;
alter index index_10 enable;
alter index index_10 disable;
insert into table_1 values(1,'zhangsan');
insert into table_1 values(1,'zhangsan')
alter index index_1 rename to index_1a;
drop index index_1;





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