ns2 gnuplot
I find that gnuplot and ps2epsi do not work on Fedora 19. The same packages/scripts work for me on old installations on Fedora 17.
我发现gnuplot和ps2epsi在Fedora 19上不起作用。相同的程序包/脚本在Fedora 17上的旧安装中也适用。
I find this line is printed out multiple times:
Fontconfig warning: “/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf”, line 14: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.
Fontconfig警告:“ /etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf”,第14行:不建议从〜/ .fonts.conf中读取配置。
I even tried an older version of gnuplot (4.2 patchlevel 6). But it does not help.
我什至尝试了旧版本的gnuplot(4.2补丁级别6)。 但这无济于事。
Commenting out the line 14
<!-- <include ignore_missing="yes" deprecated="yes">~/.fonts.conf</include> -->
in the /etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf
solves my problem.
It is marked as <!-- the following elements will be removed in the future -->
. However, I guess I should remove it now to make programs work well again.
它标记为<!-- the following elements will be removed in the future -->
。 但是,我想现在应该删除它以使程序再次正常运行。
翻译自: https://www.systutorials.com/gnuplot-and-ps2epsi-do-not-work-on-fedora-19/
ns2 gnuplot
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