我是靠谱客的博主 温暖奇异果,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍如何留住关键人才_如何在2020年及以后吸引和留住顶尖技术人才,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



I care about the future of work because I have always been fascinated with how people earn money and the jobs they hold.


I grew up in a family that valued household chores, so I got a job washing cars in my neighborhood when I was nine years old.


Often I am asked (by my parents no less) what the next few years will look like in the job markets. I used to work at Indeed, the employment-related search engine, and spent a lot of time thinking about how people will work together - and in companies - in the future.

我的父母经常(经常被问到)未来几年在就业市场中会是什么样。 我曾经在与就业相关的搜索引擎Indeed工作,并花了很多时间思考人们在未来如何共同工作以及在公司中如何工作。

Specifically I am asked: What will change?


Alas, I can’t predict the future.


But what I think is an equally interesting question – although one that is all too often overlooked – is what about the future will not change? In other words, what will look the same today as it will next month, or next year?

但是,我认为这是一个同样有趣的问题-尽管经常被忽视,但未来会不会改变呢? 换句话说,今天的情况与下个月或明年的情况一样?

I believe how companies attract and retain talent will change. But some of the methods used today will remain constant.

我相信公司如何吸引和留住人才将会改变。 但是,今天使用的某些方法将保持不变。

I have observed how hundreds of firms attract new workers successfully. And I have boiled down the key learnings from their job postings and hiring pages. From them, I have extracted learnings that are useful if you are looking for a job or if you're a hiring manager looking for workers with technical skills.

我观察了数百家公司如何成功吸引新员工。 我从他们的职位发布和招聘页面中总结出了关键的学习内容。 我从中提取了一些经验教训,这些知识对于您寻找工作或正在寻找具有技术技能的员工的招聘经理很有用。

I want to share these lessons with you.


1.公司将需要提供与众不同的新员工福利和福利。 (1. Companies will need to offer new and differentiated employee perks and benefits.)

When looking at tech-centric job openings at companies today, it is common to see perks like “office dog” or “unlimited cold brew” or “team happy hour”. These keywords appear on many job descriptions as benefits of employment.

如今,在查看公司以技术为中心的职位空缺时,通常会看到诸如“办公室狗”或“无限量的冷饮”或“团队欢乐时光”之类的福利。 这些关键字作为就业的好处出现在许多工作描述中。

But in the era of COVID-19, it is painful to see job postings that are misaligned with how staff spend their time.


I have hired staff that works remotely and know that their needs are in many ways different from traditional office workers.


Welcome packages, a personal budget to optimize a home office, or a food delivery account are probably better aligned with what remote staff want.


Companies must think holistically about their benefits packages and ensure that they are relevant to today’s workforce.


As companies become more in tune with what workers care about, they're changing their hiring policies and interviewing strategies to accommodate remote talent. And the innovative companies will continue to offer differentiated benefits and perks to empower their staff.

随着公司对员工关心的事物变得更加协调一致,他们正在改变招聘政策和面试策略,以适应远程人才的需求。 创新型公司将继续提供差异化​​的福利和福利,以增强其员工的能力。

An emerging perk that a growing number of firms are offering is in-house technical training and upskilling.


Helping staff develop and grow not only keeps ambitious workers around longer but it deepens the human capital and intellectual property possessed by the firm.


I have one friend who works at a company that is giving staff “time off” to learn how to create e-commerce sites and chatbots.

我有一个朋友在一家公司工作,该公司为员工提供“假”,以学习如何创建电子商务网站和聊天机器人 。

If you are a builder and creator, can you think of a better retention perk?


2.公司将拥护真实性文化,以便员工可以将自己的全部精力投入工作。 (2. Companies will embrace authenticity culture so that workers can bring their whole selves to work.)

Mark Zuckerburg, best known for co-founding Facebook, made the hoodie popular among tech workers. While Silicon Valley has long valued a more informal culture, non-tech companies from Main Street to Wall Street are evolving as well.

马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerburg)以共同创立Facebook而闻名,该连帽衫在科技工作者中颇受欢迎。 长期以来,硅谷重视非正式文化,从大街到华尔街的非科技公司也在发展。

Fewer people are shopping for suits and ties. Tailored Brands, the parent company of Men’s Warehouse and Jos. A. Bank, filed for Chapter 11, a form of bankruptcy that involves a reorganization of a debtor's business affairs.

购买西装和领带的人越来越少。 Men's Warehouse和Jos。A. Bank的母公司Tailored Brands 申请了第11章的破产,这是一种涉及债务人业务重组的破产形式。

When Tim Cook, the American philanthropist and Chief Executive of Apple recently made a press announcement that Apple would produce one million face shields a week, he did so in a cotton t-shirt from his home office.

美国慈善家兼苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)最近在新闻发布会上宣布, 苹果公司将每周生产一百万个面罩 ,他在自己的家庭办公室穿着棉制T恤。

Such informal attire would have been unrecognizable at Apple in years past.


In order to attract and retain technical workers, companies will need to embrace talent in a holistic manner. From how they dress to how they vote, workers will demand that companies let them bring their whole selves to work.

为了吸引和留住技术工人,公司将需要以整体方式接纳人才。 从着装到投票方式,工人们将要求公司让他们自己发挥作用。

Many large technology firms - including Indeed, Google, and Facebook to name a few examples - have internal resource groups. Amazingly, these groups - designed to bring people with similar backgrounds together - are all too often not used in job postings or recruitment efforts.

许多大型科技公司-包括的确有,例如Google,Google和Facebook-都有内部资源组。 令人惊讶的是,这些旨在将具有相似背景的人们聚集在一起的团体通常很少用于职位发布或招聘工作。

If your firm doesn’t have resource groups, it should consider building them out. If your firm has resource groups, it should consider telling prospective staff about these communities.

如果您的公司没有资源组,则应考虑建立资源组。 如果您的公司有资源组,则应考虑将这些社区告知潜在员工。

If a firm wants to attract and retain technical talent, it will need to embrace authenticity culture. Companies will want to bring their culture to the forefront of why their workforce is unique and exceptional.

如果一家公司想吸引和留住技术人才,就必须采用真实性文化。 公司将希望将他们的文化带到他们的劳动力为何独特而卓越的最前沿。

3.工资和工作结构将继续重要,但整体薪酬和自治也将如此。 (3. Salary and job structure will continue to matter but so will holistic compensation and autonomy.)

My parents, and many of their generation, valued jobs that had predictable compensation, simple to understand benefits packages, and structure.


It is well documented that baby boomers spent far more time in jobs and changed roles less frequently than members of today’s workforce. A pension, a once common corporate benefit, is now a rarity.

有据可查的是,婴儿潮一代比今天的劳动力花费更多的时间在工作上,并且更不频繁地更换职位。 养老金曾经是公司的共同福利,现在却很少见。

I don’t see people, or job postings, focusing less on money. Rather, I do see that job seekers want more holistic compensation packages (time off, mental health services) and increased autonomy.

我看不到人们或职位空缺减少对金钱的关注。 相反,我确实看到求职者想要更多的整体薪酬方案(休假,心理健康服务)和更大的自主权 。

I recently heard a peer state the following about his manager: “She is great because she is entirely hands-off in her approach to how I run my book of business. I give her updates but it’s my product to take to market.”

我最近听到一个同行对他的经理的陈述:“她很棒,因为她完全不了解我如何经营公司。 我向她提供了最新消息,但这是我的产品推向市场。”

His freedom to take the actions he deemed in the best interest of the business was a currency that made him value his role more.


Today, innovative firms are attracting and retaining staff by offering childcare stipends, monthly food or health benefits, or pet adoption policies.


One innovative startup is offering its technical workforce access to virtual games. By encouraging staff to play games and understand the mathematical models behind games like solitaire, the firm can help their teams develop new mental capacities in a fun way.

一家创新的初创公司正在为其技术人员提供虚拟游戏的访问权限。 通过鼓励员工玩游戏并理解单人纸牌等游戏背后的数学模型,该公司可以帮助他们的团队以一种有趣的方式发展新的思维能力。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

The future is yet to be written. Labor markets, like technology, are constantly evolving.

未来尚未写下来。 像技术一样,劳动力市场也在不断发展。

Even though there are more workers than job openings, some sectors of the labor market are seeing red-hot demand. This is particularly true in the fields of cyber-security and Information Technology.

尽管工人数量多于职位空缺,但劳动力市场的某些部门需求旺盛。 在网络安全和信息技术领域尤其如此。

That is why re-conceptualizing how to hire and attract staff is so important: if you can’t predict the future you need to be well equipped for anything the future holds.


The heuristics one will choose to find a great job are unlikely to change. People will want a good salary, a good manager, and a good culture.

人们会选择找一份好工作的试探法不会改变。 人们会想要高薪,好的经理和良好的文化。

What will change is how we work, the mediums we use to communicate, our attire, and the underlying values underpinning work culture.


Companies need to be aware of these changes to retain the best staff and to keep these workers motivated and in their roles.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-attract-and-retain-top-tech-talent/






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