It is true that most modern browsers/technologies recognise the HTML5 element as navigation and give it the same attention. But explicitly setting the role="navigation" attribute just makes sure that a lot more technologies can pick it up.
For example screen-readers and other technologies for users with disabilities are very rarely fully standards compliant (especially if they have to work all the way back to IE6 or lower!) so adding the role attributes explicitly always ensures that you cover all your bases for the most users possible.
Also (and this is just a guess) some of the lesser known search engines may not fully recognise HTML5 yet, so adding these roles should help with the sites crawl-ability.
以上就是干净翅膀为你收集整理的html的标签nav的role,html - nav role=navigation - Stack Overflow的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决html的标签nav的role,html - nav role=navigation - Stack Overflow所遇到的程序开发问题。
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