我是靠谱客的博主 沉默板凳,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍python弹出提示框 ctypes_Python Ctypes奇怪的行为,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


I am trying to design a bot for an application called Virtual Paradise and the SDK that is given for building the bot is compiled into a shared library, therefore I have to use ctypes.

when I use

import threading


from ctypes import CDLL, CFUNCTYPE, c_char_p, c_int, c_void_p

vp = CDLL("libvpsdk.so")

vp.vp_string.restype = c_char_p

vp.vp_int.restype = c_int


class bot(threading.Thread):

def initBot(self):


instance = vp.vp_create()


EventFunc = CFUNCTYPE(None)

event_chat_func = EventFunc(self.event_chat)

vp.vp_event_set(instance, 0, event_chat_func)


def event_chat(self):

print "Hello"


event_chat gets called correctly and prints "Hello"

but when I use this

import threading

import chat


from ctypes import CDLL, CFUNCTYPE, c_char_p, c_int, c_void_p

vp = CDLL("libvpsdk.so")

vp.vp_string.restype = c_char_p

vp.vp_int.restype = c_int


class bot(threading.Thread):

def initBot(self):


instance = vp.vp_create()


chat.VPSDK(vp, instance)



from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE


class VPSDK:

def __init__(self, vp, instance):

EventFunc = CFUNCTYPE(None)

event_chat_func = EventFunc(self.event_chat)

vp.vp_event_set(instance, 0, event_chat_func)

def event_chat(self):

print "Hello"


I get the error "Illegal instruction"

What am I doing wrong!? I need to use this separate class, otherwise other parts of my bot will loose functionality.


You must maintain a reference to the wrapped function for the lifetime it may be called. See the Important note... at the end of Callback functions in the Python ctypes documentation.

One way is to use self.event_chat_func instead, storing it for the lifetime of the containing object.

Also, creating chat.VPSDK(vp, instance) creates an instance of chat.VPSDK that goes out of scope in the next line. You don't demonstrate how bot is instantiated in the first example, but the VPSDK object doesn't live very long.


以上就是沉默板凳为你收集整理的python弹出提示框 ctypes_Python Ctypes奇怪的行为的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决python弹出提示框 ctypes_Python Ctypes奇怪的行为所遇到的程序开发问题。



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