我是靠谱客的博主 瘦瘦香水,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Flask at Scale (Flask如何适配到大型应用) - PyCon 2016 简明中文翻译,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



今年的PyCon大会,miguel grinberg 作了《flask-at-scale》演讲,提出了一些模式和最佳实践,来让微框架提升到下一层次

Do you think that because Flask is a micro-framework, it must only be good for small, toy-like web applications? Well, not at all! In this tutorial I am going to show you a few patterns and best practices that can take your Flask application to the next level.


听众对象:中、高级 intermediate and advanced Flask developers 

Scale是指:程序规模和负载 both in terms of application size and load 

  • 如何组织大规模的程序:代码结构、模板、静态文件 Large applications: How to organize code, templates and static files in a way that allows the application to grow without becoming a mess. 
  • 如何处理超大负载 Flask under load: Different ways to deploy a Flask application so that it can handle large numbers of clients. 


  • Introduction (10 min)
  • 大型程序规模 Large applications (1 hour)
    • 如何组织大型程序(代码、文件)How to structure a large application
    • 使用蓝图来组啥 Using Blueprints to organize an application
    • 装饰器来简化代码 Decorators as a way to simplify application code
    • 网站开发和REST API相互绑定 Combining a web application with a REST API
    • API 用版本区分 API versioning
  • Flask应对大负载 Flask under load (1 hour)
    • 请求异步化 Asynchronous requests
    • 使用Celery模块来处理工作队列 Using a Celery job queue
    • 使用多进程及负载均衡器 Using multiple processes and hosts with a load balancer
    • 使用eventlet/gevent 高性能网络编程并发框架 Using coroutine frameworks such as eventlet or gevent
    • 使用WebSocket降低延时 Using WebSocket for server-push and reduced latency
  • Free-form Discussion and Q&A (50 min)


以上就是瘦瘦香水为你收集整理的Flask at Scale (Flask如何适配到大型应用) - PyCon 2016 简明中文翻译的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Flask at Scale (Flask如何适配到大型应用) - PyCon 2016 简明中文翻译所遇到的程序开发问题。



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