我是靠谱客的博主 健康小蚂蚁,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Glide--FactoryPools源码分析,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Glide 中有池的概念,找到了工厂池这个类,我们着重分析,学习他的编程技巧。

public final class FactoryPools {
  private static final String TAG = "FactoryPools";
  private static final int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 20;
  private static final Resetter<Object> EMPTY_RESETTER = new Resetter<Object>() {
    public void reset(Object object) {
      // Do nothing.

  private FactoryPools() { }

   * Returns a non-thread safe {@link Pool} that never returns {@code null} from
   * {@link Pool#acquire()} and that contains objects of the type created by the given
   * {@link Factory} with the given maximum size.
   * <p>If the pool is empty when {@link Pool#acquire()} is called, the given {@link Factory} will
   * be used to create a new instance.
   * @param <T> The type of object the pool will contains.
  public static <T extends Poolable> Pool<T> simple(int size, Factory<T> factory) {
    return build(new SimplePool<T>(size), factory);

   * Returns a new thread safe {@link Pool} that never returns {@code null} from
   * {@link Pool#acquire()} and that contains objects of the type created by the given
   * {@link Factory} with the given maximum size.
   * <p>If the pool is empty when {@link Pool#acquire()} is called, the given {@link Factory} will
   * be used to create a new instance.
   * @param <T> The type of object the pool will contains.
  public static <T extends Poolable> Pool<T> threadSafe(int size, Factory<T> factory) {
    return build(new SynchronizedPool<T>(size), factory);

   * Returns a new {@link Pool} that never returns {@code null} and that contains {@link List Lists}
   * of a specific generic type with a standard maximum size of 20.
   * <p>If the pool is empty when {@link Pool#acquire()} is called, a new {@link List} will be
   * created.
   * @param <T> The type of object that the {@link List Lists} will contain.
  public static <T> Pool<List<T>> threadSafeList() {
    return threadSafeList(DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE);

   * Returns a new thread safe {@link Pool} that never returns {@code null} and that contains
   * {@link List Lists} of a specific generic type with the given maximum size.
   * <p>If the pool is empty when {@link Pool#acquire()} is called, a new {@link List} will be
   * created.
   * @param <T> The type of object that the {@link List Lists} will contain.
  public static <T> Pool<List<T>> threadSafeList(int size) {
    return build(new SynchronizedPool<List<T>>(size), new Factory<List<T>>() {
      public List<T> create() {
        return new ArrayList<>();
    }, new Resetter<List<T>>() {
      public void reset(List<T> object) {

  private static <T extends Poolable> Pool<T> build(Pool<T> pool, Factory<T> factory) {
    return build(pool, factory, FactoryPools.<T>emptyResetter());

  private static <T> Pool<T> build(Pool<T> pool, Factory<T> factory,
      Resetter<T> resetter) {
    return new FactoryPool<>(pool, factory, resetter);

  private static <T> Resetter<T> emptyResetter() {
    return (Resetter<T>) EMPTY_RESETTER;

   * Creates new instances of the given type.
   * @param <T> The type of Object that will be created.
  public interface Factory<T> {
    T create();

   * Resets state when objects are returned to the pool.
   * @param <T> The type of Object that will be reset.
  public interface Resetter<T> {
    void reset(T object);

   * Allows additional verification to catch errors caused by using objects while they are in
   * an object pool.
  public interface Poolable {
    StateVerifier getVerifier();

  private static final class FactoryPool<T> implements Pool<T> {
    private final Factory<T> factory;
    private final Resetter<T> resetter;
    private final Pool<T> pool;

    FactoryPool(Pool<T> pool, Factory<T> factory, Resetter<T> resetter) {
      this.pool = pool;
      this.factory = factory;
      this.resetter = resetter;

    public T acquire() {
      T result = pool.acquire();
      if (result == null) {
        result = factory.create();
        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
          Log.v(TAG, "Created new " + result.getClass());
      if (result instanceof Poolable) {
        ((Poolable) result).getVerifier().setRecycled(false /*isRecycled*/);
      return result;

    public boolean release(T instance) {
      if (instance instanceof Poolable) {
        ((Poolable) instance).getVerifier().setRecycled(true /*isRecycled*/);
      return pool.release(instance);


  private static final int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 20;


   * Resets state when objects are returned to the pool.
   * @param <T> The type of Object that will be reset.
  public interface Resetter<T> {
    void reset(T object);
 private static final Resetter<Object> EMPTY_RESETTER = new Resetter<Object>() {
    public void reset(Object object) {
      // Do nothing.


   * Creates new instances of the given type.
   * @param <T> The type of Object that will be created.
  public interface Factory<T> {
    T create();

先看另外一个Pools类。里面有个Pool范型接口,两个需实现的方法,请求与释放。一个简单的实现SimplePool类,mPool对象数组保存数据,三个方法1.acquire从数组中实例的末尾取一个, 2.release方法,放到数组实例的末尾 ,不能重复回收,isInPool会抛出异常,3.isInPool 循环遍历,引用对比。 SynchronizedPool继承SimplePool,内部有个lock对象,用synchronized代码段同步。

public final class Pools {

     * Interface for managing a pool of objects.
     * @param <T> The pooled type.
    public interface Pool<T> {

         * @return An instance from the pool if such, null otherwise.
        T acquire();

         * Release an instance to the pool.
         * @param instance The instance to release.
         * @return Whether the instance was put in the pool.
         * @throws IllegalStateException If the instance is already in the pool.
        boolean release(@NonNull T instance);

    private Pools() {
        /* do nothing - hiding constructor */

     * Simple (non-synchronized) pool of objects.
     * @param <T> The pooled type.
    public static class SimplePool<T> implements Pool<T> {
        private final Object[] mPool;

        private int mPoolSize;

         * Creates a new instance.
         * @param maxPoolSize The max pool size.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the max pool size is less than zero.
        public SimplePool(int maxPoolSize) {
            if (maxPoolSize <= 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The max pool size must be > 0");
            mPool = new Object[maxPoolSize];

        public T acquire() {
            if (mPoolSize > 0) {
                final int lastPooledIndex = mPoolSize - 1;
                T instance = (T) mPool[lastPooledIndex];
                mPool[lastPooledIndex] = null;
                return instance;
            return null;

        public boolean release(@NonNull T instance) {
            if (isInPool(instance)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Already in the pool!");
            if (mPoolSize < mPool.length) {
                mPool[mPoolSize] = instance;
                return true;
            return false;

        private boolean isInPool(@NonNull T instance) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mPoolSize; i++) {
                if (mPool[i] == instance) {
                    return true;
            return false;

     * Synchronized) pool of objects.
     * @param <T> The pooled type.
    public static class SynchronizedPool<T> extends SimplePool<T> {
        private final Object mLock = new Object();

         * Creates a new instance.
         * @param maxPoolSize The max pool size.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the max pool size is less than zero.
        public SynchronizedPool(int maxPoolSize) {

        public T acquire() {
            synchronized (mLock) {
                return super.acquire();

        public boolean release(@NonNull T element) {
            synchronized (mLock) {
                return super.release(element);


 public interface Poolable {
    StateVerifier getVerifier();


public abstract class StateVerifier {
  private static final boolean DEBUG = false;

  public static StateVerifier newInstance() {
    if (DEBUG) {
      return new DebugStateVerifier();
    } else {
      return new DefaultStateVerifier();

  private StateVerifier() { }

  public abstract void throwIfRecycled();

  abstract void setRecycled(boolean isRecycled);

  private static class DefaultStateVerifier extends StateVerifier {
    private volatile boolean isReleased;

    DefaultStateVerifier() { }

    public void throwIfRecycled() {
      if (isReleased) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Already released");

    public void setRecycled(boolean isRecycled) {
      this.isReleased = isRecycled;

  private static class DebugStateVerifier extends StateVerifier {

    private volatile RuntimeException recycledAtStackTraceException;

    DebugStateVerifier() { }

    public void throwIfRecycled() {
      if (recycledAtStackTraceException != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Already released", recycledAtStackTraceException);

    void setRecycled(boolean isRecycled) {
      if (isRecycled) {
        this.recycledAtStackTraceException = new RuntimeException("Released");
      } else {
        this.recycledAtStackTraceException = null;

FactoryPool范型类实现于池接口,构造函数参数三个,池, 工厂,reset对象 1.acquire 方法逻辑是先在池里取,池没有,就用工厂方法创建,如果是可池化的对象,就设置回收状态为false. 2.release方法,将待回收对象,如果是可池化的,设置他的验证类回收状态为true,然后对象状态reset,最后放回池中

private static final class FactoryPool<T> implements Pool<T> {
    private final Factory<T> factory;
    private final Resetter<T> resetter;
    private final Pool<T> pool;

    FactoryPool(Pool<T> pool, Factory<T> factory, Resetter<T> resetter) {
      this.pool = pool;
      this.factory = factory;
      this.resetter = resetter;

    public T acquire() {
      T result = pool.acquire();
      if (result == null) {
        result = factory.create();
        if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
          Log.v(TAG, "Created new " + result.getClass());
      if (result instanceof Poolable) {
        ((Poolable) result).getVerifier().setRecycled(false /*isRecycled*/);
      return result;

    public boolean release(T instance) {
      if (instance instanceof Poolable) {
        ((Poolable) instance).getVerifier().setRecycled(true /*isRecycled*/);
      return pool.release(instance);


  private static <T> Resetter<T> emptyResetter() {
    return (Resetter<T>) EMPTY_RESETTER;

两个build方法返回FactoryPool,就是带回收池的工厂。提高复用对象,增强性能,比如android message回收复用那块写的就不如这个。

  private static <T extends Poolable> Pool<T> build(Pool<T> pool, Factory<T> factory) {
    return build(pool, factory, FactoryPools.<T>emptyResetter());

  private static <T> Pool<T> build(Pool<T> pool, Factory<T> factory,
      Resetter<T> resetter) {
    return new FactoryPool<>(pool, factory, resetter);

这里有个例子,创建一个可回收的且线程安全ArrayList 的池。可以看到build方法中的参数用SynchronizedPool,匿名对象Factory中的实现 1.create 创建ArrayList, 2.reset 方法,清空ArrayList

  public static <T> Pool<List<T>> threadSafeList() {
    return threadSafeList(DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE);

  public static <T> Pool<List<T>> threadSafeList(int size) {
    return build(new SynchronizedPool<List<T>>(size), new Factory<List<T>>() {
      public List<T> create() {
        return new ArrayList<>();
    }, new Resetter<List<T>>() {
      public void reset(List<T> object) {


  public static <T extends Poolable> Pool<T> simple(int size, Factory<T> factory) {
    return build(new SimplePool<T>(size), factory);

  public static <T extends Poolable> Pool<T> threadSafe(int size, Factory<T> factory) {
    return build(new SynchronizedPool<T>(size), factory);






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