对bat脚本只会点点皮毛,勉强在其他脚本的基础上写了这个脚本,用于强制杀死占用端口的进程,因为else( 导致的错误差点吐血
1. for循环的数据来源 使用端口查找命令. 查找端口find ":%port% " 在匹配字符串前面加上: 端口后面加上空格,保证查询结果正确
2. 查找结果按顺序 %%b是本机被占用的端口 %%c是占用者,防止前面查询出的是占用者这里进行了二次判断 @echo %%b|findstr /c":%port%" >nul
3.再排除掉一些链接等待关闭时候会显示pid为0的情况 if not “%%d” == "0"
4.新修改了脚本之前会判定到远程端口去,第2条说的二次判断是无效的,新的二次判断方法是切割%%b 拿到%%b 下的端口 拿端口去和输入的端口比较.
@echo off
rem open var delay
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem recev var
set port=%1%
if "%port%" == "" (
echo Please enter port
goto end
echo ---------------start find who is using port %port%-----------------------
rem Add colon before port and space after port to ensure no mistake
for /f "tokens=1-5" %%a in ('netstat -ano ^| find ":%port% "') do (
rem a is protocol,b is local ip:port, c is remote ip:port,d is state or pid,e is pid or null
echo %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e
rem Cut the %%b with the : to get the port
for /f "delims=:, tokens=1-2" %%j in ("%%b") do (set destport=%%k)
rem Delay variable in for loop must use! Symbol instead of% symbol
echo The port found here is !destport!. What we need is %port%
rem If %%b cuts the same port as the target port
if "!destport!" equ "%port%" (
if "%%e" == "" (
rem sometimes e is empty pid in d
if not "%%d" == "0" (
echo get d col pid %%d
set pid=%%d
) else (
if not "%%e" == "0" (
echo get e col pid %%e
set pid=%%e
) else (
echo this row local not use port %port%
echo ---------------end find who is using port %port%-----------------------
if "%pid%"=="" (
echo Port %port% is not in use
) else (
echo used port %port% the process %pid%
taskkill /f /pid %pid%
echo ---------------end----------------------------------------------------
以上就是舒服草丛最近收集整理的关于bat脚本 强制杀死占用端口的进程的全部内容,更多相关bat脚本内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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