我是靠谱客的博主 不安黑裤,这篇文章主要介绍RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python was configured to use ASCII问题处理:,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。
raise RuntimeError("nn".join(extra))
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment.
Mac下PyCharm运行Flask报错RuntimeError: Click will abort further
raise RuntimeError("nn".join(extra))
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult https://click.palletsprojects.com/unicode-support/ for mitigation steps.
This system lists some UTF-8 supporting locales that you can pick from. The following suitable locales were discovered: af_ZA.UTF-8, am_ET.UTF-8, be_BY.UTF-8, bg_BG.UTF-8, ca_ES.UTF-8, cs_CZ.UTF-8, da_DK.UTF-8, de_AT.UTF-8, de_CH.UTF-8, de_DE.UTF-8, el_GR.UTF-8, en_AU.UTF-8, en_CA.UTF-8, en_GB.UTF-8, en_IE.UTF-8, en_NZ.UTF-8, en_US.UTF-8, es_ES.UTF-8, et_EE.UTF-8, eu_ES.UTF-8, fi_FI.UTF-8, fr_BE.UTF-8, fr_CA.UTF-8, fr_CH.UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8, he_IL.UTF-8, hr_HR.UTF-8, hu_HU.UTF-8, hy_AM.UTF-8, is_IS.UTF-8, it_CH.UTF-8, it_IT.UTF-8, ja_JP.UTF-8, kk_KZ.UTF-8, ko_KR.UTF-8, lt_LT.UTF-8, nl_BE.UTF-8, nl_NL.UTF-8, no_NO.UTF-8, pl_PL.UTF-8, pt_BR.UTF-8, pt_PT.UTF-8, ro_RO.UTF-8, ru_RU.UTF-8, sk_SK.UTF-8, sl_SI.UTF-8, sr_YU.UTF-8, sv_SE.UTF-8, tr_TR.UTF-8, uk_UA.UTF-8, zh_CN.UTF-8, zh_HK.UTF-8, zh_TW.UTF-8
- 在
中添加如下两行——设置编码: - open
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 export LANG=en_US.utf-8
- 执行
source .bash_profile
来让设置生效, - 退出 PyCharm 后再重新打开项目
- bash读取的配置文件:~/.bash_profile文件
- zsh读取的配置文件:~/.zshrc文件
终端输入:echo $SHELL
- open .zshrc
- source .zshrc
然后,退出 PyCharm 后再重新打开项目,就可以了
以上就是不安黑裤最近收集整理的关于RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python was configured to use ASCII问题处理:的全部内容,更多相关RuntimeError:内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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