QMqtt | Contains miscellaneous identifiers used throughout the Qt MQTT module【包含Qt MQTT模块中使用的各种标识符】 |
QMqttAuthenticationProperties | Represents configuration options during the authentication process 【表示身份验证过程中的配置选项】 |
QMqttClient | Represents the central access communicating with an MQTT broker 【表示与MQTT代理通信的中心访问】 |
QMqttConnectionProperties | Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when invoking QMqttClient::connectToHost() 【调用QMqttClient::connectToHost()时,QMqttClient可以传递给服务器的配置选项】 |
QMqttLastWillProperties | Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when specifying the last will during connecting to a server 【表示QMqttClient在连接到服务器期间指定最后一个will时可以传递给服务器的配置选项】 |
QMqttMessage | Information about a message received from a message broker based on a subscription 【关于基于订阅从消息代理接收到的消息的信息】 |
QMqttMessageStatusProperties | Represents additional information provided by the server during message delivery 【表示服务器在消息传递期间提供的附加信息】 |
QMqttPublishProperties | Represents configuration options for sending or receiving a message 【表示发送或接收消息的配置选项】 |
QMqttServerConnectionProperties | Represents configuration options of a server a QMqttClient is connected to 【表示连接到QMqttClient的服务器的配置选项】 |
QMqttStringPair | Represents the string pair data type of the MQTT 5.0 standard 【表示MQTT 5.0标准的字符串对数据类型】 |
QMqttSubscription | Receives notifications from an MQTT broker about a specified topic 【从MQTT代理接收关于指定主题的通知】 |
QMqttSubscriptionProperties | Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when subscribing to a topic filter 【表示QMqttClient在订阅主题筛选器时可以传递给服务器的配置选项】 |
QMqttTopicFilter | Represents a MQTT topic filter 【表示MQTT主题筛选器】 |
QMqttTopicName | Represents a MQTT topic name 【表示MQTT主题名称】 |
QMqttUnsubscriptionProperties | Represents configuration options a QMqttClient can pass to the server when unsubscribing from a topic filter 【表示从主题筛选器取消订阅时QMqttClient可以传递给服务器的配置选项】 |
QMqttUserProperties | Represents a list of QMqttStringPair values which can be passed to the server 【表示可以传递给服务器的QMqttStringPair值的列表】 |
以上就是尊敬西装最近收集整理的关于Qt的MQTT C++ Classes(理解每个类的作用)的全部内容,更多相关Qt的MQTT内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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