我是靠谱客的博主 美好魔镜,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍magento 赠品_Excel仪表板工具附加赠品,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


magento 赠品

Last week, Jon Wittwer, from Vertex42, provided 4 copies of his awesome Gantt Chart Template Pro, for project tracking. The lucky winners, in my random Excel draw, are:

上周,来自Vertex42的Jon Wittwer提供了4份他出色的Gantt Chart Template Pro副本,用于项目跟踪。 在我的随机Excel抽奖中,幸运的获奖者是:

  • John A Robinson, with comment 23

    约翰·罗宾逊(John A Robinson), 评论23

  • Neil R, with comment 12

    尼尔·R, 评论12

  • jimmm, with comment 7

    吉姆, 评论7

  • Beth, with comment 19

    贝丝, 评论19

Congratulations! I’ll email you later today, to arrange sending you a copy of the template kit. And thanks Jon, for providing the prizes!

恭喜你! 我会在今天晚些时候给您发送电子邮件,以安排向您发送模板套件的副本。 并感谢乔恩提供的奖项!

仪表板大楼 (Dashboard Building)

A couple of weeks ago, during the hot days of August, we had a giveaway for an Excel Reports & Dashboards book, by Mike Alexander and John Walkenbach. You made great comments on that topic, and mentioned that you’re trying to find ways to build better dashboards.

几周前,在八月的炎热天气中,我们赠予了Mike Alexander和John Walkenbach撰写的《 Excel Reports&Dashboards》一书 。 您对该主题发表了很好的评论,并提到您正在尝试寻找构建更好的仪表板的方法。

There were 58 entries, with 17 people saying “No”, they haven’t built a dashboard in Excel, and 41 “Yes” votes.



仪表板布局问题 (Dashboard Layout Problems)

From your comments, I broke down the problems into broad categories, and layout was by far the biggest source of problems. Among the “Yes” votes, there were 25 mentions of layout issues – 61% of those votes.

从您的评论中,我将问题分为大类,而布局是迄今为止最大的问题来源。 在“是”的投票中,有25次提到布局问题,占投票总数的61%。

I’ve uploaded my summary file to the SkyDrive, and you can open it there, and download it to your computer if you want to play with the results. The interactive view is below, and you can go from there to the online file.

我已经将摘要文件上传到了SkyDrive,您可以在其中打开它,如果要查看结果,可以将其下载到计算机上。 交互式视图在下面,您可以从那里转到在线文件。


仪表板工具 (The Dashboard Tool)

This week, to help you with planning and building your dashboards, the giveaway is Mike Alexander’s new Dashboard Tools add-in. He sent me a copy to try it out, and it’s great!

本周,为帮助您计划和构建仪表板,Mike Alexander新增了Dashboard Tools插件。 他给我发了一份试用,真是太好了!

NOTE: The Dashboard Tools add-in is no longer available, and Mike's website is not longer online

注意 :仪表板工具加载项不再可用,并且Mike的网站不再在线

The add-in creates a new group on the Ribbon’s Insert tab. You can use the Mockup Tools to lay out the components during the planning phase.

外接程序在功能区的“插入”选项卡上创建一个新组。 您可以在计划阶段使用样机工具对组件进行布局。


Then, use the Info Graphics, Canvas Builder and Color Swatches tools to create a dashboard layout, and link it to your data.


There are lots of colours and shapes to choose from, so you can break out of your usual layout, and dazzle your co-workers, and boss, with something new.



In the screen shot below, I’ve added a pointer from the Info Graphics tab, and linked its textbox to the value in cell D2. A couple of clicks, and it was done.

在下面的屏幕快照中,我从“信息图形”选项卡中添加了一个指针,并将其文本框链接到单元格D2中的值。 几次点击,就完成了。


进入赠品 (Enter the Giveaway)

Mike Alexander, from Bacon Bits Blog, has donated 2 copies of his Dashboard Tools add-in for this giveaway. If you’d like a chance to win a copy, please read the rules, and then make a comment below.

培根比特博客(Bacon Bits Blog)的迈克·亚历山大(Mike Alexander)为此赠品捐赠了2份 “仪表板工具”加载项副本 。 如果您想赢取一份副本,请阅读规则,然后在下面发表评论。

NOTE: If you’re reading this in email, or an RSS feed, please go to my blog to add your comment.

注意 :如果您正在通过电子邮件或RSS feed阅读此内容,请转到我的博客以添加您的评论。

  • In your comment, tell us a benefit you’d get from using Mike’s dashboard tools add-in


  • Include your email address, so I can contact you if you win. Your contact information won’t be publicly visible, and it won’t be used for any other mailings.

    附上您的电子邮件地址,以便您赢取时我可以与您联系。 您的联系信息不会公开显示,也不会用于其他任何邮件。
  • The deadline is Wednesday, September 11th, 2013, at 12 noon Eastern Daylight Time.

  • One entry per person.

  • The 2 winners will be announced on Thursday, September 12th, 2013.

  • Each winner will have 24 hours to claim the prize, and if not claimed, another name will be selected.


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2013/09/05/excel-dashboard-tools-add-in-giveaway/

magento 赠品


以上就是美好魔镜为你收集整理的magento 赠品_Excel仪表板工具附加赠品的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决magento 赠品_Excel仪表板工具附加赠品所遇到的程序开发问题。



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