我是靠谱客的博主 大意月亮,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍【数据集介绍】3D Mask Attack Dataset(3DMAD数据集),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



【数据集介绍】3D Mask Attack Dataset(3DMAD数据集)






1. Introduction(介绍)

This directory contains the data for the 3D Mask Attack Database. It consists of 76500 frames of 17 persons, recorded using Kinect.



2. Database


The database is collected in 3 different sessions for all subjects and for each session 5 videos of 300 frames are captured. The recordings are done under controlled conditions, with frontal-view and neutral expression.

【该数据库被收集在3个不同的sessions中为所有的人,而且每个session有5个300帧的视频3被捕获。记录是在受控制的条件下进行的,包括正面观察和 中性表达】

The first two sessions are dedicated to the real access samples, in which subjects are recorded with a time delay of ~2 weeks between the acquisitions.In the third session, 3D mask attacks are captured.




For each subject, following are available:

* 3 sessions x 5 videos x 300 frames

* Each frame consists of : 640x480 8-bit RGB image and 640x480 11-bit depth image

* Eye positions for each frame with respect to the RGB image


* 3 sessions x 5 videos x 300 frames

* 每个帧由640x480 8位rgb图像和640x480 11位深度图像组成。


3. Files



session1.tar.gz - Videos and annotations from the first session


session1.tar.gz - Videos and annotations from the second session


session1.tar.gz - Videos and annotations from the third session


documentation.tar.gz - README file and a python script (raw_to_AVI.py) to demonstrate how to access the data and visualize it.


4. Protocol(协议)



The subjects in the database are divided into 3 randomly chosen non-overlapping sets for training, development and testing. Number of identities assigned for each set are 7, 5 and 5, respectively. While experimenting on the database, it is recommended that training (e.g. for parameter optimization, building universal models) is done with training and development sets, if needed. The test set should be SOLELY used to report performances.



An additional protocol is defined to measure the vulnerability to spoofing for which the development and test sets are further divided into enrollment and probe partitions. 

【此外,还定义了一种协议,开发和测试集进一步分为注册分区和探测分区,用于度量的欺骗漏洞。】While the first sessions are assigned as enrolled gallery samples, the second and third sessions are used for real and mask probing, respectively.




Nesli Erdogmus



以上就是大意月亮为你收集整理的【数据集介绍】3D Mask Attack Dataset(3DMAD数据集)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决【数据集介绍】3D Mask Attack Dataset(3DMAD数据集)所遇到的程序开发问题。



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