我是靠谱客的博主 勤恳小蘑菇,这篇文章主要介绍Unix Network Programming Episode 58,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

SO_OOBINLINE Socket Option

When this option is set, out-of-band data will be placed in the normal input queue (i.e., inline). When this occurs, the MSG_OOB flag to the receive functions cannot be used to read the out-of-band data. We will discuss out-of-band data in more detail in Chapter 24(See 9.13).

SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF Socket Options

Every socket has a send buffer and a receive buffer. We described the operation of the send buffers with TCP, UDP, and SCTP in Figures 2.15(See 7.2.11), 2.16(See 7.2.11), and 2.17(See 7.2.11).

The receive buffers are used by TCP, UDP, and SCTP to hold received data until it is read by the application. With TCP, the available room in the socket receive buffer limits the window that TCP can advertise to the other end. The TCP socket receive buffer cannot overflow because the peer is not allowed to send data beyond the advertised window. This is TCP’s flow control, and if the peer ignores the advertised window and sends data beyond the window, the receiving TCP discards it. With UDP, however, when a datagram arrives that will not fit in the socket receive buffer, that datagram is discarded. Recall that UDP has no flow control: It is easy for a fast sender to overwhelm a slower receiver, causing datagrams to be discarded by the receiver’s UDP, as we will show in Section 8.13(See 8.6.13). In fact, a fast sender can overwhelm its own network interface, causing datagrams to be discarded by the sender itself.

These two socket options let us change the default sizes. The default values differ widely between implementations. Older Berkeley-derived implementations would default the TCP send and receive buffers to 4,096 bytes, but newer systems use larger values, anywhere from 8,192 to 61,440 bytes. The UDP send buffer size often defaults to a value around 9,000 bytes if the host supports NFS, and the UDP receive buffer size often defaults to a value around 40,000 bytes.


Every socket also has a receive low-water mark and a send low-water mark. These are used by the select function, as we described in Section 6.3(See 8.4.3). These two socket options, SO_RCVLOWAT and SO_SNDLOWAT, let us change these two low-water marks.


These two socket options allow us to place a timeout on socket receives and sends. Notice that the argument to the two sockopt functions is a pointer to a timeval structure, the same one used with select (Section 6.3(See 8.4.3)). This lets us specify the timeouts in seconds and microseconds. We disable a timeout by setting its value to 0 seconds and 0 microseconds. Both timeouts are disabled by default.


The SO_REUSEADDR socket option serves four different purposes:

1.SO_REUSEADDR allows a listening server to start and bind its well-known port, even if previously established connections exist that use this port as their local port. This condition is typically encountered as follows:

a.A listening server is started.
b.A connection request arrives and a child process is spawned to handle that client.
c.The listening server terminates, but the child continues to service the client on the existing connection.
d. The listening server is restarted.

2.This scenario is one of the most frequently asked questions on USENET.
3.SO_REUSEADDR allows a new server to be started on the same port as an existing server that is bound to the wildcard address, as long as each instance binds a different local IP address. This is common for a site hosting multiple HTTP servers using the IP alias technique (Section A.4(See 10.4)). Assume the local host’s primary IP address is but it has two aliases: and Three HTTP servers are started. The first HTTP server would call bind with the wildcard as the local IP address and a local port of 80 (the well-known port for HTTP). The second server would call bind with a local IP address of and a local port of 80. But, this second call to bind fails unless SO_REUSEADDR is set before the call. The third server would bind and port 80. Again, SO_REUSEADDR is required for this final call to succeed. Assuming SO_REUSEADDR is set and the three servers are started, incoming TCP connection requests with a destination IP address of and a destination port of 80 are delivered to the second server, incoming requests with a destination IP address of and a destination port of 80 are delivered to the third server, and all other TCP connection requests with a destination port of 80 are delivered to the first server. This “default” server handles requests destined for in addition to any other IP aliases that the host may have configured. The wildcard means “everything that doesn’t have a better (more specific) match.” Note that this scenario of allowing multiple servers for a given service is handled automatically if the server always sets the SO_REUSEADDR socket option (as we recommend).

4.SO_REUSEADDR allows a single process to bind the same port to multiple sockets, as long as each bind specifies a different local IP address. This is common for UDP servers that need to know the destination IP address of client requests on systems that do not provide the IP_RECVDSTADDR socket option. This technique is normally not used with TCP servers since a TCP server can always determine the destination IP address by calling getsockname after the connection is established. However, a TCP server wishing to serve connections to some, but not all, addresses belonging to a multihomed host should use this technique.
5.SO_REUSEADDR allows completely duplicate bindings: a bind of an IP address and port, when that same IP address and port are already bound to another socket, if the transport protocol supports it. Normally this feature is supported only for UDP sockets.

4.4BSD introduced the SO_REUSEPORT socket option when support for multicasting was added. Instead of overloading SO_REUSEADDR with the desired multicast semantics that allow completely duplicate bindings, this new socket option was introduced with the following semantics:

1.This option allows completely duplicate bindings, but only if each socket that wants to bind the same IP address and port specify this socket option.
2.SO_REUSEADDR is considered equivalent to SO_REUSEPORT if the IP address being bound is a multicast address (p. 731 of TCPv2).


以上就是勤恳小蘑菇最近收集整理的关于Unix Network Programming Episode 58的全部内容,更多相关Unix内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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