我是靠谱客的博主 靓丽巨人,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍美海军研究生院(NPS' Advanced Robotic Systems Engineering Laboratory (ARSENL) ) - 50 Autonomous UAVs in Flig...0. Reference1. 主要研发人员2 . 系统概况3. 图像资料,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。
0. Reference
1. 主要研发人员
Timothy H Chung
https://wiki.nps.edu/pages/viewrecentblogposts.action?key=~thchungKevin Jones
2 . 系统概况
2.1 飞机
- Ritewing Zephyr II 56" Base Kit
http://www.ritewingrc.com/- EPO foam wings
- dual Thunder Power 5000 mAh LiPo
- approximately 45-50 minutes
2.2 机载设备和功能
- Pixhawk
- 主要使用ArduPlane的控件
- Firmware: flies a lightly-modified branch of ArduPlane
- ODroid u3 companion computer
- 机载计算机完成航迹规划、本体控制和信息传递等任务。
- running a stripped-down version of Ubuntu Linux
- based on ROS
- broadcasts pose and status to other planes and to the ground.
- accepts commands from the ground
- payload-directed path planning algorithms
- kernel: effectively moving a carrot in front of the plane.
- leader-follower
- distributed search
- sequenced landing
- Radio
- 主要解决频段分离问题,在紧急时刻切入手动
- 900 MHz telemetry radios
- the default 915-928 MHz band was saturated.
- split our available 902-928 MHz band into three equal-size sub-bands and place an equal number of planes into each sub-band.
- place an equal number of planes into each sub-band.
- Wifi
- 作为信息交互主要基于Wifi和MAVLink协议
- primary link with the fleet is an ad hoc 802.11n wireless network
- UDP + MAVLink
- 信号为弱势时,系统从新配置每个分集的sub-band和Net ID
- Each plane broadcasts its pose at roughly 8 Hz
- 总体配置
2.3 基本算法
- Leader-follower模式
- 系统自动将每一组当前位置最靠前,高度最高的飞机作为Leader
- 自主顺序降落模式
- planes order their landings according to altitude, lowest first, and each plane in sequence begins an autonomous landing
- 在40m高度盘旋,之后进入下滑轨道
- 所有飞机的降落点通过GPS设置为相同位置
- 支撑文章
Optimized transit planning and landing of aerial robotic swarms, ICRA2013
- 轨迹显示
- Visualization in Gazebo using data captured in ROS on each payload
- 系统构架
- 支撑文章
Multi-UAV Software Systems and Simulation Architecture, ICUAS2015
- 支撑文章
- 仿真环境设计
2.4 具体参数
- 发射时间 27分钟39秒
- 51架飞机升空
- 发射间隔33秒
- 25架飞机一组,每一组高度差为15米
- 四个小时的准备时间
- 在9分45秒的过程中,实现飞机之间的协作飞行
3. 图像资料
以上就是靓丽巨人为你收集整理的美海军研究生院(NPS' Advanced Robotic Systems Engineering Laboratory (ARSENL) ) - 50 Autonomous UAVs in Flig...0. Reference1. 主要研发人员2 . 系统概况3. 图像资料的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决美海军研究生院(NPS' Advanced Robotic Systems Engineering Laboratory (ARSENL) ) - 50 Autonomous UAVs in Flig...0. Reference1. 主要研发人员2 . 系统概况3. 图像资料所遇到的程序开发问题。
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