Look, we get it: you don’t want every picture showing up in your gallery app on your Android phone. The thing is, there’s not an easy way to just let Gallery or Google Photos know you want to keep certain photos (or even folders) private. But there is a workaround.
看,我们明白了:您不希望每张照片都显示在Android手机上的图库应用中。 事实是,没有一种简单的方法让Gallery或Google Photos知道您要对某些照片(甚至文件夹)保密。 但是有一种解决方法。
Before we get started, let’s talk about apps that are dedicated to this very thing: yes, there are tons of them in the Play Store. But I’ll tell you know now that we’re not going that direction with this piece. If you like those, then by all means, use one! This is how to keep things from showing up in the gallery without the need for some third-party software (well, outside of a file manager, which many of you probably already have).
在开始之前,让我们先谈谈专门用于此事情的应用程序:是的, Play Store中有很多应用程序 。 但是,我现在要告诉您,我们不打算朝这个方向发展。 如果您喜欢这些,那就一定要使用! 这是不需要其他第三方软件(文件管理器外部,很多人可能已经拥有的文件管理器)的一种方法,以防止事物出现在图库中。
Yes, you’ll need a file manager. We recommend Solid Explorer, but if you already have one you like, that’s cool too.
是的,您需要一个文件管理器。 我们建议您使用 Solid Explorer ,但如果您已经喜欢使用它,那也很酷。
One more noteworthy thing before we get into the meat and potatoes, too. If you use Google Photos, you’ll want to make sure the backup and sync options are turned off. Because that thing is pretty fast and efficient about backing your pictures up, so if you want to keep things hidden you’d have to move the files instantly. That’s a lot of hassle, so it’s probably best just to keep backup and sync disabled if you want to keep things personal.
在涉及肉类和土豆之前,还有一件值得注意的事情。 如果您使用Google相册,则需要确保备份和同步选项已 关闭 。 由于备份图片非常快捷有效,因此,如果要隐藏图片,则必须立即移动文件。 这很麻烦,因此,如果要保持个性化,最好仅禁用备份和同步。
There are a couple of ways to go about this whole “hide pictures” thing: you can make a new folder and move pictures that you’d like to be hidden into said folder, or you can just hide all the pictures in a specific folder. For example, if you want to hide images in, say, your Downloads folder, you can do that. Otherwise, you’ll have to cut/paste the images into the folder specifically for hidden files.
有两种方法可以处理整个“隐藏图片”问题:您可以创建一个新文件夹并将想要隐藏的图片移动到该文件夹中,或者可以将所有图片隐藏在一个特定的文件夹中。 例如,如果要将图像隐藏在“下载”文件夹中,则可以这样做。 否则,您将必须将图像剪切/粘贴到专门用于隐藏文件的文件夹中。
Okay, with all that out of the way, let’s do this thing.
First things first: fire up your file manager. Again, I’m using Solid Explorer for this tutorial, but you can use your favorite if you have one. Create a new folder, then name it whatever you’d like. For this example, we’re going to use “Hidden” as the file name. You know, to keep things simple. If you want to hide files in a specific folder that already exists, skip this step.
首先,要启动文件管理器。 同样,我在本教程中使用的是Solid Explorer,但是如果您喜欢的话,也可以使用喜欢的资源。 创建一个新文件夹,然后根据需要命名。 在此示例中,我们将使用“隐藏”作为文件名。 要保持简单,就知道了。 如果要隐藏已存在的特定文件夹中的文件,请跳过此步骤。

From there, open this new folder (or navigate an existing folder you want to hide from the Gallery), then tap the + button once again. This time, choose “New file.” Name the new file .nomedia
and tap OK. This file basically tells Gallery applications not to scan this folder for media files.
从那里打开此新文件夹(或浏览要从图库中隐藏的现有文件夹),然后再次点击+按钮。 这次,选择“新文件”。 将新文件.nomedia
然后点击确定。 该文件基本上告诉Gallery应用程序不要在此文件夹中扫描媒体文件。

The new file may immediately disappear, which is okay—that’s what supposed to happen. You’ll have to tell your file manager to show hidden files and folders if you want to see it, which can be found in Solid Explorer by tapping the three-button menu in the upper-right corner, selecting “Folder Options,” then toggling the “Show hidden files” box.
新文件可能会立即消失,这是可以的,这是应该发生的。 您必须告诉文件管理器是否要显示隐藏的文件和文件夹,可以通过以下方法在Solid Explorer中找到它:点击右上角的三按钮菜单,选择“文件夹选项”,然后切换“显示隐藏文件”框。

If you’re just trying to hide files in a specific folder (like “Downloads”), you’re done—though you will need to restart your phone. More on that at the bottom.
如果您只是想隐藏特定文件夹中的文件(例如“下载”),则可以完成操作-尽管您需要重新启动手机。 在底部的更多内容。
If you created a specific folder and want to move files into it, then this is where Solid Explorer really excels, because when you flip the phone to landscape mode, it shows two folders at once, making it really easy to cut and paste files from one place to another.
如果您创建了一个特定的文件夹并想要将文件移动到其中,那么这就是Solid Explorer的优势所在,因为当您将手机切换到横向模式时,它会一次显示两个文件夹,从而非常容易地从中剪切和粘贴文件。一个地方到另一个地方。
First, navigate to the folder where the pictures you’d like to hide are found. If you’re looking for pictures that were taken with the camera, those are found in the DCIM > Camera folder. Long-press the file (or files) you’d like to move, then select “Cut.” This is denoted by the scissors icon in the top panel in Solid.
首先,导航到找到您要隐藏的图片的文件夹。 如果要查找用相机拍摄的照片,可以在“ DCIM”>“相机”文件夹中找到这些照片。 长按您要移动的文件,然后选择“剪切”。 这由Solid顶部面板中的剪刀图标表示。

Next, just paste the file(s) into the folder with the .nomedia file you created earlier. In Solid, you can do this by tapping the clipboard icon in the lower corner.
接下来,只需将文件粘贴到具有您之前创建的.nomedia文件的文件夹中即可。 在Solid中,您可以通过点击下角的剪贴板图标来执行此操作。

At this point, you’ll also want to restart your phone, as Android’s media scanner will need to “reset” to no longer show the files in the Gallery or Photos apps. Basically, restarting will force the media scanner to re-scan for new files, in which case it will find the “.nomedia” file you created earlier and know to hide the contents of that folder.
此时,您还需要重新启动手机,因为Android的媒体扫描仪将需要“重置”以不再在Gallery或Photos应用程序中显示文件。 基本上,重新启动将迫使媒体扫描器重新扫描新文件,在这种情况下,它将找到您之前创建的“ .nomedia”文件,并且知道隐藏该文件夹的内容。
Bam, done. From now on, the only way to view those files is to jump back into your file manager and hunt them down. They won’t show up in any gallery or photos app.
巴姆,做完了。 从现在开始,查看这些文件的唯一方法是跳回到文件管理器中并进行查找。 他们不会出现在任何画廊或照片应用程序中。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/295616/how-to-prevent-certain-photos-from-showing-up-in-androids-gallery-or-google-photos/
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