我是靠谱客的博主 阳光白羊,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍人工智能区块链智能合约_为什么人工智能必将遇到区块链 “断开”的神经网络 (The “disconnected” neural-network) 区块链-分散自治的Struts (Blockchain — the backbone of decentralised-autonomy) 未来:人工智能遇见区块链 (The Future: AI meets Blockchain),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



重点 (Top highlight)

Artificial Intelligence — what once was merely science fiction, is now becoming a reality. With each passing day, it’s more self-aware and conscious of the world around it. It drives our cars, waits tables, cures diseases, and even understands our natural language.

一个 rtificial智能-曾经是仅仅是科幻小说,现在已经成为现实。 随着时间的流逝,它变得更加自我意识和对周围世界的意识。 它可以驾驶我们的汽车,等待餐桌,治愈疾病,甚至理解我们的自然语言。

But as we look into the future, we need to ask:


What will AI look like at its highest potential? Do we intend for these machines to walk amongst us one day? Challenge our thoughts?’

人工智能的最大潜力会是什么样? 我们是否打算让这些机器有一天在我们中间行走? 挑战我们的想法?

缺乏自由意志 (Lack of free will)

Autonomy or free will is almost an existential debate in the area of AI. Will a ton of metal ever learn to choose for itself? Feel love or hate? This is at the heart of what makes us intelligent beings. It has allowed human beings to think, question, dominate and evolve in the process from single-celled organisms to the most intelligent beings in the universe.

自治或自由意志几乎是人工智能领域中存在的争论。 一吨金属是否会学会自行选择? 感到爱还是恨? 这是使我们成为聪明人的核心。 它使人类能够在从单细胞生物到宇宙中最聪明的生物的过程中进行思考,质疑,控制和进化。

However, our AI systems today lack this fundamental building block of intelligence — The ability to question or produce an outcome that we didn’t expect or intend for the system. This is primarily because of our modern AI systems being disconnected and centralized.

但是,当今的AI系统缺乏这种基本的智能构建模块-质疑或产生我们未曾期望或打算对该系统进行预期的结果的能力。 这主要是因为我们现代的AI系统已被断开和集中。

“断开”的神经网络 (The “disconnected” neural-network)

Neural network — is the technology that drives AI systems. It is our closest representation of how the human brain works mathematically.

ñeural网络-是技术驱动的AI系统。 这是我们最接近的关于人脑如何数学工作的表示。

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Photo by Uriel SC on Unsplash
Uriel SC在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

Every AI system in the world today uses some form of neural networks to learn and produce desired results. This neural network is usually stored in files or databases or even distributed across the cloud for high availability.

当今世界上的每个AI系统都使用某种形式的神经网络来学习并产生期望的结果。 该神经网络通常存储在文件或数据库中,甚至分布在整个云中以实现高可用性。

But unlike the human brain, these neural networks are quite disconnected from one another. That is, a neural network built for one purpose, like self-driving, is disconnected from another that’s built for first-aid or healthcare.

但是,与人脑不同,这些神经网络彼此之间是完全脱节的。 也就是说,为诸如自动驾驶之类的目的而构建的神经网络与为急救或医疗而构建的神经网络断开了连接。

This means that it’s unlikely for our autonomous-car to ever learn to stop for a distressed pedestrian on the sidewalk.


In other words, the intelligence of first-aid is disconnected from the intelligence of self-driving. Although connecting different neural networks to work in unison is feasible, the challenge is doing so in a truly autonomous fashion.

换句话说,急救的智能与自动驾驶的智能是脱节的。 尽管将不同的神经网络协调一致地工作是可行的,但挑战是如何以一种真正的自治方式进行。

In short, the two major impediments in achieving autonomy are:


  • The problem of centralized ownership of the system: This could be ownership of the server, code, or the system our AI runs on. For example, It could Google/Amazon’s or even your system, but the control is still held by one or a group of parties.

    系统集中所有权的问题:这可能是服务器,代码或我们的AI运行所在的系统的所有权。 例如,它可以是Google / Amazon的系统,甚至可以是您的系统,但控件仍由一个或一组参与者控制。
  • The problem of trust: In other words, how do we trust a system with full confidence and yet not have it controlled or managed by anyone.


区块链-分散自治的Struts (Blockchain — the backbone of decentralised-autonomy)

Blockchain technology provides the perfect platform to tackle both of these challenges in AI. At the outset, it is a technology that runs on a peer-to-peer(P2P) mesh network making it decentralized. This is just like the file-sharing/torrent protocol.

区块链技术提供了完美的平台来应对AI中的这两个挑战。 从一开始,它就是一项在对等(P2P)网状网络上运行的技术,使其分散。 这就像文件共享/洪流协议。

But at the same time, it is also capable of autonomously handling updates in the network using advanced cryptography and mathematical consensus (Here’s a quick primer to Blockchain if you’re getting started.)

但是同时,它还能够使用高级加密技术和数学共识自主地处理网络中的更新(如果您是入门人员, 这是区块链的快速入门。)

Its ability to securely self-govern itself in a massive decentralized network is at the heart of what makes Blockchain so powerful. Rightly so, it was chosen as the backbone of the world-first famous crypto-currency, Bitcoin.

它在庞大的去中心化网络中安全自我管理的能力是使区块链如此强大的核心。 没错,它被选为世界上第一个著名的加密货币比特币的骨干。

“Bitcoin(₿) is a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries.”

“ Bitcoin(₿)是一种分散的数字货币,无需中央银行或单一管理员,可以在对等比特币网络上从一个用户发送到另一个用户,而无需中介。”

Since the introduction of Bitcoin, Blockchain has been applied to numerous other use cases such as —


  • Smart-Contracts: a computer program or a transaction protocol which is intended to autonomously execute, control or document legally relevant events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement. Example: Ethereum. (For more info- Here’s a great Video By Simply Explained)

    智能合约 :一种计算机程序或交易协议,旨在根据合同或协议的条款自主执行,控制或记录与法律相关的事件和动作。 示例:以太坊。 ( 有关更多信息,这是一部 Simply Explained制作的精彩视频 )

  • Name-coins: self-managed decentralized DNS servers

  • Vote-coins: decentralized voting platform; suitable for elections, crowdfunding, decision funding, and other voting purposes.

    投票硬币 :分散的投票平台; 适用于选举,众筹,决策资金和其他投票目的。

未来:人工智能遇见区块链 (The Future: AI meets Blockchain)

We understand that AI would eventually require a similar autonomous backend to host its neural networks. Without such a backend, Artificial Intelligence would merely remain as function approximators for predictions. To truly call it ‘Artificial Intelligence’, we must empower it with the very freedom it’s predicated on.

我们知道,人工智能最终将需要类似的自治后端来托管其神经网络。 没有这样的后端,人工智能将仅作为预测的函数近似器。 要真正称其为“人工智能”,我们​​必须以它所基于的自由来赋予它权力。

Blockchain almost fits perfectly with what we seek for the future of AI — A ‘self-governing self-sustaining decentralized’ backend to handle data updates. Just like how crypto-currencies and smart-contracts leveraged this, neural networks could too.

B锁链几乎完全符合我们为AI的未来所寻求的东西-一个“自治的,自我支持的,去中心化的”后端来处理数据更新。 就像加密货币和智能合约如何利用这一点一样,神经网络也可以。

It will allow them to run on machines across the internet without being tied up to one hardware. This way, they can interconnect with other neural networks autonomously and evolve with free will. It would be crucial to achieving true AI and will mark a new beginning.

这样一来,他们就可以在互联网上的计算机上运行,​​而不必受限于一种硬件。 这样,它们就可以自主地与其他神经网络互连,并且可以自由发展。 这对于实现真正的AI至关重要,并将标志着一个新的开始。

Will they challenge our thoughts? Walk amongst us? Only time will tell.

他们会挑战我们的想法吗? 走在我们中间? 只有时间证明一切。

“Artificial Intelligence is likely to be either the best, or the worst thing ever to happen to humanity.“


— Stephen Hawking


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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash | Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash
Markus Spiske在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片| Alex Knight在 Unsplash上 拍摄的照片

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/why-artificial-intelligence-is-bound-to-meet-blockchain-c5c799d641a4



以上就是阳光白羊为你收集整理的人工智能区块链智能合约_为什么人工智能必将遇到区块链 “断开”的神经网络 (The “disconnected” neural-network) 区块链-分散自治的Struts (Blockchain — the backbone of decentralised-autonomy) 未来:人工智能遇见区块链 (The Future: AI meets Blockchain)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决人工智能区块链智能合约_为什么人工智能必将遇到区块链 “断开”的神经网络 (The “disconnected” neural-network) 区块链-分散自治的Struts (Blockchain — the backbone of decentralised-autonomy) 未来:人工智能遇见区块链 (The Future: AI meets Blockchain)所遇到的程序开发问题。



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