我是靠谱客的博主 幸福外套,这篇文章主要介绍我的世界服务器拍卖系统怎么放上去,[经济|综合]AuctionMaster —— 一款自定义强度高的拍卖行插件[1.8-1.15]...,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

#This is the lore of every auctioned item in the menu:

#Use %amount% for item's amount


#The lore for items with no bids on them

#Use %display-name-seller% for display name of the seller

#Use %starting-bid% for the starting bid

#Use %duration% for auction duration


- '&8&m---------------------'

- '&7Seller: %display-name-seller%'

- '&7Starting bid: &6%starting-bid% coins'

- ''

- '&7Ends in: &e%duration%'

- ''

- '&eClick to inspect!'

#The lore for items with bids on them

#Use %display-name-seller% for display name of the seller

#Use %bids% for the amount of bids

#Use %top-bid% for the top bid

#Use %top-bid-player% for the top bid player

#Use %duration% for auction duration


- '&8&m---------------------'

- '&7Seller: %display-name-seller%'

- '&7Bids: &a%bids% bids'

- ''

- '&7Top bid: &6%top-bid% coins'

- '&7Bidder: %top-bid-player%'

- ''

- '&7Ends in: &e%duration%'

- ''

- '&eClick to inspect!'

#Use %display-name-seller% for display name of the seller

#Use %bids% for the amount of bids

#Use %top-bid% for the top bid

#Use %top-bid-player% for the top bid player


- '&8&m---------------------'

- '&7Seller: %display-name-seller%'

- '&7Bids: &a%bids% bids'

- ''

- '&7Top bid: &6%top-bid% coins'

- '&7Bidder: %top-bid-player%'

- ''

- '&7Status: &aEnded!'

- ''

- '&eClick to inspect!'

#Use %display-name-seller% for display name of the seller

#Use %starting-bid% for the starting bid


- '&8&m---------------------'

- '&7Seller: %display-name-seller%'

- '&7Starting bid: &6%starting-bid% coins'

- ''

- '&7Status: &cExpired!'

- ''

- '&eClick to inspect!'

sort-auction-item: '154'

sort-auction-item-name: '&aSort'

#The lore is dynamic so you can only edit

#the names of the sortings


highest-bid: 'Highest Bid'

lowest-bid: 'Lowest Bid'

ending-soon: 'Ending Soon'

most-bids: 'Most Bids'

click-to-switch: '&eClick to switch sort!'

search-auction-item: 323

search-auction-item-name: '&aSearch'


- '&7Find items by name.'

- ''

- '&eClick to search!'

#The message displayed on the sign when searching for an auction

#There are only 3 rows because the first is where the user writes


- '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'

- 'Type in your'

- 'search'

create-menu-name: '&8Auction Creator'

manage-own-auctions-menu-name: '&8Your Auctions Manager'

manage-menu-item: '418'

manage-menu-item-name: '&aManage Auctions'


#This lore is displayed when the player has no own auction


- '&7Set your own items on'

- '&7auction for other players'

- '&7to purchase.'

- ''

- '&eClick to become rich!'

#This lore is displayed when the player has pending auctions

#Use %auctions% for the number of auctions the player has

#Use %bids% for the total number of bids on their auctions

#Use %coins% for the total number of coins on their auctions


- '&7You own &e%auctions% auctions &7in'

- '&7progress or which recently'

- '&7ended.'

- ''

- '&7Your auctions have &a%bids% bids'

- '&7totaling &6%coins% coins&7.'

- ''

- '&eClick to manage!'

preview-no-item-selected: '77'

preview-no-item-selected-name: '&eClick an item in your inventory!'


- '&7Selects it for auction'

preview-selected-item-name: '&a&n&lAUCTION FOR ITEM'

preview-selected-item-take-back: '&eClick to pickup!'

#This item appears when the player has 2 or more ended auctions

collect-all-item: '380'

#Use %auctions% for the number of auctions that could be collected

#Use %coins% for the total amount of coins that could be collected

#Use %items% for the expired items that could be collected

collect-all-item-name: '&aClaim All'



- '&8Ended Auctions'

- ''

- '&7You have &e%auctions% &7ended auctions'

- '&7totaling a value of &6%coins% &7coins'

- '&7and &e%items% &7items from expired auctions.'

- ''

- '&eClick to claim!'


- '&8Ended Auctions'

- ''

- '&7There are &e%auctions% &7ended auctions'

- '&7on which you bid.'

- ''

- '&7You have &6%coins% &7coins to'

- '&7claim back from lost auctions and'

- '&e%items% &7items from won auctions.'

- ''

- '&eClick to claim!'

#The message sent when the player has a full inventory but tries to claim an item

not-enough-inventory-space: '&cYou don''t have enough inventory space!'


no-item-selected-material: '159:14'

no-item-selected-name: '&cCreate Auction'


- '&7No item selected!'

- ''

- '&7Click an item in your'

- '&7inventory to select it for'

- '&7this auction.'

item-selected-material: '159:13'

item-selected-name: '&aCreate Auction'

#Use %item-name% for item's name

#Use %starting-bid% for starting bid amount

#Use %duration% for duration of the auction

#Use %fee% for the total fee


- '&7This item will be added to'

- '&7the auction house for other'

- '&7players to purchase.'

- ''

- '&7Item: &f%item-name%'

- '&7Auction duration: &e%duration%'

- '&7Starting bid: &6%starting-bid% coins'

- ''

- '&7Creation fee: &6%fee% coins'

- ''

- '&eClick to submit!'

#The default starting bid

default-starting-bid: '500'

starting-bid-item: '266'

#Use %starting-bid% for the starting bid amount

#Use %starting-fee% for the starting bid fee

starting-bid-item-name: '&fStarting Bid: &6%starting-bid% coins'


- '&7The minimum price a player'

- '&7can offer to obtain your'

- '&7item.'

- ''

- '&7Once a player bids for your'

- '&7item, other players will'

- '&7have until the auction ends'

- '&7to make a higher bid.'

- ''

- '&7Extra fee: &6+%starting-fee% coins &e(5%)'

- ''

- '&eClick to edit!'

#The message displayed on the sign when changing the starting bid

#There are only 3 rows because the first is where the user writes


- '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'

- 'Your auction'

- 'starting bid'

#This message is shown when the starting bid

#could not be registered

starting-bid-sign-deny: '&cThat is not a valid number.'

#Don't use the % symbol, just say how much in 100

#you want the procent to be

starting-bid-fee-procent: '5'

#Use m for minute, h for hour, d for day with a space between the number and time unit

#The maxim auction time is 7 days and you can't set the auction to seconds

#If you enter the time incorectly it resets to 2 h

default-starting-duration: '2 h'

#Custom units for time

#Don't use this in the upper option, these are avalable

#just in auction messages, in the config please use the syntax from the upper comment

second: 'Second'

seconds: 'Seconds'

minute: 'Minute'

minutes: 'Minutes'

hour: 'Hour'

hours: 'Hours'

day: 'Day'

days: 'Days'

#This is the formula that calculates the fee for hours

#x=number of hours

extra-fee-formula: '5*(x+3)+5*x*(Math.floor(x/9)+Math.floor(x/20))'

#The fee for minutes is fixed (5 minutes - 59 minutes)

extra-fee-minutes: '500'

#This is the message used into %extra-fee%

extra-fee-message: 'Extra fee: '

duration-menu-name: '&8Auction Duration'

#This is the message used into duration selection menu

#on the items with time on them

duration-selection-lore: '&eClick to pick!'

duration-item: '347'

#Use %auction-fee% for the duration fee of the auction

#Use %auction-time% for the time of the auction

duration-item-name: '&fDuration: &e%auction-time%'


- '&7How long players will be'

- '&7able to place bids for'

- ''

- '&7Note: Bids automatically'

- '&7increase the duration of'

- '&7auctions.'

- ''

- '&7Extra fee: &6+%auction-fee% coins'

- ''

- '&eClick to edit!'

#The clock inside the duration menu

duration-select-item-name: '&aCustom Duration'


- '&7Specify how long you want'

- '&7the auction to last.'

- ''

- '&bRight Click for minutes!'

- '&eClick to set hours!'

#The message displayed on the sign when changing the duration of the bid

#There are only 3 rows because the first is where the user writes

#%time-format% is hours/minutes.


- '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'

- 'Auction'

- '%time-format%'

#The message shown when the amount of hours/minutes entered is incorrect

duration-sign-deny: '&cThat is not a valid number.'

not-enough-money-auction: '&cYou don''t have enough money to create this auction.'

auction-confirm-menu-name: '&8Confirm Auction'

auction-confirm-item-material: '159:13'

auction-confirm-item-name: '&aConfirm'

#Use %cost% for the total price the player

#has to pay to create the auction


- '&7Auction Cost: &6%cost% coins'

- ''

- '&7Are you sure you want'

- '&7to create the auction?'

- ''

- '&eClick to confirm!'

auction-cancel-item-material: '159:14'

auction-cancel-item-name: '&cCancel'


- '&7Cancel the creation'

- '&7of the auction.'

auction-created-message: '&aYour auction was created!'


以上就是幸福外套最近收集整理的关于我的世界服务器拍卖系统怎么放上去,[经济|综合]AuctionMaster —— 一款自定义强度高的拍卖行插件[1.8-1.15]...的全部内容,更多相关我的世界服务器拍卖系统怎么放上去,[经济|综合]AuctionMaster内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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