mysqld.exe Ver 8.0.20 for Win64 on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Starts the MySQL database server.
Usage: mysqld.exe [OPTIONS]
NT and Win32 specific options:
--install Install the default service (NT).
--install-manual Install the default service started manually (NT).
--install service_name Install an optional service (NT).
--install-manual service_name Install an optional service started manually (NT).
--remove Remove the default service from the service list (NT).
--remove service_name Remove the service_name from the service list (NT).
--enable-named-pipe Only to be used for the default server (NT).
--standalone Dummy option to start as a standalone server (NT).
Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
C:WINDOWSmy.ini C:WINDOWSmy.cnf C:my.ini C:my.cnf C:Program FilesMySQL-8.0.20my.ini C:Program FilesMySQL-8.0.20my.cnf
The following groups are read: mysqld server mysqld-8.0
The following options may be given as the first argument:
--print-defaults Print the program argument list and exit.
--no-defaults Don't read default options from any option file,
except for login file.
--defaults-file=# Only read default options from the given file #.
--defaults-extra-file=# Read this file after the global files are read.
Also read groups with concat(group, suffix)
--login-path=# Read this path from the login file.
Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of
Automatically set all granted roles as active after the
user has authenticated successfully.
IP address to bind to for service connection. Address can
be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or host name. Wildcard
values *, ::, are not allowed. Address value can
have following optional network namespace separated by
the delimiter / from the address value. E.g., the
following value specifies IP addresses to
listen for incoming TCP connections that have to be
placed into the namespace 'red'. Using of network
namespace requires its support from underlying Operating
System. Attempt to specify a network namespace for a
platform that doesn't support it results in error during
socket creation.
--admin-port=# Port number to use for service connection, built-in
default (33062)
Allows use of UDFs consisting of only one symbol xxx()
without corresponding xxx_init() or xxx_deinit(). That
also means that one can load any function from any
library, for example exit() from
-a, --ansi Use ANSI SQL syntax instead of MySQL syntax. This mode
will also set transaction isolation level 'serializable'.
--archive[=name] Enable or disable ARCHIVE plugin. Possible values are ON,
OFF, FORCE (don't start if the plugin fails to load).
Auto generate SSL certificates at server startup if --ssl
is set to ON and none of the other SSL system variables
are specified and certificate/key files are not present
in data directory.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-auto-generate-certs to disable.)
Auto-increment columns are incremented by this
Offset added to Auto-increment columns. Used when
auto-increment-increment != 1
--autocommit Set default value for autocommit (0 or 1)
(Defaults to on; use --skip-autocommit to disable.)
Creating and dropping stored procedures alters ACLs
(Defaults to on; use --skip-automatic-sp-privileges to disable.)
When this option is enabled, the pre-5.6.4 temporal types
are not upgraded to the new format for ALTER TABLE
operation. This variable is deprecated and will be
removed in a future release.
--back-log=# The number of outstanding connection requests MySQL can
have. This comes into play when the main MySQL thread
gets very many connection requests in a very short time
-b, --basedir=name Path to installation directory. All paths are usually
resolved relative to this
--big-tables Allow big result sets by saving all temporary sets on
file (Solves most 'table full' errors)
--bind-address=name IP address(es) to bind to. Syntax: address[,address]...,
where address can be an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, host
name or one of the wildcard values *, ::, In
case more than one address is specified in a
comma-separated list, wildcard values are not allowed.
Every address can have optional network namespace
separated by the delimiter / from the address value.
E.g., the following value,, specifies
three IP addresses to listen for incoming TCP connections
two of that have to be placed in corresponding
namespaces: the address must be placed into
the namespace red and the address must be
placed into the namespace green. Using of network
namespace requires its support from underlying Operating
System. Attempt to specify a network namespace for a
platform that doesn't support it results in error during
socket creation.
The size of the transactional cache for updates to
transactional engines for the binary log. If you often
use transactions containing many statements, you can
increase this to get more performance
Type of BINLOG_CHECKSUM_ALG. Include checksum for log
events in the binary log. Possible values are NONE and
CRC32; default is CRC32.
Causes updates to non-transactional engines using
statement format to be written directly to binary log.
Before using this option make sure that there are no
dependencies between transactional and non-transactional
tables such as in the statement INSERT INTO t_myisam
SELECT * FROM t_innodb; otherwise, slaves may diverge
from the master.
--binlog-do-db=name Tells the master it should log updates for the specified
database, and exclude all others not explicitly
--binlog-encryption Enable/disable binary and relay logs encryption.
When statements cannot be written to the binary log due
to a fatal error, the server can either ignore the error
and let the master continue, or abort.
If non-zero, binary logs will be purged after
binlog_expire_logs_seconds seconds; If both this option
and expire_logs_days are set to non-zero values, this
option takes priority. Purges happen at startup and at
binary log rotation.
What form of binary logging the master will use: either
ROW for row-based binary logging, STATEMENT for
statement-based binary logging, or MIXED. MIXED is
statement-based binary logging except for those
statements where only row-based is correct: those which
involve user-defined functions (i.e. UDFs) or the UUID()
function; for those, row-based binary logging is
automatically used. If NDBCLUSTER is enabled and
binlog-format is MIXED, the format switches to row-based
and back implicitly per each query accessing an
The number of microseconds the server waits for the
binary log group commit sync queue to fill before
continuing. Default: 0. Min: 0. Max: 1000000.
If there are this many transactions in the commit sync
queue and the server is waiting for more transactions to
be enqueued (as set using
--binlog-group-commit-sync-delay), the commit procedure
If this option is enabled, the server does not open more
than two binary logs when initializing GTID_PURGED and
GTID_EXECUTED, either during server restart or when
binary logs are being purged. Enabling this option is
useful when the server has already generated many binary
logs without GTID events (e.g., having GTID_MODE = OFF).
Note: If this option is enabled, GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED and
GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED may be initialized wrongly in two
cases: (1) All binary logs were generated by MySQL 5.7.5
or older, and GTID_MODE was ON for some binary logs but
OFF for the newest binary log. (2) The oldest existing
binary log was generated by MySQL 5.7.5 or older, and SET
GTID_PURGED was issued after the oldest binary log was
generated. If a wrong set is computed in one of case (1)
or case (2), it will remain wrong even if the server is
later restarted with this option disabled.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-binlog-gtid-simple-recovery to disable.)
Tells the master that updates to the given database
should not be logged to the binary log.
The maximum time that the binary log group commit will
keep reading transactions before it flush the
transactions to the binary log (and optionally sync,
depending on the value of sync_binlog).
Issue internal commit calls in the same order as
transactions are written to the binary log. Default is to
order commits.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-binlog-order-commits to disable.)
Force binlog encryption master key rotation at startup
The maximum size of a row-based binary log event in
bytes. Rows will be grouped into events smaller than this
size if possible. The value has to be a multiple of 256.
Controls whether rows should be logged in 'FULL',
'NOBLOB' or 'MINIMAL' formats. 'FULL', means that all
columns in the before and after image are logged.
'NOBLOB', means that mysqld avoids logging blob columns
whenever possible (e.g. blob column was not changed or is
not part of primary key). 'MINIMAL', means that a PK
equivalent (PK columns or full row if there is no PK in
the table) is logged in the before image, and only
changed columns are logged in the after image. (Default:
Controls whether metadata is logged using FULL or MINIMAL
format. FULL causes all metadata to be logged; MINIMAL
means that only metadata actually required by slave is
logged. Default: MINIMAL.
When set to PARTIAL_JSON, this option enables a
space-efficient row-based binary log format for UPDATE
statements that modify a JSON value using only the
such updates, only the modified parts of the JSON
document are included in the binary log, so small changes
of big documents may need significantly less space.
Allow writing of Rows_query_log events into binary log.
The size of the statement cache for updates to
non-transactional engines for the binary log. If you
often use statements updating a great number of rows, you
can increase this to get more performance
Whether to compress transactions or not. Transactions are
compressed using the ZSTD compression algorythm.
Specifies the transaction compression level for ZSTD
transaction compression in the binary log.
Maximum number of rows to keep in the writeset history.
Selects the source of dependency information from which
to assess which transactions can be executed in parallel
by the slave's multi-threaded applier. Possible values
--blackhole[=name] Enable or disable BLACKHOLE plugin. Possible values are
ON, OFF, FORCE (don't start if the plugin fails to load).
Size of tree cache used in bulk insert optimisation. Note
that this is a limit per thread!
Auto generate RSA keys at server startup if corresponding
system variables are not specified and key files are not
present at the default location.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-caching-sha2-password-auto-generate-rsa-keys to disable.)
A fully qualified path to the private RSA key used for
A fully qualified path to the public RSA key used for
Don't ignore client side character set value sent during
(Defaults to on; use --skip-character-set-client-handshake to disable.)
Set the filesystem character set.
-C, --character-set-server=name
Set the default character set.
Directory where character sets are
--check-proxy-users If set to FALSE (the default), then proxy user identity
will not be mapped for authentication plugins which
support mapping from grant tables. When set to TRUE,
users associated with authentication plugins which signal
proxy user mapping should be done according to GRANT
PROXY privilege definition.
-r, --chroot=name Chroot mysqld daemon during startup.
Set the default collation.
The transaction completion type, one of NO_CHAIN, CHAIN,
Use concurrent insert with MyISAM. Possible values are
--connect-timeout=# The number of seconds the mysqld server is waiting for a
connect packet before responding with 'Bad handshake'
--console Write error output on screen; don't remove the console
window on windows.
--core-file Write core on errors.
Use a dedicated thread for listening incoming connections
on admin interface
Abort a recursive common table expression if it does more
than this number of iterations.
-h, --datadir=name Path to the database root directory
The default authentication plugin used by the server to
hash the password.
The number of days after which the password will expire.
The default storage engine for new tables
Database and tablespace are created with this default
encryption property unless the user specifies an explicit
encryption property.
Set the default time zone.
The default storage engine for new explicit temporary
The default week format used by WEEK() functions
After inserting delayed_insert_limit rows, the INSERT
DELAYED handler will check if there are any SELECT
statements pending. If so, it allows these to execute
before continuing. This variable is deprecated along with
How long a INSERT DELAYED thread should wait for INSERT
statements before terminating. This variable is
deprecated along with INSERT DELAYED.
What size queue (in rows) should be allocated for
handling INSERT DELAYED. If the queue becomes full, any
client that does INSERT DELAYED will wait until there is
room in the queue again. This variable is deprecated
along with INSERT DELAYED.
Limit CREATE TABLE for the storage engines listed
Give clients that don't signal password expiration
support execution time error(s) instead of connection
(Defaults to on; use --skip-disconnect-on-expired-password to disable.)
Option used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of
Precision of the result of '/' operator will be increased
on that value
Optional semicolon-separated list of plugins to load
before storage engine initialization, where each plugin
is identified as name=library, where name is the plugin
name and library is the plugin library in plugin_dir.
In JSON output ("EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON" and optimizer
trace), if variable is set to 1, repeats the structure's
key (if it has one) near the closing bracket
Prevents execution of statements that would be impossible
to log in a transactionally safe manner. Currently, the
disallowed statements include CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE
inside transactions, all updates to non-transactional
tables, and CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.
The optimizer will use existing index statistics instead
of doing index dives for equality ranges if the number of
equality ranges for the index is larger than or equal to
this number. If set to 0, index dives are always used.
Enable the event scheduler. Possible values are ON, OFF,
and DISABLED (keep the event scheduler completely
deactivated, it cannot be activated run-time)
-T, --exit-info[=#] Used for debugging. Use at your own risk.
If non-zero, binary logs will be purged after
expire_logs_days days; If this option alone is set on the
command line or in a configuration file, it overrides the
default value for binlog-expire-logs-seconds. If both
options are set to nonzero values,
binlog-expire-logs-seconds takes priority. Possible
purges happen at startup and at binary log rotation.
This option causes CREATE TABLE to create all TIMESTAMP
columns as NULL with DEFAULT NULL attribute, Without this
option, TIMESTAMP columns are NOT NULL and have implicit
DEFAULT clauses. The old behavior is deprecated. The
variable can only be set by users having the SUPER
(Defaults to on; use --skip-explicit-defaults-for-timestamp to disable.)
--external-locking Use system (external) locking (disabled by default).
With this option enabled you can run myisamchk to test
(not repair) tables while the MySQL server is running.
Disable with --skip-external-locking.
--federated[=name] Enable or disable FEDERATED plugin. Possible values are
ON, OFF, FORCE (don't start if the plugin fails to load).
--flush Flush MyISAM tables to disk between SQL commands
--flush-time=# A dedicated thread is created to flush all tables at the
given interval
List of operators for MATCH ... AGAINST ( ... IN BOOLEAN
--ft-max-word-len=# The maximum length of the word to be included in a
FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt
after changing this variable
--ft-min-word-len=# The minimum length of the word to be included in a
FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt
after changing this variable
Number of best matches to use for query expansion
Use stopwords from this file instead of built-in list
--gdb Set up signals usable for debugging.
--general-log Log connections and queries to a table or log file.
Defaults to logging to a file hostname.log, or if
--log-output=TABLE is used, to a table mysql.general_log.
Log connections and queries to given file
Determines the length randomly generated passwords in
The maximum length of the result of function
Transaction consistency guarantee, possible values:
When binlog is disabled, a background thread wakes up to
compress the gtid_executed table every
gtid_executed_compression_period transactions, as a
special case, if variable is 0, the thread never wakes up
to compress the gtid_executed table.
--gtid-mode=name Controls whether Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs)
or ON. OFF means that no transaction has a GTID.
OFF_PERMISSIVE means that new transactions (committed in
a client session using GTID_NEXT='AUTOMATIC') are not
assigned any GTID, and replicated transactions are
allowed to have or not have a GTID. ON_PERMISSIVE means
that new transactions are assigned a GTID, and replicated
transactions are allowed to have or not have a GTID. ON
means that all transactions have a GTID. ON is required
on a master before any slave can use
MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1. To safely switch from OFF to ON,
first set all servers to OFF_PERMISSIVE, then set all
servers to ON_PERMISSIVE, then wait for all transactions
without a GTID to be replicated and executed on all
servers, and finally set all servers to GTID_MODE = ON.
-?, --help Display this help and exit.
Maximum amount of memory available for generating
--host-cache-size=# How many host names should be cached to avoid resolving.
The number of seconds after which mysqld server will
fetch data from storage engine and replace the data in
--init-connect=name Command(s) that are executed for each new connection
--init-file=name Read SQL commands from this file at startup
--init-slave=name Command(s) that are executed by a slave server each time
the SQL thread starts
-I, --initialize Create the default database and exit. Create a super user
with a random expired password and store it into the log.
Create the default database and exit. Create a super user
with empty password.
--innodb Deprecated option. Provided for backward compatibility
only. The option has no effect on the server behaviour.
InnoDB is always enabled. The option will be removed in a
future release.
Attempt flushing dirty pages to avoid IO bursts at
(Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-adaptive-flushing to disable.)
Percentage of log capacity below which no adaptive
flushing happens.
Enable InnoDB adaptive hash index (enabled by default).
Disable with --skip-innodb-adaptive-hash-index.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-innodb-adaptive-hash-index to disable.)
Number of InnoDB Adapative Hash Index Partitions.
(default = 8).
The upper limit of the sleep delay in usec. Value of 0
disables it.
Background commit interval in seconds
Disable row lock when direct access InnoDB through InnoDB
Enable binlog for applications direct access InnoDB
through InnoDB APIs
以上就是平淡糖豆最近收集整理的关于mysqld - 官方详细文档(MySQL社区版Ver 8.0.20 for Win64)_1的全部内容,更多相关mysqld内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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