1 说明
1.1 github
https://github.com/KinKir/guizero#https://github.com/lawsie/guizero #或者这个
1.2 安装
安装pip install guizero#pip3.8 install guizero #本机安装
1.3 优点:动态gif图片的显示
1.4 测试:本机python3.8,deepin-linux,微软vscode编辑器

2 最简单的一个窗口
#方法一from guizero import Appapp = App() #默认大小,标题,位置#app = App(,width=800, height=800) #指定标题和大小app.display()'''#方法二from guizero import * #里面有很多控件,一起导出,比如App,Box,Windowapp = App() #默认大小,标题,位置app.display()'''

3 小部件学习
3.1 Text部件
from guizero import * #Textapp = App() #默认大小,标题,位置#welcome_message = Text(app, text="Welcome to my app") #默认位置居中顶格和大小#顶左侧中间:align="left",align="center",注意没有center#right和top,bottom等等, height=1大小决定是不是往下,也就是与顶格线的距离welcome_message = Text(app, text="Welcome to my app",align="top", height=1)app.display()

3.2 PushButton按钮自定义
from guizero import *app = App()intro = Text(app, text="Have a go with guizero and see what you can create.")def tuichu(): #app窗口销毁,就是退出 app.destroy()#定义ok按钮的功能,可以自定义ok = PushButton(app, text="Ok",command=tuichu)app.display()

3.3 弹出框:
3.3.1 yesno(询问窗)
from guizero import App, Textdef do_this_on_close(): # 自定义文字 if app.yesno("Close", "Do you want to quit?"): app.destroy()app = App()title = Text(app, "哈哈哈")#When user tries to close the window#当点击右上角的关闭窗口的“×”时,弹出询问窗口。app.when_closed = do_this_on_closeapp.display()

3.3.2 question(输入回答窗)
from guizero import App, PushButton, Textdef button_pressed(): name = app.question("Hello", "What's your name?") if name is not None: #显示 hello.value = "Hello " + nameapp = App()button = PushButton(app, command=button_pressed, text="Hello")hello = Text(app)app.display()

3.3.3 alert(警示窗)
from guizero import Appapp = App()#带图标的app.info("Info", "This is a guizero app")app.error("Error", "Try and keep these out your code...")app.warn("Warning", "These are helpful to alert users")app.display()

4 优点:gif的动态图片显示
#from guizero import App, Picture, PushButton, infofrom guizero import *app = App()#方法一#anim = Picture(app, "yytd.gif") #默认大小#可自定义显示gif的图的大小#anim.width = 400#anim.height = 400#方法二button = PushButton(app, command=info, args=["button", "you pushed the image"], image="yytd.gif")#button.width = 400#button.height = 400app.display()

5 倒数计时器:
#from guizero import App, Text, PushButton #我讨厌这样from guizero import *app = App("timer")def count_down(): timer.value = int(timer.value) - 1 ''' #这个判断等于0时,继续重复倒数计时 if timer.value == "0": # cancel counter timer.cancel(count_down) # reset counter timer.value = 10 # setup repeat,每隔1秒 timer.repeat(1000, count_down) ''' #这是我改进的,注意如果这里采用app.destroy,那么 #app=App()就应该放在前面 if timer.value == "0": #自定退出 app.destroy()#app = App("timer") #作者原来放在这里的timer = Text(app, text="10")timer.repeat(1000, count_down)app.display()

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