我是靠谱客的博主 丰富秀发,这篇文章主要介绍Alcohol 120% 的五种烧录方式各有什么区别,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

URL: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/23595


Before reading this post you must know that when you extract an image from a CD (useful in order to do a 'true copy' of the CD, whose layout is made up by 'sectors', 74 min = 330,000 sectors) you can extract data in many ways:
1) 'cooked' (2048 bytes/sector);
1) 一般情况下:2048字节/扇区;(注:这2048个字节应该是光盘存储的正常数据)
2) RAW (2352 bytes/sector) 
2) 原始模式RAW: 2352字节/扇区(注:2352个字节除了包括2048个字节的正常数据,应该还包括校验数据)
3) RAW+SUB (2352 bytes + 96 bytes for subchannel data P-W = 2448 bytes)
3) 原模式RAW + 子通道SUB:2352字节 + 96字节的P-W子通道数据 = 2448字节。(译者注:咱不懂所谓的子通道及P-W是什么意思,总之是附属于光盘上一个扇区的额外的数据)
SUB data are sometimes used for storing CD-TEXT, CD-G (Karaoke) and some protection methods.

Well, when you burn back the extracted info on a CD-R you can choose between 5 different burning modes (not all software supports them):

1) TAO (track-at-once).一次性轨道刻录
You burn on the CD-R all data (2048 of 2352) but recalculate - thereby changing them - all correction codes. On multiple tracks CDs, the laser pauses between them (this mean you cannot record Live Audio CDs without gaps)

2) DAO/SAO (disc-at-once , session-at-once).(整盘一次性,区段一次性)
As TAO, but the laser does not pause between tracks. This way you will not add extra pauses between tracks. You can record Live Audio CDs without gaps.
(SAO is smilar to DAO, but DAO closes the disc, SAO closes only the last session)

3) RAW SAO (sometimes simply called 'RAW Write'). 原始的SAO(有时候简单的称为“原始刻录”)。
You burn all 2352 bytes you extrcatced on the CD. Since you do not recalculate ECC/EDC, you end up with an 1:1 copy of the sector. Please note that since the error correction codes are not recalculated, the chance of burning incorrect data is higher. Avoid burning at very high speed.

4) RAW SAO 16 (sometimes called DAO 16). (有时叫DAO 16)
As RAW SAO, but you'll also write P and Q subchannel data (8 bytes each). You need an image complete with .SUB info to do that (CloneCD, for instance; .BIN/.CUE format is no good for that since only stores the 2352 part). You'll end up with an 1.1 copy of the sector plus the P-Q subchannels.
类似于RAW SAO,但还会写入P和Q子通道数据(每个子通道8个字节,两个加起来是16个字节,因此叫DAO 16)。这种模式要求映像文件保存有.SUB数据(例如CloneCD,.BIN/.CUE只是保存了2352字节的数据,因此不适合这种模式)。这样你就刻录了一张1:1复制扇区再加上P-Q子通道数据的光盘。

5) RAW DAO (sometimes called DAO 96).(有时候叫DAO 96)
As above, but you'll also write P - W subchannel data. As above, you need an image complete with .SUB info to do that. You'll end up with a 'perfect' copy (1.1 copy of the sector plus the P-W subchannels).

译者注:综上所述,凡是1:1复制扇区的刻录模式,例如RAW SAO, DAO 16, DAO 96,都不能以太高的速度刻录,因为没有重新计算校验数据。

For backup purposes of many protected CDs RAW DAO is suggested.对于备份一些加了防拷保护的光盘,建议使用RAW DAO(即DAO 96)模式。
If your burner does not support RAW DAO you might try these minimal settings (to be confirmed yet):
如果你的刻录机(刻录软件)不支持RAW DAO模式,你可以尝试这些最小限度的设置(当然需要确认):
- Safedisc and Laserlock backups NEED at least RAW SAO (Safedisc v.2 backup needs also FantomCD/Alcohol's 'Bypass EFM errors' or CloneCD's 'Amplify Weak Sectors' settings)
- Safedisc 和 Laserlock的保护方式至少需要RAW SAO(Safedisc v.2需要FantomCD/Alcohol的“忽略EFM错误”或者CloneCD的“弱扇区增强”设置)
- SecuROM and Libcrypt (PSX) NEED at least RAW SAO 16.
- SecuROM和Libcrypt(PSX)保护方式至少需要RAW SAO 16。


以上就是丰富秀发最近收集整理的关于Alcohol 120% 的五种烧录方式各有什么区别的全部内容,更多相关Alcohol内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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