python3 私有成员 If you have prior experience with other programming languages (Java, C#, C++, Kotlin) and have leapt to learn python, you will definitely look for the private members to provide encapsulation as it is a key principle of object-oriented programming. Everyone does that until getting familiar with the “pythonic” way of coding style. 如果您具有其他编程语言(Java,C#,C ++,Kotlin)的经验,并且打算学习python,那么您肯定会寻找私有成员来提供封装,因为这是面向对象编程的关键原理。 每个人都会这样做 ,直到熟悉“ pythonic”编码风格。 Looking into the few resources over the internet I found quite interesting thoughts that are really insightful and humorous as well. You must have a look over this link which I liked most. 在浏览互联网上的一些资源时,我发现了很多有趣的想法,这些想法也很有见地和幽默。 您必须先看一下我最喜欢的链接 。 Python doesn’t stop you to access private and protected attributes and methods as they are public by default ????. So, the implementation decision has been left for developers. Python不会阻止您访问私有和受保护的属性和方法,因为默认情况下它们是公共的。 因此,实施决策留给了开发人员。 Protected 受保护的 Single Underscore ( _ ) before fields and methods are used to indicate protected access-modifier. 字段和方法之前的单个下划线(_)用于指示受保护的访问修饰符。 Private 私人的 Double Underscore ( __ ) before fields and methods are used to indicate private access-modifier. 在使用字段和方法表示私有访问修饰符之前,请使用双下划线(__)。 Access of Private Modifier 访问私有修饰符 It can be seen in the above code snippet that the private method 可以在上面的代码片段中看到private方法 can be accessed as 可以作为访问 It’s just convention, although these can be accessed. It is a clear way of conveying the message to fellow developers. Don’t use it without having a clear understanding of what exactly it does. 尽管可以访问这些,但这只是约定。 这是向开发人员传达信息的一种清晰方法。 在没有清楚确切用途的情况下不要使用它 。 https://radek.io/2011/07/21/private-protected-and-public-in-python/ https://radek.io/2011/07/21/private-protected-and-public-in-python/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2064202/private-members-in-python https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2064202/private-members-in-python https://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/2003-October/025932.html https://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/2003-October/025932.html 翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/private-members-in-python-217baf02a162 python3 私有成员class User:
def __init__(self, username, password):
self._username = username
# i act like a protected but you can change me
self._password = password
# i act like a protected but you can change me
def _login(self):
print('i am like a protected method but you can access me')class User:
def __init__(self, username, password):
self.__username = username
# i act like a private but you can change me
self.__password = password
# i act like a private but you can change me
def __login(self):
print('i am like a private method but you can access me')class Doctor:
def __init__(self,
self.name = name
self.address = address
self.specialities = specialities
self.schedule = schedule
self.__degree = degree
def __diagnose_patient(self):
print(F'diagnosed patient bob by doctor {self.name}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
doctor = Doctor('Dr. Bob', 'KTM', 'OPD', 'SUN: 7-8', 'MBBS')
doctor._Doctor__diagnose_patient()def __diagnose_patient(self): # convention class name + method name
以上就是大方月饼为你收集整理的python3 私有成员_Python中的私有成员的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决python3 私有成员_Python中的私有成员所遇到的程序开发问题。
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