Warning: this post is old and might not reflect the current state of the art
First, a disclaimer: I’m not going to cover running Node.js code, but just packaging a web app to run on Mac and Windows. Linux is also part of the game, but I’m not covering it.
首先,免责声明:我不会介绍运行Node.js代码,而只是打包一个Web应用程序以在Mac和Windows上运行。 Linux也是游戏的一部分,但我没有介绍它。
node-webkit is, that’s how it’s called from its creators, a web runtime.
It’s based on Chromium (despite its name) and node.js. It lets us call node.js code and modules directly from the DOM, and opens new possibilities for native applications written using Web technologies.
它基于Chromium(尽管名称)和node.js。 它使我们可以直接从DOM调用node.js代码和模块,并为使用Web技术编写的本机应用程序打开了新的可能性。
In this post I’m just scratching the surface of it, by deploying and building a package for a web application, on Mac and Windows, just like it’s a native application.
运行应用 (Run the app)
First, let’s introduce the index.html file
We also need a package.json file
"name": "My Web App",
"main": "index.html"
That’s it from the code-side! Really.
从代码方面就是这样! 真。
Now to run the app, download the runtime from the site https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit for your specific platform, and then you can call
$ alias nw="open -n -a node-webkit '/PATH_TO_APP_DIRECTORY/'
$ ./nw
zip -r app.nw ./
You have now created a package of the app. You can double-click it on Mac, or drag over the node-webkit application on Windows, and it will run.
现在,您已经创建了该应用程序的程序包。 您可以在Mac上双击它,或者将其拖到Windows上的node-webkit应用程序上,它将运行。
There are a lot of options you can now add to the package.json file https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/Manifest-format, but that’s a start. You can for example hide the top bar with address and debugger, set the menu items, and decide pretty much all you need.
您现在可以将许多选项添加到package.json文件https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/Manifest-format ,但这只是一个开始。 例如,您可以隐藏具有地址和调试器的顶部栏,设置菜单项,然后确定几乎所有您需要的内容。
Now, let’s dig into packaging and distributing an app.
在Mac上打包应用程序 (Package the app on the Mac)
Unzip the node-webkit.app package downloaded from the node-webkit site.
Right-click, “Show package content”, go in Contents/Resources and copy there the app.nw file built with
$ zip -r app.nw ./
$ zip -r app.nw ./
or alternatively, copy the app directory there and name it “app.nw”.
或者,将应用程序目录复制到此处,并将其命名为“ app.nw”。
That’s it! You can now change the default icon and properties in the Contents/Info.plist file.
而已! 现在,您可以在Contents / Info.plist文件中更改默认图标和属性。
在Windows上打包应用程序 (Package the app on Windows)
Download the latest Windows package.
Copy the .nw file built using Zip in the package directory, alongside nw.exe, and call it app.nw
Run the command
copy /b nw.exe+app.nw app.exe
copy /b nw.exe+app.nw app.exe
You can now remove the nw.exe & app.nw files, zip the directory and distribute the package. Your users will need to download the zip file, uncompress and then run the app.exe file contained.
现在,您可以删除nw.exe和app.nw文件,压缩目录并分发软件包。 您的用户将需要下载zip文件,解压缩然后运行其中包含的app.exe文件。
翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/node-webkit-desktop-app/
以上就是冷艳衬衫为你收集整理的node-webkit_使用node-webkit创建桌面应用 运行应用 (Run the app) 在Mac上打包应用程序 (Package the app on the Mac) 在Windows上打包应用程序 (Package the app on Windows)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决node-webkit_使用node-webkit创建桌面应用 运行应用 (Run the app) 在Mac上打包应用程序 (Package the app on the Mac) 在Windows上打包应用程序 (Package the app on Windows)所遇到的程序开发问题。
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