我是靠谱客的博主 冷静哑铃,这篇文章主要介绍xcode 符号断点_将SF符号重新想象成Xcode,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

xcode 符号断点

Ever since Apple introduced, SF Symbols life has been so easy for developers. Particularly, for those who do not a have a design team to back them up.

自苹果推出以来,SF Symbols的生活对于开发人员而言是如此的轻松。 特别是对于那些没有设计团队来支持他们的人。

The pros of using SF Symbols has been documented well over the last year. There is no need to manage assets and the app size remains same irrespective of the number of symbols used. Seems like an all rosy path.

在过去的一年中,已经很好地记录了使用SF Symbols的优点。 无需管理资产,并且无论使用多少符号,应用程序大小均保持不变。 似乎是一条全是玫瑰色的道路。

But we have one good old problem. It can even be attributed to muscle memory. To copy the symbol’s name to Xcode, we end up pressing Cmd + C, most of the time. And Xcode stops compiling when our code looks like this.

但是,我们有一个很好的老问题。 它甚至可以归因于肌肉记忆。 要将符号的名称复制到Xcode,我们大多数时候最终会按Cmd +C 当我们的代码看起来像这样时,Xcode停止编译。

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Its quite hard to rewire ourselves, only when working with SF Symbols app.
仅在使用SF Symbols应用程序时,很难重新连接自己。

After successfully copying the symbol’s name, we modify the symbol to make is more suited for our app. Every time we add modifiers, we hope Xcode helps us with auto completion or we remember the modifiers exactly and type them correctly, so that the live preview remains live.

成功复制符号的名称后,我们修改符号以使其更适合我们的应用程序。 每次添加修饰符时,我们希望Xcode可以帮助我们完成自动完成,或者希望我们准确记住修饰符并正确键入它们,以便实时预览保持活动状态。

Then there will be times, when we might want to play around with multiple symbols, after applying your desired modifiers. So, we go the SF Symbols app, search or browse for the symbol, copy the symbol’s name, paste it into Xcode and again, hope that we did nothing to break the live preview.

然后有时候,在应用所需的修饰符后,我们可能想玩多个符号。 因此,我们转到SF Symbols应用程序,搜索或浏览该符号,复制该符号的名称 ,将其粘贴到Xcode中,然后再次希望该操作不会破坏实时预览。

Don’t you think this entire workflow needs some improvement? Here comes “Swimbols”.

您不认为整个工作流程都需要改进吗? 这是“ Swimbols ”。

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Swimbols — A swifty way to add SF Symbols into Xcode Swimbols —将SF符号添加到Xcode的快速方法

Swimbols helps you overcome the pain points explained above and improve your workflow, there by giving you a productivity boost.


Here’s how your workflow will look like with Swimbols.


Browse through the categories or search for a symbol, select one and start applying modifiers. The preview is live. Just swipe left to delete any modifier. Tap the edit button to re-order modifiers. Whenever you want to change the symbol, just select it. All your modifiers are applied and you can see changes without any delay.

浏览类别或搜索符号,选择一个并开始应用修饰符。 预览是实时的。 只需向左滑动即可删除任何修饰符。 点击编辑按钮以对修饰符重新排序。 每当您要更改符号时,只需选择它即可。 您所有的修改器均已应用,您可以立即看到更改。

Check out the iOS beta and let us know what you think. Swimbols for Mac is coming alongside macOS 11.

查看iOS Beta ,让我们知道您的想法。 Mac版Swimbols与macOS 11一同推出。

The roadmap for Swimbols is here and you can suggest features or post issues. Keep an eye on our Twitter handle for future updates.

Swimbols的路线图在这里 ,您可以建议功能或发布问题。 密切关注我们的Twitter处理,以获取将来的更新。

Happy Coding!


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/re-imagining-sf-symbols-into-xcode-c2ebf92550d9

xcode 符号断点


以上就是冷静哑铃最近收集整理的关于xcode 符号断点_将SF符号重新想象成Xcode的全部内容,更多相关xcode内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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