Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 6)
Media Recovery Delayed for thread 1 seq# 156317 until 05/11/2012 06:30:26
Media Recovery Log /data/oracle9/arch/1_156317.dbf
Fri May 11 06:32:37 2012
Media Recovery Delayed for thread 1 seq# 156318 until 05/11/2012 07:17:37
Media Recovery Log /data/oracle9/arch/1_156318.dbf
Fri May 11 07:19:59 2012
Media Recovery Delayed for thread 1 seq# 156319 until 05/11/2012 08:04:59
Media Recovery Log /data/oracle9/arch/1_156319.dbf
Fri May 11 08:07:14 2012
Media Recovery Delayed for thread 1 seq# 156320 until 05/11/2012 08:52:14
Media Recovery Log /data/oracle9/arch/1_156320.dbf
Fri May 11 08:54:34 2012
Media Recovery Delayed for thread 1 seq# 156321 until 05/11/2012 09:39:34
Media Recovery Log /data/oracle9/arch/1_156321.dbf
Fri May 11 09:42:06 2012
Media Recovery Delayed for thread 1 seq# 156322 until 05/11/2012 10:27:06
Media Recovery Log /data/oracle9/arch/1_156322.dbf
Fri May 11 10:29:19 2012
The DELAY attribute indicates that the archived redo logs at the standby site are not available for recovery until the specified time interval has expired. The time interval is expressed in minutes, and it starts when the redo log is successfully transmitted and archived at the standby site.
When the standby database is in managed recovery mode, redo logs are automatically applied when they arrive from the primary database. However, to protect against the transfer of corrupted or erroneous data from the primary site to the standby site, you might want to create a time lag between archiving a redo log at the primary site and applying that archived redo log at the standby site.
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以上就是繁荣朋友最近收集整理的关于9i dataguard delay使用要小心的全部内容,更多相关9i内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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