文章转自 http://blog.csdn.net/xiajian2010/article/details/23746995
1. Introduction
The following is an abstract grammar defining the DOT language. Terminals are shown in bold font and nonterminals in italics. Literal characters are given in single quotes. Parentheses ( and ) indicate grouping when needed. Square brackets [ and ] enclose optional items. Vertical bars | separate alternatives.
下面是一个抽象的语法定义了DOT的语言。 终结符以粗体字体表示和非终结符用斜体表示,文字字符在单引号中给出,圆括号表示在需要的时候进行分组,方括号包含可选项目,竖线|分隔可选项。备注:下面的这种定义语言语法的表达式称为扩展巴科斯范式(Extended Backus–Naur Form,EBNF),关于EBNF的介绍可以参考编译原理相关的书籍(国外的龙书,虎书,鲸书,国内的看陈火旺或冯博琴的),当然,如果仅仅是了解的话,可以看看wikipedia中的介绍(Extended Backus–Naur Form)。
graph | : | [ strict ] (graph | digraph) [ ID ] '{' stmt_list '}' |
stmt_list | : | [ stmt [ ';' ] [ stmt_list ] ] |
stmt | : | node_stmt |
| | | edge_stmt |
| | | attr_stmt |
| | | ID '=' ID |
| | | subgraph |
attr_stmt | : | (graph | node | edge) attr_list |
attr_list | : | '[' [ a_list ] ']' [ attr_list ] |
a_list | : | ID [ '=' ID ] [ ',' ] [ a_list ] |
edge_stmt | : | (node_id | subgraph) edgeRHS [ attr_list ] |
edgeRHS | : | edgeop (node_id | subgraph) [ edgeRHS ] |
node_stmt | : | node_id [ attr_list ] |
node_id | : | ID [ port ] |
port | : | ':' ID [ ':' compass_pt ] |
| | | ':' compass_pt |
subgraph | : | [ subgraph [ ID ] ] '{' stmt_list '}' |
compass_pt | : | (n | ne | e | se | s | sw | w | nw | c | _) |
The keywords node, edge, graph, digraph, subgraph, and strict are case-independent. Note also that the allowed compass point values are not keywords, so these strings can be used elsewhere as ordinary identifiers and, conversely, the parser will actually accept any identifier。
An ID is one of the following:
- l Any string of alphabetic ([a-zA-Z200-377]) characters, underscores ('_') or digits ([0-9]), not beginning with a digit;
- l ID标识符可为下列之一:字母表([ 377 A-ZA-Z 200])中的任何字符串,下划线(“_”)或数字([0-9]),但不可以数字开头; 注:这里的定义和C/C++中关于标识符的定义类似,实际上dot语言就是使用的一种类似C的语法,注释,标识符都很相似,而且dot语言(GraphViz)就是由C和C++的发明者所在的AT&T开发的。
- l a numeral [-]?(.[0-9]+ | [0-9]+(.[0-9]*)? );
- l 数字[-]?(.[0-9]+ | [0-9]+(.[0-9]*)? );
- l any double-quoted string ("...") possibly containing escaped quotes (");
- l 可能包含转义引号(”)的任意双引号引用的字符串
- l HTML字符串(<...>)an HTML string (<...>).
An ID is just a string; the lack of quote characters in the first two forms is just for simplicity. There is no semantic difference between abc_2 and "abc_2", or between 2.34 and "2.34". Obviously, to use a keyword as an ID, it must be quoted. Note that, in HTML strings, angle brackets must occur in matched pairs, and unescaped newlines are allowed. In addition, the content must be legal XML, so that the special XML escape sequences for ", &, <, and > may be necessary in order to embed these characters in attribute values or raw text.
ID只是一个字符串; 第一二种不使用引号形式仅仅是为了简单起见。还有就是,abc_2和“abc_2”或2.34和“2.34”之间没有语义差异 。很显然,使用关键字作为ID时,则必须使用引号。需要注意的是,在HTML中的字符串,尖括号必须成对出现,并且允许未转义的换行符。此外,其内容必须是合法的XML,此时特殊的XML转义序列“,&,<和>可能是必要的,以便在属性值或原始文本中嵌入这些字符。
Both quoted strings and HTML strings are scanned as a unit, so any embedded comments will be treated as part of the strings.
An edgeop is -> in directed graphs and -- in undirected graphs.
The language supports C++-style comments: /* */ and //. In addition, a line beginning with a '#' character is considered a line output from a C preprocessor (e.g., # 34 to indicate line 34 ) and discarded.
Semicolons aid readability but are not required except in the rare case that a named subgraph with no body immediately preceeds an anonymous subgraph, since the precedence rules cause this sequence to be parsed as a subgraph with a heading and a body. Also, any amount of whitespace may be inserted between terminals.
As another aid for readability, dot allows single logical lines to span multiple physical lines using the standard C convention of a backslash immediately preceding a newline character. In addition, double-quoted strings can be concatenated using a '+' operator. As HTML strings can contain newline characters, they do not support the concatenation operator.
2. 子图和群集 Subgraphs and Clusters
Subgraphs play three roles in Graphviz. First, a subgraph can be used to represent graph structure, indicating that certain nodes and edges should be grouped together. This is the usual role for subgraphs and typically specifies semantic information about the graph components.
In the second role, a subgraph can provide a context for setting attributes. For example, a subgraph could specify that blue is the default color for all nodes defined in it. In the context of graph drawing, a more interesting example is:
- subgraph {
- rank = same; A; B; C;
- }
This (anonymous) subgraph specifies that the nodes A, B and C should all be placed on the same rank if drawn using dot.
The third role for subgraphs directly involves how the graph will be laid out by certain layout engines. If the name of the subgraph begins with cluster, Graphviz notes the subgraph as a special cluster subgraph. If supported, the layout engine will do the layout so that the nodes belonging to the cluster are drawn together, with the entire drawing of the cluster contained within a bounding rectangle. Note that, for good and bad, cluster subgraphs are not part of the DOT language, but solely a syntactic convention adhered to by certain of the layout engines.
子图的第三个角色直接涉及图形将如何被某些布局引擎布局。如果子图命令以cluster开头,Graphviz将子图作为一种特殊的集群子图(cluster subgraph)。如果布局引擎支持集群子图,引擎在执行的布局时,将属于该集群中的节点绘制在一起并将其包含在一个矩形边框中。注意集群子图不是DOT语言的一部分,仅仅是该语法约定被某些布局引擎的坚持。
3. 词法和语义注释 Lexical and Semantic Notes
If a default attribute is defined using a node, edge, or graph statement, or by an attribute assignment not attached to a node or edge, any object of the appropriate type defined afterwards will inherit this attribute value. This holds until the default attribute is set to a new value, from which point the new value is used. Objects defined before a default attribute is set will have an empty string value attached to the attribute once the default attribute definition is made.
Note, in particular, that a subgraph receives the attribute settings of its parent graph at the time of its definition. This can be useful; for example, one can assign a font to the root graph and all subgraphs will also use the font. For some attributes, however, this property is undesirable. If one attaches a label to the root graph, it is probably not the desired effect to have the label used by all subgraphs. Rather than listing the graph attribute at the top of the graph, and the resetting the attribute as needed in the subgraphs, one can simple defer the attribute definition if the graph until the appropriate subgraphs have been defined.
请注意,特别是子图在定义时接收父图的属性设置。这很有用的; 例如,在根图中指定字体,所有子图也将使用该字体。然而,对于某些属性,这是不可取的。如果一个标签附加到根图中,没必要所有子图都使用这个标签。与其在图的顶部列出的图表属性,不如根据需要在子图中设置属性。简单的延迟属性定义,直到适当的子图中定义。
If an edge belongs to a cluster, its endpoints belong to that cluster. Thus, where you put an edge can effect a layout, as clusters are sometimes laid out recursively.
There are certain restrictions on subgraphs and clusters. First, at present, the names of a graph and it subgraphs share the same namespace. Thus, each subgraph must have a unique name. Second, although nodes can belong to any number of subgraphs, it is assumed clusters form a strict hierarchy when viewed as subsets of nodes and edges.
在子图和集群中存在一些限制。 首先,目前,图的名称和它的子图共享同一命名空间。因此,每个子图必须有一个唯一的名称。第二,虽然节点可以属于任意数量的子图,当集群被看作节点和边的子集,假设集群形成严格的层次结构。
4. 字符编码 Character encodings
The DOT language assumes at least the ascii character set. Quoted strings, both ordinary and HTML-like, may contain non-ascii characters. In most cases, these strings are uninterpreted: they simply serve as unique identifiers or values passed through untouched. Labels, however, are meant to be displayed, which requires that the software be able to compute the size of the text and determine the appropriate glyphs. For this, it needs to know what character encoding is used.
By default, DOT assumes the UTF-8 character encoding. It also accepts the Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) character set, assuming the input graph uses the charset attribute to specify this. For graphs using other character sets, there are usually programs, such as iconv, which will translate from one character set to another.
Another way to avoid non-ascii characters in labels is to use HTML entities for special characters. During label evaluation, these entities are translated into the underlying character. This table shows the supported entities, with their Unicode value, a typical glyph, and the HTML entity name. Thus, to include a lower-case Greek beta into a string, one can use the ascii sequence β. In general, one should only use entities that are allowed in the output character set, and for which there is a glyph in the font.
另一种方式避免在标签中使用非ASCII字符是使用HTML实体的特殊字符。在标签的计算中,这些实体被翻译成、底层字符。 下表显示了支持的实体,表中展示了Unicode值,典型的字形和HTML实体名称。因此,为包括小写希腊的β成一个字符串,可以使用ASCII字符序列&beta。一般情况下,应该只使用被允许在输出字符集中以及在在字体的字形中的。
In quoted strings in DOT, the only escaped character is double-quote ("). That is, in quoted strings, the dyad " is converted to "; all other characters are left unchanged. In particular, \ remains \. Layout engines may apply additional escape sequences.
黑体:SimHei 宋体:SimSun 新宋体:NSimSun 仿宋:FangSong 楷体:KaiTi
仿宋_GB2312:FangSong_GB2312 楷体_GB2312:KaiTi_GB2312
官方文档地址: http://www.graphviz.org/Documentation.php
使用 Graphviz 生成自动化系统图:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/aix/library/au-aix-graphviz/
以上就是拼搏石头最近收集整理的关于java绘图 -- The DOT Language缘起正文1. Introduction2. 子图和群集 Subgraphs and Clusters3. 词法和语义注释 Lexical and Semantic Notes4. 字符编码 Character encodings后记参考文献:的全部内容,更多相关java绘图内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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