我是靠谱客的博主 坚定小笼包,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍OpenJDK源码阅读-Oop&Klassoop-klassoopklass,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



  • oop-klass
    • OBJECT hierarchy
    • metadata hierarchy
    • klass hierarchy
  • oop
    • classDiagram
    • description
  • klass
    • classDiagram
    • description
    • InstanceKlass
      • _misc_flags
      • _constants
      • _annotations



oop:ordinary object pointer,用来描述对象实例信息,一般保存在HEAP

OBJECT hierarchy


// OBJECT hierarchy
// This hierarchy is a representation hierarchy, i.e. if A is a superclass
// of B, A's representation is a prefix of B's representation.
typedef class oopDesc*
typedef class
typedef class
typedef class
typedef class
  • oopDesc

class oopDesc {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
volatile markWord _mark;
union _metadata {
narrowKlass _compressed_klass;
} _metadata;


typedef juint narrowOop; // Offset instead of address for an oop within a java object
// If compressed klass pointers then use narrowKlass.
typedef juint


metadata hierarchy

// The metadata hierarchy is separate from the oop hierarchy
class MetaspaceObj
class Metadata
class CHeapObj

klass hierarchy

// The klass hierarchy is separate from the oop hierarchy.
class Klass;



oopDesc -markWord _mark -union _metadata instanceOopDesc +header_size() : int +base_offset_in_bytes() : int arrayOopDesc typeArrayOopDesc objArrayOopDesc







MetaspaceObj +is_valid(MetaspaceObj* p) : bool +is_shared(Metaspaceobj* p) : bool +is_shared() : bool +set_shared_metaspace_range(void* base,void* top) : void +shared_metaspace_base() +shared_metaspace_top() +type_name(Type type) +array_type(size_t elem_size) : Type +is_read_only_by_default() : bool Annotations Array ConstMethod Metadata +identity_hash() : int +is_metadate() : bool +is_klass() : bool +is_method() : bool +is_methodData() : bool +is_constantPool() : bool +is_methodCounters() : bool +size() : int +type() : Type +internal_name() +metaspace_pointers_do(iter) +on_stack() +set_on_stack(bool value) +mark_on_stack(Metadata* m) : void ConstantPoolCache RecordComponent Symbol MethodCounters ConstantPool Klass +jint _layout_helper #KlassID _id #int _vtable_len +juint _super_check_offset #Symbol* _name +Klass* _secondary_super_cache +Array<Klass*>* _secondary_supers #Klass* _primary_supers[_primary_super_limit] #OopHandle _java_mirror +Klass* _super #Klass* _subklass #Klass* _next_sibling +Klass* _next_link +ClassLoaderDate* _class_loader_data +jint _modifier_flags #AccessFlags _access_flags #jlong _last_biased_lock_bulk_revocation_time #markWord _prototype_header #jint _biased_lock_revocation_count +jshort _shared_class_path_index +id() : int +is_klass() : bool +initialize_supers(Klass* k,Array<InstanceKlass*>* interfaces) +compute_secondary_supers(int Array<InstanceKlass*>* interfaces) +java_super() : InstanceKlass +primary_super_of_depth(jint i) : Klass +can_be_primary_super() : bool +can_be_primary_super_slow() : bool +super_depth() : juint +java_mirror() : oop +java_mirror_no_keepalive() : oop +set_java_mirror(Handle m) +archived_java_mirror_raw() : oop +archived_java_mirror_raw_narrow() : narrowOOp +set_archived_java_mirror_raw(oop m) : void +replace_java_mirror(oop mirror) : viod +clear_java_mirror_handle() : void +subklass(bool log) : Klass +next_sibling(bool log) : Klass +superklass() : InstanceKlass +append_to_sibling_list() : void +module() : ModuleEntry +package() : PackageEntry Method MethodData ArrayKlass InstanceKlass InstanceClassLoaderKlass InstanceMirrorKlass InstanceRefKlass



InstanceKlassinstanceKlass.hppjvm用来存放java class信息


// See "The Java Virtual Machine Specification" section 2.16.2-5 for a detailed description
// of the class loading & initialization procedure, and the use of the states.
enum ClassState {
// allocated (but not yet linked)
// loaded and inserted in class hierarchy (but not linked yet)
// successfully linked/verified (but not initialized yet)
// currently running class initializer
// initialized (successfull final state)
// error happened during initialization
// Describes where oops are located in instances of this klass.
class OopMapBlock {
void increment_count(int diff) { _count += diff; }
int offset_span() const { return _count * heapOopSize; }
int end_offset() const {
return offset() + offset_span();
bool is_contiguous(int another_offset) const {
return another_offset == end_offset();
// sizeof(OopMapBlock) in words.
static const int size_in_words() {
return align_up((int)sizeof(OopMapBlock), wordSize) >>
static int compare_offset(const OopMapBlock* a, const OopMapBlock* b) {
return a->offset() - b->offset();
uint _count;//PUBLIC
// An InstanceKlass is the VM level representation of a Java class.
// It contains all information needed for at class at execution runtime.
InstanceKlass embedded field layout (after declared fields):
[EMBEDDED Java vtable
] size in words = vtable_len
[EMBEDDED nonstatic oop-map blocks] size in words = nonstatic_oop_map_size
The embedded nonstatic oop-map blocks are short pairs (offset, length)
indicating where oops are located in instances of this klass.
[EMBEDDED implementor of the interface] only exist for interface
[EMBEDDED unsafe_anonymous_host klass] only exist for an unsafe anonymous class (JSR 292 enabled)
[EMBEDDED fingerprint
] only if should_store_fingerprint()==true
// forward declaration for class -- see below for definition
class InstanceKlass: public Klass {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
friend class ClassFileParser;
friend class CompileReplay;
static const KlassID ID = InstanceKlassID;
InstanceKlass(const ClassFileParser& parser, unsigned kind, KlassID id = ID);
InstanceKlass() { assert(DumpSharedSpaces || UseSharedSpaces, "only for CDS"); }
static InstanceKlass* allocate_instance_klass(const ClassFileParser& parser, TRAPS);
_annotations;//PUBLIC Annotations for this class
// Package this class is defined in
// Array classes holding elements of this class.
ObjArrayKlass* volatile _array_klasses;//PUBLIC
ConstantPool* _constants;//PUBLIC Constant pool for this class.
Array<jushort>* _inner_classes;//PUBLIC
Array<jushort>* _nest_members;//PUBLIC class info index for the class that is a nest member
// Resolved nest-host klass: either true nest-host or self if we are not
// nested, or an error occurred resolving or validating the nominated
// nest-host. Can also be set directly by JDK API's that establish nest
// relationships.
// By always being set it makes nest-member access checks simpler.
InstanceKlass* _nest_host;
Array<jushort>* _permitted_subclasses;//PUBLIC class info index for the class that is a permitted subclass
Array<RecordComponent*>* _record_components;//PUBLIC The contents of the Record attribute.
// the source debug extension for this klass, NULL if not specified.
// Specified as UTF-8 string without terminating zero byte in the classfile,
// it is stored in the instanceklass as a NULL-terminated UTF-8 string
const char*
// Number of heapOopSize words used by non-static fields in this klass
// (including inherited fields but after header_size()).
//PUBLIC number words used by static fields (oop and non-oop) in this klass
_nonstatic_oop_map_size;//PUBLIC size in words of nonstatic oop map blocks
// length of Java itable (in words)
// The NestHost attribute. The class info index for the class
// that is the nest-host of this class. This data has not been validated.
//PUBLIC constant pool entry
_static_oop_field_count;//PUBLIC number of static oop fields in this klass
// The number of declared Java fields
volatile u2
// JNI/JVMTI: increments with the addition of methods, old ids don't change
//PUBLIC used for marking during flushing and deoptimization
// Class states are defined as ClassState (see above).
// Place the _init_state here to utilize the unused 2-byte after
// _idnum_allocated_count.
// state of class
// This can be used to quickly discriminate among the four kinds of
// InstanceKlass. This should be an enum (?)
static const unsigned _kind_other
= 0; // concrete InstanceKlass
static const unsigned _kind_reference
= 1; // InstanceRefKlass
static const unsigned _kind_class_loader = 2; // InstanceClassLoaderKlass
static const unsigned _kind_mirror
= 3; // InstanceMirrorKlass
// reference type
// kind of InstanceKlass
u2 shared_loader_type_bits() const {
return _misc_is_shared_boot_class|_misc_is_shared_platform_class|_misc_is_shared_app_class;
// There is more space in access_flags for more flags.
// Pointer to current thread doing initialization (to handle recursive initialization)
volatile _oop_map_cache;
//PUBLIC OopMapCache for all methods in the klass (allocated lazily)
//PUBLIC First JNI identifier for static fields in this class
volatile _methods_jmethod_ids;
// jmethodIDs corresponding to method_idnum, or NULL if none
volatile _dep_context;
// packed DependencyContext structure
volatile _dep_context_last_cleaned;
//PUBLIC Head of list of on-stack replacement nmethods for this class
Array<Method*>* _methods;//PUBLIC Method array.
Array<Method*>* _default_methods;//PUBLIC Default Method Array, concrete methods inherited from interfaces
// Interfaces (InstanceKlass*s) this class declares locally to implement.
Array<InstanceKlass*>* _local_interfaces;//只被赋值一次
// Interfaces (InstanceKlass*s) this class implements transitively.
Array<InstanceKlass*>* _transitive_interfaces;//只被赋值一次
_method_ordering;//PUBLIC Int array containing the original order of method in the class file (for JVMTI).
// Int array containing the vtable_indices for default_methods
// offset matches _default_methods offset
// Instance and static variable information, starts with 6-tuples of shorts
// [access, name index, sig index, initval index, low_offset, high_offset]
// for all fields, followed by the generic signature data at the end of
// the array. Only fields with generic signature attributes have the generic
// signature data set in the array. The fields array looks like following:
// f1: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
// f2: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
// fn: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
[generic signature index]
[generic signature index]
// embedded Java vtable follows here
// embedded Java itables follows here
// embedded static fields follows here
// embedded nonstatic oop-map blocks follows here
// embedded implementor of this interface follows here
The embedded implementor only exists if the current klass is an
iterface. The possible values of the implementor fall into following
three cases:
NULL: no implementor.
A Klass* that's not itself: one implementor.
Itself: more than one implementors.
// embedded unsafe_anonymous_host klass follows here
The embedded host klass only exists in an unsafe anonymous class for
dynamic language support (JSR 292 enabled). The host class grants
its access privileges to this class also. The host class is either
named, or a previously loaded unsafe anonymous class. A non-anonymous class
or an anonymous class loaded through normal classloading does not
have this embedded field.
friend class SystemDictionary;
static bool _disable_method_binary_search;
// The UNREGISTERED class loader type
bool is_shared_unregistered_class() const {
return (_misc_flags & shared_loader_type_bits()) == 0;
void clear_shared_class_loader_type() {
_misc_flags &= ~shared_loader_type_bits();
void set_shared_class_loader_type(s2 loader_type);
void assign_class_loader_type();
// methods
Method* method_with_idnum(int idnum);
Method* method_with_orig_idnum(int idnum);
Method* method_with_orig_idnum(int idnum, int version);
// method ordering
void copy_method_ordering(const intArray* m, TRAPS);
// default method vtable_indices
Array<int>* create_new_default_vtable_indices(int len, TRAPS);
friend class fieldDescriptor;
FieldInfo* field(int index) const { return FieldInfo::from_field_array(_fields, index); }
(int index) const { return field(index)->offset(); }
field_access_flags(int index) const { return field(index)->access_flags(); }
Symbol* field_name
(int index) const { return field(index)->name(constants()); }
Symbol* field_signature
(int index) const { return field(index)->signature(constants()); }
// Number of Java declared fields
int java_fields_count() const
{ return (int)_java_fields_count; }
Array<u2>* fields() const
{ return _fields; }
void set_fields(Array<u2>* f, u2 java_fields_count) {
guarantee(_fields == NULL || f == NULL, "Just checking");
_fields = f;
_java_fields_count = java_fields_count;
// dynamic nest member support
void set_nest_host(InstanceKlass* host, TRAPS);
bool is_record() const { return _record_components != NULL; }
// Called to verify that k is a member of this nest - does not look at k's nest-host
bool has_nest_member(InstanceKlass* k, TRAPS) const;
// Used to construct informative IllegalAccessError messages at a higher level,
// if there was an issue resolving or validating the nest host.
// Returns NULL if there was no error.
const char* nest_host_error(TRAPS);
// Returns nest-host class, resolving and validating it if needed.
// Returns NULL if resolution is not possible from the calling context.
InstanceKlass* nest_host(TRAPS);
// Check if this klass is a nestmate of k - resolves this nest-host and k's
bool has_nestmate_access_to(InstanceKlass* k, TRAPS);
// Called to verify that k is a permitted subclass of this class
bool has_as_permitted_subclass(const InstanceKlass* k) const;
// method override check
bool is_override(const methodHandle& super_method, Handle targetclassloader, Symbol* targetclassname, TRAPS);
// package
PackageEntry* package() const
{ return _package_entry; }
ModuleEntry* module() const;
bool in_unnamed_package() const
{ return (_package_entry == NULL); }
void set_package(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, PackageEntry* pkg_entry, TRAPS);
// If the package for the InstanceKlass is in the boot loader's package entry
// table then sets the classpath_index field so that
// get_system_package() will know to return a non-null value for the
// package's location.
And, so that the package will be added to the list of
// packages returned by get_system_packages().
// For packages whose classes are loaded from the boot loader class path, the
// classpath_index indicates which entry on the boot loader class path.
void set_classpath_index(s2 path_index, TRAPS);
bool is_same_class_package(const Klass* class2) const;
bool is_same_class_package(oop other_class_loader, const Symbol* other_class_name) const;
// find an enclosing class
InstanceKlass* compute_enclosing_class(bool* inner_is_member, TRAPS) const;
// Find InnerClasses attribute and return outer_class_info_index & inner_name_index.
bool find_inner_classes_attr(int* ooff, int* noff, TRAPS) const;
// Check prohibited package ("java/" only loadable by boot or platform loaders)
static void check_prohibited_package(Symbol* class_name,
ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
// initialization state
bool is_loaded() const
{ return _init_state >= loaded; }
bool is_linked() const
{ return _init_state >= linked; }
bool is_initialized() const
{ return _init_state == fully_initialized; }
bool is_not_initialized() const
{ return _init_state <
being_initialized; }
bool is_being_initialized() const
{ return _init_state == being_initialized; }
bool is_in_error_state() const
{ return _init_state == initialization_error; }
bool is_reentrant_initialization(Thread *thread)
{ return thread == _init_thread; }
{ return (ClassState)_init_state; }
// is this a sealed class
bool is_sealed() const;
// initialization (virtuals from Klass)
bool should_be_initialized() const;
// means that initialize should be called
void initialize(TRAPS);
void link_class(TRAPS);
bool link_class_or_fail(TRAPS); // returns false on failure
void rewrite_class(TRAPS);
void link_methods(TRAPS);
Method* class_initializer() const;
// set the class to initialized if no static initializer is present
void eager_initialize(Thread *thread);
// reference type
ReferenceType reference_type() const
{ return (ReferenceType)_reference_type; }
void set_reference_type(ReferenceType t) {
assert(t == (u1)t, "overflow");
_reference_type = (u1)t;
static ByteSize reference_type_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(InstanceKlass, _reference_type)); }
// find local field, returns true if found
bool find_local_field(Symbol* name, Symbol* sig, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
// find field in direct superinterfaces, returns the interface in which the field is defined
Klass* find_interface_field(Symbol* name, Symbol* sig, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
// find field according to JVM spec, returns the klass in which the field is defined
Klass* find_field(Symbol* name, Symbol* sig, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
// find instance or static fields according to JVM spec, returns the klass in which the field is defined
Klass* find_field(Symbol* name, Symbol* sig, bool is_static, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
// find a non-static or static field given its offset within the class.
bool contains_field_offset(int offset);
bool find_local_field_from_offset(int offset, bool is_static, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
bool find_field_from_offset(int offset, bool is_static, fieldDescriptor* fd) const;
inline static int quick_search(const Array<Method*>* methods, const Symbol* name);
static void disable_method_binary_search() {
_disable_method_binary_search = true;
// find a local method (returns NULL if not found)
Method* find_method(const Symbol* name, const Symbol* signature) const;
static Method* find_method(const Array<Method*>* methods,
const Symbol* name,
const Symbol* signature);
// find a local method, but skip static methods
Method* find_instance_method(const Symbol* name, const Symbol* signature,
PrivateLookupMode private_mode) const;
static Method* find_instance_method(const Array<Method*>* methods,
const Symbol* name,
const Symbol* signature,
PrivateLookupMode private_mode);
// find a local method (returns NULL if not found)
Method* find_local_method(const Symbol* name,
const Symbol* signature,
OverpassLookupMode overpass_mode,
StaticLookupMode static_mode,
PrivateLookupMode private_mode) const;
// find a local method from given methods array (returns NULL if not found)
static Method* find_local_method(const Array<Method*>* methods,
const Symbol* name,
const Symbol* signature,
OverpassLookupMode overpass_mode,
StaticLookupMode static_mode,
PrivateLookupMode private_mode);
// find a local method index in methods or default_methods (returns -1 if not found)
static int find_method_index(const Array<Method*>* methods,
const Symbol* name,
const Symbol* signature,
OverpassLookupMode overpass_mode,
StaticLookupMode static_mode,
PrivateLookupMode private_mode);
// lookup operation (returns NULL if not found)
Method* uncached_lookup_method(const Symbol* name,
const Symbol* signature,
OverpassLookupMode overpass_mode,
PrivateLookupMode private_mode = find_private) const;
// lookup a method in all the interfaces that this class implements
// (returns NULL if not found)
Method* lookup_method_in_all_interfaces(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature, DefaultsLookupMode defaults_mode) const;
// lookup a method in local defaults then in all interfaces
// (returns NULL if not found)
Method* lookup_method_in_ordered_interfaces(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) const;
// Find method indices by name.
If a method with the specified name is
// found the index to the first method is returned, and 'end' is filled in
// with the index of first non-name-matching method.
If no method is found
// -1 is returned.
int find_method_by_name(const Symbol* name, int* end) const;
static int find_method_by_name(const Array<Method*>* methods,
const Symbol* name, int* end);
// protection domain
oop protection_domain() const;
// signers
objArrayOop signers() const;
// host class
InstanceKlass* unsafe_anonymous_host() const {
InstanceKlass** hk = adr_unsafe_anonymous_host();
if (hk == NULL) {
assert(!is_unsafe_anonymous(), "Unsafe anonymous classes have host klasses");
return NULL;
} else {
assert(*hk != NULL, "host klass should always be set if the address is not null");
assert(is_unsafe_anonymous(), "Only unsafe anonymous classes have host klasses");
return *hk;
void set_unsafe_anonymous_host(const InstanceKlass* host) {
assert(is_unsafe_anonymous(), "not unsafe anonymous");
const InstanceKlass** addr = (const InstanceKlass **)adr_unsafe_anonymous_host();
assert(addr != NULL, "no reversed space");
if (addr != NULL) {
*addr = host;
// source debug extension
const char* source_debug_extension() const { return _source_debug_extension; }
void set_source_debug_extension(const char* array, int length);
// nonstatic oop-map blocks
static int nonstatic_oop_map_size(unsigned int oop_map_count) {
return oop_map_count * OopMapBlock::size_in_words();
unsigned int nonstatic_oop_map_count() const {
return _nonstatic_oop_map_size / OopMapBlock::size_in_words();
// 对于非JVMTI的情况总是NULL
InstanceKlass* previous_versions() const { return NULL; }
InstanceKlass* get_klass_version(int version) {
return NULL;
bool supers_have_passed_fingerprint_checks();
static bool should_store_fingerprint(bool is_hidden_or_anonymous);
bool should_store_fingerprint() const { return should_store_fingerprint(is_hidden() || is_unsafe_anonymous()); }
bool has_stored_fingerprint() const;
uint64_t get_stored_fingerprint() const;
void store_fingerprint(uint64_t fingerprint);
void set_kind(unsigned kind) {
_kind = (u1)kind;
bool is_kind(unsigned desired) const {
return _kind == (u1)desired;
// Other is anything that is not one of the more specialized kinds of InstanceKlass.
bool is_other_instance_klass() const
{ return is_kind(_kind_other); }
bool is_reference_instance_klass() const
{ return is_kind(_kind_reference); }
bool is_mirror_instance_klass() const
{ return is_kind(_kind_mirror); }
bool is_class_loader_instance_klass() const { return is_kind(_kind_class_loader); }
static void purge_previous_versions(InstanceKlass* ik) { return; };
static bool has_previous_versions_and_reset() { return false; }
void set_cached_class_file(JvmtiCachedClassFileData *data) {
assert(data == NULL, "unexpected call with JVMTI disabled");
JvmtiCachedClassFileData * get_cached_class_file() { return (JvmtiCachedClassFileData *)NULL; }
// for adding methods, ConstMethod::UNSET_IDNUM means no more ids available
inline u2 next_method_idnum();
void set_initial_method_idnum(u2 value)
{ _idnum_allocated_count = value; }
u2 enclosing_method_data(int offset) const;
u2 enclosing_method_class_index() const {
return enclosing_method_data(enclosing_method_class_index_offset);
u2 enclosing_method_method_index() {
return enclosing_method_data(enclosing_method_method_index_offset);
void set_enclosing_method_indices(u2 class_index,
u2 method_index);
// jmethodID support
jmethodID get_jmethod_id(const methodHandle& method_h);
jmethodID get_jmethod_id_fetch_or_update(size_t idnum,
jmethodID new_id, jmethodID* new_jmeths,
jmethodID* to_dealloc_id_p,
jmethodID** to_dealloc_jmeths_p);
static void get_jmethod_id_length_value(jmethodID* cache, size_t idnum,
size_t *length_p, jmethodID* id_p);
void ensure_space_for_methodids(int start_offset = 0);
jmethodID jmethod_id_or_null(Method* method);
instanceOop allocate_instance(TRAPS);// allocation
static instanceOop allocate_instance(oop cls, TRAPS);
// additional member function to return a handle
instanceHandle allocate_instance_handle(TRAPS);
objArrayOop allocate_objArray(int n, int length, TRAPS);
// Helper function
static instanceOop register_finalizer(instanceOop i, TRAPS);
// Check whether reflection/jni/jvm code is allowed to instantiate this class;
// if not, throw either an Error or an Exception.
virtual void check_valid_for_instantiation(bool throwError, TRAPS);
void call_class_initializer(TRAPS);// initialization
void set_initialization_state_and_notify(ClassState state, TRAPS);
void mask_for(const methodHandle& method, int bci, InterpreterOopMap* entry);
JNIid* jni_id_for(int offset);
// maintenance of deoptimization dependencies
inline DependencyContext dependencies();
mark_dependent_nmethods(KlassDepChange& changes);
void add_dependent_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
void remove_dependent_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
void clean_dependency_context();
// On-stack replacement support
void add_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n);
bool remove_osr_nmethod(nmethod* n);
int mark_osr_nmethods(const Method* m);
nmethod* lookup_osr_nmethod(const Method* m, int bci, int level, bool match_level) const;
// support for stub routines
static ByteSize init_state_offset()
{ return in_ByteSize(offset_of(InstanceKlass, _init_state)); }
static ByteSize init_thread_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(InstanceKlass, _init_thread)); }
// subclass/subinterface checks
bool implements_interface(Klass* k) const;
bool is_same_or_direct_interface(Klass* k) const;
// Access to the implementor of an interface.
Klass* implementor() const;
void set_implementor(Klass* k);
nof_implementors() const;
void add_implementor(Klass* k);
// k is a new class that implements this interface
void init_implementor();
// initialize
// link this class into the implementors list of every interface it implements
void process_interfaces(Thread *thread);
// virtual operations from Klass
GrowableArray<Klass*>* compute_secondary_supers(int num_extra_slots,
Array<InstanceKlass*>* transitive_interfaces);
bool can_be_primary_super_slow() const;
int oop_size(oop obj)
{ return size_helper(); }
// slow because it's a virtual call and used for verifying the layout_helper.
// Using the layout_helper bits, we can call is_instance_klass without a virtual call.
DEBUG_ONLY(bool is_instance_klass_slow() const
{ return true; })
// Iterators
void do_local_static_fields(FieldClosure* cl);
void do_nonstatic_fields(FieldClosure* cl); // including inherited fields
void do_local_static_fields(void f(fieldDescriptor*, Handle, TRAPS), Handle, TRAPS);
void methods_do(void f(Method* method));
void array_klasses_do(void f(Klass* k));
void array_klasses_do(void f(Klass* k, TRAPS), TRAPS);
static InstanceKlass* cast(Klass* k) {
return const_cast<InstanceKlass*>(cast(const_cast<const Klass*>(k)));
static const InstanceKlass* cast(const Klass* k) {
assert(k != NULL, "k should not be null");
assert(k->is_instance_klass(), "cast to InstanceKlass");
return static_cast<const InstanceKlass*>(k);
virtual InstanceKlass* java_super() const {
return (super() == NULL) ? NULL : cast(super());
// Sizing (in words)
static int header_size()
{ return sizeof(InstanceKlass)/wordSize; }
static int size(int vtable_length, int itable_length,
int nonstatic_oop_map_size,
bool is_interface, bool is_unsafe_anonymous, bool has_stored_fingerprint) {
return align_metadata_size(header_size() +
vtable_length +
itable_length +
nonstatic_oop_map_size +
(is_interface ? (int)sizeof(Klass*)/wordSize : 0) +
(is_unsafe_anonymous ? (int)sizeof(Klass*)/wordSize : 0) +
(has_stored_fingerprint ? (int)sizeof(uint64_t*)/wordSize : 0));
int size() const{
return size(vtable_length(),itable_length(),nonstatic_oop_map_size(),
is_interface(),is_unsafe_anonymous(), has_stored_fingerprint());
intptr_t* start_of_itable()
const { return (intptr_t*)start_of_vtable() + vtable_length(); }
intptr_t* end_of_itable()
const { return start_of_itable() + itable_length(); }
itable_offset_in_words() const { return start_of_itable() - (intptr_t*)this; }
oop static_field_base_raw() { return java_mirror(); }
OopMapBlock* start_of_nonstatic_oop_maps() const {
return (OopMapBlock*)(start_of_itable() + itable_length());
Klass** end_of_nonstatic_oop_maps() const {
return (Klass**)(start_of_nonstatic_oop_maps() +
Klass* volatile* adr_implementor() const {
if (is_interface()) {
return (Klass* volatile*)end_of_nonstatic_oop_maps();
} else {
return NULL;
InstanceKlass** adr_unsafe_anonymous_host() const {
if (is_unsafe_anonymous()) {
InstanceKlass** adr_impl = (InstanceKlass**)adr_implementor();
if (adr_impl != NULL) {
return adr_impl + 1;
} else {
return (InstanceKlass **)end_of_nonstatic_oop_maps();
} else {
return NULL;
address adr_fingerprint() const {
if (has_stored_fingerprint()) {
InstanceKlass** adr_host = adr_unsafe_anonymous_host();
if (adr_host != NULL) {
return (address)(adr_host + 1);
Klass* volatile* adr_impl = adr_implementor();
if (adr_impl != NULL) {
return (address)(adr_impl + 1);
return (address)end_of_nonstatic_oop_maps();
} else {
return NULL;
// Use this to return the size of an instance in heap words:
int size_helper() const {
return layout_helper_to_size_helper(layout_helper());
// This bit is initialized in classFileParser.cpp.
// It is false under any of the following conditions:
- the class is abstract (including any interface)
- the class has a finalizer (if !RegisterFinalizersAtInit)
- the class size is larger than FastAllocateSizeLimit
- the class is java/lang/Class, which cannot be allocated directly
bool can_be_fastpath_allocated() const {
return !layout_helper_needs_slow_path(layout_helper());
// Java itable
klassItable itable() const;
// return klassItable wrapper
Method* method_at_itable(Klass* holder, int index, TRAPS);
void clean_weak_instanceklass_links();
void clean_implementors_list();
void clean_method_data();
// Explicit metaspace deallocation of fields
// For RedefineClasses and class file parsing errors, we need to deallocate
// instanceKlasses and the metadata they point to.
void deallocate_contents(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
static void deallocate_methods(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
Array<Method*>* methods);
void static deallocate_interfaces(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
const Klass* super_klass,
Array<InstanceKlass*>* local_interfaces,
Array<InstanceKlass*>* transitive_interfaces);
void static deallocate_record_components(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
Array<RecordComponent*>* record_component);
// callbacks for actions during class unloading
static void unload_class(InstanceKlass* ik);
virtual void release_C_heap_structures();
// Naming
const char* signature_name() const;
// Oop fields (and metadata) iterators
// The InstanceKlass iterators also visits the Object's klass.
// Forward iteration
// Iterate over all oop fields in the oop maps.
template <typename T, class OopClosureType>
inline void oop_oop_iterate_oop_maps(oop obj, OopClosureType* closure);
// Iterate over all oop fields and metadata.
template <typename T, class OopClosureType>
inline void oop_oop_iterate(oop obj, OopClosureType* closure);
// Iterate over all oop fields in one oop map.
template <typename T, class OopClosureType>
inline void oop_oop_iterate_oop_map(OopMapBlock* map, oop obj, OopClosureType* closure);
// Reverse iteration
// Iterate over all oop fields and metadata.
template <typename T, class OopClosureType>
inline void oop_oop_iterate_reverse(oop obj, OopClosureType* closure);
// Iterate over all oop fields in the oop maps.
template <typename T, class OopClosureType>
inline void oop_oop_iterate_oop_maps_reverse(oop obj, OopClosureType* closure);
// Iterate over all oop fields in one oop map.
template <typename T, class OopClosureType>
inline void oop_oop_iterate_oop_map_reverse(OopMapBlock* map, oop obj, OopClosureType* closure);
// Bounded range iteration
// Iterate over all oop fields in the oop maps.
template <typename T, class OopClosureType>
inline void oop_oop_iterate_oop_maps_bounded(oop obj, OopClosureType* closure, MemRegion mr);
// Iterate over all oop fields and metadata.
template <typename T, class OopClosureType>
inline void oop_oop_iterate_bounded(oop obj, OopClosureType* closure, MemRegion mr);
// Iterate over all oop fields in one oop map.
template <typename T, class OopClosureType>
inline void oop_oop_iterate_oop_map_bounded(OopMapBlock* map, oop obj, OopClosureType* closure, MemRegion mr);
u2 idnum_allocated_count() const
{ return _idnum_allocated_count; }
// initialization state
void set_init_state(ClassState state);
void set_init_thread(Thread *thread)
{ _init_thread = thread; }
// The RedefineClasses() API can cause new method idnums to be needed
// which will cause the caches to grow. Safety requires different
// cache management logic if the caches can grow instead of just
// going from NULL to non-NULL.
bool idnum_can_increment() const
{ return has_been_redefined(); }
inline jmethodID* methods_jmethod_ids_acquire() const;
inline void release_set_methods_jmethod_ids(jmethodID* jmeths);
// Lock during initialization
// Lock for (1) initialization; (2) access to the ConstantPool of this class.
// Must be one per class and it has to be a VM internal object so java code
// cannot lock it (like the mirror).
// It has to be an object not a Mutex because it's held through java calls.
oop init_lock() const;
void fence_and_clear_init_lock();
bool link_class_impl
bool verify_code
void initialize_impl
void initialize_super_interfaces
void eager_initialize_impl
/* jni_id_for_impl for jfieldID only */
JNIid* jni_id_for_impl
(int offset);
// Returns the array class for the n'th dimension
Klass* array_klass_impl(bool or_null, int n, TRAPS);
// Returns the array class with this class as element type
Klass* array_klass_impl(bool or_null, TRAPS);
// find a local method (returns NULL if not found)
Method* find_method_impl(const Symbol* name,
const Symbol* signature,
OverpassLookupMode overpass_mode,
StaticLookupMode static_mode,
PrivateLookupMode private_mode) const;
static Method* find_method_impl(const Array<Method*>* methods,
const Symbol* name,
const Symbol* signature,
OverpassLookupMode overpass_mode,
StaticLookupMode static_mode,
PrivateLookupMode private_mode);
// Free CHeap allocated fields.
void release_C_heap_structures_internal();
// CDS support - remove and restore oops from metadata. Oops are not shared.
virtual void remove_unshareable_info();
virtual void remove_java_mirror();
void restore_unshareable_info(ClassLoaderData* loader_data, Handle protection_domain, PackageEntry* pkg_entry, TRAPS);
// jvm support
jint compute_modifier_flags(TRAPS) const;
// JVMTI support
jint jvmti_class_status() const;
virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* iter);
// Printing
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;
void oop_print_value_on(oop obj, outputStream* st);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void oop_print_on
(oop obj, outputStream* st);
void print_dependent_nmethods(bool verbose = false);
bool is_dependent_nmethod(nmethod* nm);
bool verify_itable_index(int index);
const char* internal_name() const;
// Verification
void verify_on(outputStream* st);
void oop_verify_on(oop obj, outputStream* st);
// Logging
void print_class_load_logging(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
const char* module_name,
const ClassFileStream* cfs) const;
// for adding methods
// UNSET_IDNUM return means no more ids available
inline u2 InstanceKlass::next_method_idnum() {
if (_idnum_allocated_count == ConstMethod::MAX_IDNUM) {
return ConstMethod::UNSET_IDNUM; // no more ids available
} else {
return _idnum_allocated_count++;


InstanceKlass里有个位图字段,一个顶十六个,那就是 _misc_flags,它的16位的含义可以参见下面的枚举

enum {
= 1 << 0,
// methods rewritten.
= 1 << 1,
// for sizing with UseCompressedOops
= 1 << 2,
// allow caching of preverification
= 1 << 3,
// has embedded _unsafe_anonymous_host field
= 1 << 4,
// marked with contended annotation
= 1 << 5,
// class/superclass/implemented interfaces has non-static, concrete methods
_misc_declares_nonstatic_concrete_methods = 1 << 6,
// directly declares non-static, concrete methods
= 1 << 7,
// class has been redefined
= 1 << 8,
// when this class was loaded, the fingerprint computed from its
// code source was found to be matching the value recorded by AOT.
= 1 << 9,
// class is the redefined scratch class
= 1 << 10, // defining class loader is boot class loader
= 1 << 11, // defining class loader is platform class loader
= 1 << 12, // defining class loader is app class loader
= 1 << 13, // resolved methods table entries added for this class
= 1 << 14, // used for locking redefinition
= 1 << 15
// has @Contended annotation


_misc_has_nonstatic_fieldshas_nonstatic_fields()set_has_nonstatic_fields(bool b)
_misc_is_unsafe_anonymousis_unsafe_anonymous()set_is_unsafe_anonymous(bool value)
_misc_is_contendedis_contended()set_is_contended(bool value)
_misc_has_nonstatic_concrete_methodshas_nonstatic_concrete_methods()set_has_nonstatic_concrete_methods(bool b)
_misc_declares_nonstatic_concrete_methodsdeclares_nonstatic_concrete_methods()set_declares_nonstatic_concrete_methods(bool b)
_misc_has_passed_fingerprint_checkhas_passed_fingerprint_check()set_has_passed_fingerprint_check(bool b)
_misc_is_being_redefinedis_being_redefined()set_is_being_redefined(bool value)JVMTI
_misc_has_contended_annotationshas_contended_annotations()set_has_contended_annotations(bool value)



  • bool on_stack() const
    The constant pool is on stack if any of the methods are executing or referenced by handles.
  • void set_generic_signature_index(u2 sig_index)
  • u2 generic_signature_index() const
  • Symbol* generic_signature() const
  • void set_major_version(u2 major_version)
  • u2 major_version() const
  • void set_minor_version(u2 minor_version)
  • u2 minor_version() const
  • Symbol* source_file_name() const
  • u2 source_file_name_index() const
  • void set_source_file_name_index(u2 sourcefile_index)



  • AnnotationArray* class_annotations() const
  • Array<AnnotationArray*>* fields_annotations() const
  • AnnotationArray* class_type_annotations() const
  • Array<AnnotationArray*>* fields_type_annotations() const





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