In my last post, I introduced a new blueprint framework our teams in the IBM Garage are using to create Cognitive Enterprises by using AI. In this article, I will be talking about a new designer practice and complimentary artefact to a Cognitive Enterprise Blueprint called Intelligent Workflows. These workflows are how our teams identify opportunities for AI, automation, robotics and IoT to help make business processes more efficient and more useful. The combination of a Cognitive Enterprise Blueprint and Intelligent workflow will become a powerful, cross-functional tool for your own teams when designing human/machine relationships. 在上一篇文章中,我介绍了一个新的蓝图框架,我们的IBM Garage团队正在使用这些蓝图通过AI创建认知企业。 在本文中,我将讨论一种称为“智能工作流”的认知设计师蓝图的新设计人员实践和免费人工制品。 这些工作流是我们团队如何识别人工智能,自动化,机器人技术和物联网的机会,以帮助提高业务流程的效率和效用。 在设计人机关系时,认知企业蓝图和智能工作流程的结合将成为您自己团队的强大,跨功能的工具。 We use this blueprint in two ways. My last post focused on the first area when re-designing an enterprise or functional area of a business. This post will focus on the second area, which deals with micro-moments in a user experience: 我们以两种方式使用此蓝图。 我的最后一篇文章集中在重新设计企业或业务职能领域的第一个领域。 这篇文章将专注于第二个领域,涉及用户体验中的微小时刻: Whether you are improving a current state or creating a future state, an Intelligent Workflow uses many common design thinking and Lean UX practices. For example, we use Personas and Value Prop canvases to identify people’s needs and the new value we can create by solving those needs. In an Intelligent Workflow, our teams take a Persona canvas and use that to create the role of the digital worker in the workflow. This ensures that the design of the human/machine relationship is transparent to the team and stakeholders by providing direction for how the cognitive systems will fulfil their potential. 无论您是要改进当前状态还是创建将来的状态,智能工作流都将使用许多常见的设计思想和精益UX实践。 例如,我们使用Personas和Value Prop画布来识别人们的需求以及通过解决这些需求可以创造的新价值。 在智能工作流中,我们的团队采用Persona画布,并使用它来创建数字工作人员在工作流中的角色。 通过为认知系统如何发挥潜能提供指导,从而确保人/机关系的设计对团队和利益相关者透明。 What is a digital worker? They are the robots in a workflow that are helping to analyse and automate commonly performed tasks in our work. These robots are enabled by AI and the AI systems are triggered by the sensors on an IoT device. I’ve included an example below of a user story about a digital worker that supports a superintendent in the area of team rostering for an energy company that uses this combination of robotics, automation, AI and IoT. 什么是数字工作者? 它们是工作流程中的机器人,可帮助分析和自动化我们工作中经常执行的任务。 这些机器人由AI启用,并且AI系统由IoT设备上的传感器触发。 我在下面提供了一个用户故事的示例,该故事涉及一个数字工作者,该工作者在使用机器人,自动化,人工智能和物联网的组合的能源公司中,支持总监进行团队排班。 Consider all the variables that take place when a person calls out sick—the gap in the value chain or workflow from the skills provided by this person; the leading indicators of sickness like the amount of work coming up and the lagging indicators of how many people have been sick in the last week; and the redistribution of work that needs to happen so the team can still deliver to plan with minimal impact to energy production. This multiple-step analysis and synthesis would take a person hours to perform and the day would be half over. In this user story the work is done in minutes, and provides an outcome minimising the impact to production. 考虑一个人召唤病人时发生的所有变数,即该人提供的技能在价值链或工作流程中的差距; 疾病的主要指标,例如工作量的增加以及上周有多少人生病的落后指标; 以及需要进行的工作的重新分配,以便团队仍然可以按计划进行计划,而对能源生产的影响最小。 这种多步骤的分析和综合将花费一个人几个小时的时间,而一天的时间将超过一半。 在此用户案例中,工作在几分钟内完成,并提供了对产品的影响最小化的结果。 The use case and user story maps below are some of the artefacts our teams in the IBM Garage use to describe the organisation and patterns of data that need to flow through the AI systems to identify, understand, and apply knowledge and reason to produce an outcome. 下面的用例和用户故事图是我们IBM Garage团队使用的一些人工制品,用于描述需要流经AI系统以识别,理解和应用知识和理由以产生结果的数据的组织和模式。 。 乌尔的工程师,设计师和企业产品负责人的产品团队合作,了解这两个变量下坐,以确定他们将建立智能化的织物上的数据。 他们还研究了人类在场景中将要执行的任务,并将意图与模仿人类过程的机器相匹配。 然后,他们可以将AI集体设计为在人类和系统之间的工作流中进行的体验,交互和对话。 听起来可能很复杂,但是我们已经开发了有趣的工具,可帮助您消除复杂性,避免担心对许多客户和新团队成员而言是全新的事情。 Our Design for AI workshops are made so that all people can participate with all types of skills and backgrounds. They are intentionally made for cross-functional teams so that everyone can perform the activities and brainstorming sessions. We’ve included a set of cognitive playing cards with capability pictures on them that relate to the skills people use to perform common tasks. Often, it’s not one card that is selected from the pile, but a combination of these cards helps our teams determine how the AI will engage with the human. Once we understand all this, then we can design the features and functions of the intelligence in the workflow. 我们的AI设计工作坊的制作使所有人都能以各种技能和背景参加。 它们是专为跨职能团队设计的,因此每个人都可以执行活动和集思广益会议。 我们提供了一组认知扑克牌,上面印有能力照片,这些照片与人们用来执行常见任务的技能有关。 通常,不是从一堆纸牌中选出一张,而是将这些纸牌组合在一起帮助我们的团队确定AI如何与人类互动。 一旦了解了所有这些,就可以设计工作流程中智能的特征和功能。 Often these types of Intelligent Workflows are best communicated and understood by stakeholders through a set of common design artefacts: 通常,利益相关者通过一系列常见的设计工件可以最好地传达和理解这些类型的智能工作流: A Cognitive Enterprise Blueprint that houses the validated moments, data and system require to build each interaction. 一个认知企业蓝图 ,其中包含建立每次交互所需的经过验证的时刻,数据和系统。 Related articles: The Design Blueprint for an intelligent enterprise 相关文章: 智能企业的设计蓝图 翻译自:
以上就是鳗鱼金针菇最近收集整理的关于在IBM Garage中设计智能工作流程的全部内容,更多相关在IBM内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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