http://postscapes.com/internet-of-things-award/2014/iot-open-source-project 最新IOT项目排名
1. IoT device control
- IoTcommercializedproduct control solution support
- Philips HUElighting equipment,etc
2. Seamless Usability for the Applications
Mobile userhistorybased customizedservice support
3. IoT attached deviceDevelopment 支持已有设备类型
-Attach to existing device and gathering meaningful sensing datashared with Hub
. Eachappliances/sensordeviceinformationsupport
(fridge, washer, lightingdevice, thermo-hygrometer, etc)
Why Node.js?
Why Node.js
- Rapid development of Server-side app using java script technology
- NPM(NodePackage Manager) library module and a great store of know how of node community can be supported,Powerful library support NPM(NodePackage Manager) approx.500,000 library module can be supported
- No need to compile both Client and Server which Using java scripttechnology both
- Web server-based app/service that supports various network protocol can be developed
- JS app can be developed with various type
- JS basedbackground service
- Performance issues under multi-connection/service (CPU,Memory,etc)
- Performance limitation for each services
- Service life-cycle managing
- AsyncI/O,Event based Programming
- GoogleChrome V8 JS engine built-in, Singlethread model
Open Projects
Open Source projectnode-webkit
- Provide Application Runtime usingnodejsandWebkit
. Web+node.js module based native standaloneApp
:Packaging/Distribute(Window,Mac,Linux OSsupport)
-Resolve security issue of opened JavaScript source code
. JavaScript=> binary format
-Chromecast Emulating App
. Provide API between Chromecast app and PC
Arduinobased Projects
-Development connected Infra Solution toIoTDevice
. Prototyping sensing devices
: Solution of exchange/gather data ofdevices using node.js
. RepresentativeProject
: Duino&Firmata– Data exchange Protocol support
: Heimcontrol – Home automation solution
: Node-RED – Visualdevelopmenttool forIoT and Arduino
Node.js IoT Service Framework
Smart HubandIoT devicehave eachnode.jsbasedplatform
Html5 = HTML + CSS + JS
(Structure + Presentation + Behavior )
Html5 的特点
1) offline file access & storage
不再用cookies plugins Browser-specific-APIs 而是Application Cache、LocalStorage、WebSQL、IndexedDB、Online/Offline Events和Filesystem API
不再是Ajax plugins而是webSockets Server Sent Events
3) Semantics
语义更简洁,不需要type属性,不再需要<div id='header' /> <div class='section'/> 改为<header/> <section/>
4) Audio/Video
不再用Plugins 提供<video/> <audio/> <track/> 内嵌支持
Ogg Theora/Voribs
- Firefox 3.5+
- Chrome
- Opera
MPEG-4 H.264/AAC
- Safari
- Chrome
- Opera
不再用Plugins VRML ,改用WebGL 、 Canvas 、SVG 、3D CSS Transforms
6) Presentation
不用Plugins,而用CSS3、CSS Columns、2D Transforms、Transitions、Web Fonts
7) Performance
使应用程序和网络在大量诸如WebWorkers和XMLHttpRequest 2这样的技术下更加快速。
不再用Server Processing 、Plugins 而用JavaScript JIT、CSS/Canvas Acceleration、Native Client、Web Fonts、CSS3、Developer Tools
8)Nuts & Bolts
使用Page Visibility API 、Prerendering、History API、Web Intents
HTML5 是 W3C 与 WHATWG 合作的结果。
WHATWG 致力于 web 表单和应用程序,而 W3C 专注于 XHTML 2.0。
为 HTML5 建立的一些规则:
- 新特性应该基于 HTML、CSS、DOM 以及 JavaScript。
- 减少对外部插件的需求(比如 Flash)
- 更优秀的错误处理
- 更多取代脚本的标记
- HTML5 应该独立于设备
- 开发进程应对公众透明
HTML5 中的一些有趣的新特性:
- 用于绘画的 canvas 元素
- 用于媒介回放的 video 和 audio 元素
- 对本地离线存储的更好的支持
- 新的特殊内容元素,比如 article、footer、header、nav、section
- 新的表单控件,比如 calendar、date、time、email、url、search
Web 上的视频
今天,大多数视频是通过插件(比如 Flash)来显示的。然而,并非所有浏览器都拥有同样的插件。
HTML5 规定了一种通过 video 元素来包含视频的标准方法。
当前,video 元素支持三种视频格式:
格式 | IE | Firefox | Opera | Chrome | Safari |
Ogg | No | 3.5+ | 10.5+ | 5.0+ | No |
MPEG 4 | 9.0+ | No | No | 5.0+ | 3.0+ |
WebM | No | 4.0+ | 10.6+ | 6.0+ | No |
Ogg = 带有 Theora 视频编码和 Vorbis 音频编码的 Ogg 文件
MPEG4 = 带有 H.264 视频编码和 AAC 音频编码的 MPEG 4 文件
WebM = 带有 VP8 视频编码和 Vorbis 音频编码的 WebM 文件
Web 上的音频
今天,大多数音频是通过插件(比如 Flash)来播放的。然而,并非所有浏览器都拥有同样的插件。
HTML5 规定了一种通过 audio 元素来包含音频的标准方法。
audio 元素能够播放声音文件或者音频流。
当前,audio 元素支持三种音频格式:
IE 9 | Firefox 3.5 | Opera 10.5 | Chrome 3.0 | Safari 3.0 | |
Ogg Vorbis | √ | √ | √ | ||
MP3 | √ | √ | √ | ||
Wav | √ | √ | √ |
在 HTML5 中,拖放是标准的一部分,任何元素都能够拖放。三个属性
οndragstart="drag(event)" 规定了被拖动的数据 οndragοver="allowDrop(event) 规定在何处放置被拖动的数据 οndrοp="drop(event)" 放置被拖数据时,会发生 drop 事件
HTML5 的 canvas 元素使用 JavaScript 在网页上绘制图像。canvas 元素本身是没有绘图能力的。所有的绘制工作必须在 JavaScript 内部完成
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="100"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var cxt=c.getContext("2d"); cxt.fillStyle="#FF0000"; cxt.fillRect(0,0,150,75); </script>

HTML5 支持内联 SVG
- SVG 指可伸缩矢量图形 (Scalable Vector Graphics)
- SVG 用于定义用于网络的基于矢量的图形
- SVG 使用 XML 格式定义图形
- SVG 图像在放大或改变尺寸的情况下其图形质量不会有损失
- SVG 是万维网联盟的标准
SVG 的优势
与其他图像格式相比(比如 JPEG 和 GIF),使用 SVG 的优势在于:
- SVG 图像可通过文本编辑器来创建和修改
- SVG 图像可被搜索、索引、脚本化或压缩
- SVG 是可伸缩的
- SVG 图像可在任何的分辨率下被高质量地打印
- SVG 可在图像质量不下降的情况下被放大
Canvas 和 SVG 都允许您在浏览器中创建图形,但是它们在根本上是不同的。
SVG 是一种使用 XML 描述 2D 图形的语言。
SVG 基于 XML,这意味着 SVG DOM 中的每个元素都是可用的。您可以为某个元素附加 JavaScript 事件处理器。
在 SVG 中,每个被绘制的图形均被视为对象。如果 SVG 对象的属性发生变化,那么浏览器能够自动重现图形。
Canvas 通过 JavaScript 来绘制 2D 图形。
Canvas 是逐像素进行渲染的。
在 canvas 中,一旦图形被绘制完成,它就不会继续得到浏览器的关注。如果其位置发生变化,那么整个场景也需要重新绘制,包括任何或许已被图形覆盖的对象。
Canvas 与 SVG 的比较
下表列出了 canvas 与 SVG 之间的一些不同之处。
- 依赖分辨率
- 不支持事件处理器
- 弱的文本渲染能力
- 能够以 .png 或 .jpg 格式保存结果图像
- 最适合图像密集型的游戏,其中的许多对象会被频繁重绘
- 不依赖分辨率
- 支持事件处理器
- 最适合带有大型渲染区域的应用程序(比如谷歌地图)
- 复杂度高会减慢渲染速度(任何过度使用 DOM 的应用都不快)
- 不适合游戏应用
HTML5 提供了两种在客户端存储数据的新方法:
- localStorage - 没有时间限制的数据存储
- sessionStorage - 针对一个 session 的数据存储,当用户关闭浏览器窗口后,数据会被删除。
之前,这些都是由 cookie 完成的。但是 cookie 不适合大量数据的存储,因为它们由每个对服务器的请求来传递,这使得 cookie 速度很慢而且效率也不高。
在 HTML5 中,数据不是由每个服务器请求传递的,而是只有在请求时使用数据。它使在不影响网站性能的情况下存储大量数据成为可能。
HTML5 使用 JavaScript 来存储和访问数据。
IoT relies on "Big Data" for its value proposition.
Current control system manufacturers are in NO rush to embrace any standards unless its their own.
That is why I see various standards being created for various control systems as I mentioned before with an interface or bridge allowing interoperability between standards versus a single standard.
什么是应用程序缓存(Application Cache)?
HTML5 引入了应用程序缓存,这意味着 web 应用可进行缓存,并可在没有因特网连接时进行访问。
- 离线浏览 - 用户可在应用离线时使用它们
- 速度 - 已缓存资源加载得更快
- 减少服务器负载 - 浏览器将只从服务器下载更新过或更改过的资源。
- 用户清空浏览器缓存
- manifest 文件被修改(参阅下面的提示)
- 由程序来更新应用缓存
web worker 是运行在后台的 JavaScript,不会影响页面的性能。
什么是 Web Worker?
当在 HTML 页面中执行脚本时,页面的状态是不可响应的,直到脚本已完成。
web worker 是运行在后台的 JavaScript,独立于其他脚本,不会影响页面的性能。您可以继续做任何愿意做的事情:点击、选取内容等等,而此时 web worker 在后台运行。
keygen 元素
keygen 元素的作用是提供一种验证用户的可靠方法。
keygen 元素是密钥对生成器(key-pair generator)。当提交表单时,会生成两个键,一个是私钥,一个公钥。
私钥(private key)存储于客户端,公钥(public key)则被发送到服务器。公钥可用于之后验证用户的客户端证书(client certificate)。
<form action="demo_form.asp" method="get">
Username: <input type="text" name="usr_name" />
Encryption: <keygen name="security" />
<input type="submit" />
Critical Factors for Successful Internet of Things Deployment
The Industrial Internet of Things is a very broad topic—encompassing everything from sensors to networks to machinery. At the core of it all, however, are the communications, systems and processes connecting machines to each other, as well as to people and larger corporate systems.
To ensure you are building the proper foundation for your Internet of Things (IoT) future, consider these four critical factors for a successful IoT deployment:
Among the challenges faced by today’s industrial companies is how to at once take advantage of emerging technological innovation while still protecting the sizable investments already made in existing systems. Legacy technology cannot simply be abandoned, nor can companies undertake the cost of its wholesale replacement. Rather, connecting legacy infrastructures with new things must be streamlined so they can securely and reliably interoperate across the enterprise.
Intelligent gateways that aggregate and filter data near the edge of the network offer one way to effectively capitalize on new and emerging technologies, while also extending the value of existing systems. This is especially critical for manufacturing enterprises, since about 85 percent of their equipment is not connected, or is considered “brownfield.” These systems must be converted to connected systems to enable them to share data.
Manageability of these systems becomes increasingly important as well. As ever-greater numbers of devices are connected to the network, we must ensure that the devices are manageable. Only this way can we guarantee that future policies, system upgrades and other advances can be deployed and their benefits realized.
In a world in which security breaches have become all too common, it is increasingly crucial that we ensure the inviolability of our factories and manufacturing plants. The consequences of failure could be profound and far-reaching. Achieving that security starts with ensuring the integrity of data, and that means safeguarding the transmission of data as they travel from decentralized locations through new devices and legacy equipment, across internal networks, and to and from the Cloud and/or data center.
Required to safeguard data is a holistic solution based on a tight integration of both hardware and software security and services. This is the first step in successfully converting data into greater productivity and efficiency, new business solutions and services, and faster time to market.
Accessing secure data is, however, just the beginning. As IoT accelerates, our challenge shifts to unlocking the value hidden inside the data. That requires analysis, turning the information extracted from the data into actionable insight your business can use. To do that, you need the right hardware/software infrastructure able to access, analyze, share and store your data.
Interoperability and standards
If manufacturers are to realize the promise and potential of IoT, it is critical that the billions of things that make up IoT are able to connect and interoperate. Only through common frameworks based on truly open industry standards can secure, reliable interconnections and shared information in IoT be achieved.
It is with that goal in mind that organizations such as the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) and Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) have been established. The OIC, for example, which currently includes Intel, Samsung, Atmel, Broadcom, Dell and Wind River, seeks to define a common communications framework based on industry standard technologies. This would enable companies to wirelessly connect and intelligently manage the flow of information among personal computing and emerging IoT devices, regardless of form factor, operating system or service provider.
As IoT grows and expands, the ecosystem plays an ever more pivotal role in driving new thinking and advancing the industry. In addition to open industry standards, IoT requires a robust network of trusted partners if it is to reach its full potential to transform industrial operations.
Companies like Intel and Siemens will continue to work together to bring about innovations—such as the Simatic Industrial PC profiled in our article in the first issue of theIndustrial Internet of Things supplement. Such advancements will help accelerate IoT as they address and support issues ranging from interoperability and security to connectivity and Big Data analytics.
Sensor Compatibility
The most important consideration is recognizing the risks inherent in vertically integrated solution architectures. By definition, the Internet of Things is heterogeneous in the types of things it is connecting. A horizontal architecture, to manage the information from and about the things they are connecting, can abstract the transport layer from the application layer. This allows applications to be developed independently of specific sensor devices, and sensor devices to be changed and network connectivity methods changed without breaking the application dependencies.Analytics Compatibility
Service-oriented architectures (SOA) and related application development paradigms rely on APIs for integration of services, processes and systems. APIs must be open, accessible and upgrade-compatible.
Restful application programming interfaces, JSON and similar Web-centric formats for data exchange should be used. The Platform that an enterprise uses to manage its physical products and assets as digital assets, needs to be able to integrate smoothly with both the enterprise’s other systems and third party applications. Integration means both the technical protocols of system-to-system interaction (e.g. REST, OAuth) but also critically, the semantics of the information itself.
We're a team of engineers, designers, and creatives who want to remove the barriers still existing between a brilliant idea, and realizing a working interactive object.
his research aims at investigating the social and empathic link between humans and robots or machines. He helps companies and designers in converting rough ideas into terrific products.
He is an expert with over 20 years of global experience in creating business value with innovative ICT products and services. He looks after the most effective ways to allow our customers to make money by using VIPER.
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借助Micro Python,用户完全可以通过Python脚本语言实现硬件底层的访问和控制,比如说控制LED灯泡、LCD显示器、读取电压、控制电机、访问SD卡等
另外http://www.espruino.com/ 支持JavaScript 全球第一款面向初学者或专家级玩家的JavaScript单片机
Espruino是事件驱动的,和node.js类似。这意味着我们鼓励你编写的代码是在某件事情发生的时候才执行(例如 在一段时间之后,或者当一个数字输入端的状态发生变化)。这不仅使得在同一时间运行多任务变得简单,而且也使得Espruino解释器可以自动地将微控制器置于低功耗模式。
http://www.chetansharma.com/blog/ IoT信息
CyaSSL Embedded SSL Library ***(Demo version included in Harmony Framework download)
- The CyaSSL embedded SSL library is a lightweight SSL library written inANSI C and targeted for embedded and RTOS environments - primarily because of its small size, speed, and feature set. It is commonly used in standard operating environments as well because of its royalty-free pricing and excellent cross platform support. CyaSSL supports industry standards up to the current TLS 1.2 level, is up to 20 times smaller than OpenSSL, and offers progressive ciphers such as HC-128, RABBIT, and NTRU. User benchmarking and feedback reports dramatically better performance when using CyaSSL over OpenSSL.
http://www.seecontrol.com/ iot公司方案 实时库存追踪软件供应商
seecontrol is a Software-as-a-Service platform to easily connect, analyze, control, and manage remote products, things, and assets. More than just a development tool, the platform provides turnkey apps and solution templates, and works off of a huge library of existing protocol/vendor device adapters. SeeControl provides optional wireless connections from major global data networks, light ERP modules, and business management tools to scale each client’s connected service. It’s everything businesses need to create revenue from connected smart services, and do so faster and more economically than any other approach. The platform runs in our multi-tenant cloud infrastructure as a subscription service to you, but can be setup in 3rd party clouds for select customers.
http://www.weste.net/2012/7-17/84032.html Html5
http://www.nearform.com/nodecrunch/internet-of-things-how-to-build-it-faster/ HTML5
I think you are right about OWL's limitations. As I just noted above, I think IoT is about enabling the right strategy for the right circumstance, but being able to share data "up" to the cloud and take requests/instructions coming "down" to the edge. Frankly, I was surprised to see an RDF-enabled gateway coming to market - and I haven't thought through how I'd use OWL/RDF in such a scenario. But it won't be right for everything.
IoT is about layers as much as anything. Some layers will want to have RDF capabilities to "talk" about what's going on in the system, and other layers will have a-priori knowledge about their very specific domains that really don't require an RDF capability. They can report their data to the next layer up and let that layer explain things.
BTW - regarding your question on who decides what data can be shared - this is a layer that will come from web models/standards around authentication as work has been going on for over a decade on that front. FIDO is a newer model for the user authentication piece which looks promising. It's based on PKI so you'll still need authorities, etc. as part of the solution, and of course proper treatment of your data as it moves through IoT solutions (the much bigger challenge).
That would seem a little heavy handed if it weren’t for a study at University College London that concluded that people who don’t feel recognized for their effort at work were more likely to suffer from heart disease.
A successful leaders should have both managerial acumen and leadership excellence
The irony in all of this is that your best bet for creating success for yourself over the long run is by subverting it to the needs of your team today.
http://www.tuicool.com/articles/f6bEfmv the top 10 most read 'Internet of Things' stories
There was a consensus that the eventual value is going to be in the “data” and not really in the hardware or the basic services both of which will be gradually commoditized. Data will enable companies to figure out better ways to monetize as well as kick off new services.
A new opportunity for data brokers is on the horizon where data is treated like currency in transactions and the marketplace could enable many participants to bring their value-add to the table.
There was a consensus that the money in IoT is right now in the enterprise where companies are willing to pay top dollars to reduce costs and gather better insights into their supply chain, partners, and customers. Consumer IoT is largely limited to wellness devices which have limited appeal and home security services which are still a bit expensive for mass consumption. However, this is likely to change as there is more streamlining, commoditization, and interest from the developer community.
Similarly a logistics companies needed help with tracking expensive items being deliver around the world. Sometimes these items, especially expensive ones get stolen. Sensors can be inside these packages and inform whenever these packages have been open, so central systems are aware in real time of any wrong doing.
Dominik had interesting perspectives around what type of an auto company might BMW become in the future and they are experimenting with different business models and technologies to see how best to serve the customer and adjust to changing dynamics. BMW becoming an MVNO and offer an Uber like service for BMW customers in an autonomous fashion is within the realm of possibilities.
the concept of data segmentation e.g. red data, proprietary data not for sharing; yellow data – you pay for use, and green data that is available for everyone to use. This is what might drive some of the data brokerage economy.
IoT data could allow companies to completely change their business model for e.g. GE now rents its engines vs. selling them and makes more money doing that.
There was some debate about the role of the operator in the IoT value chain beyond connectivity and whether they can manage to move beyond their traditional core business or not. Initiatives like Thinking Things at Telefonica or Digital services at AT&T are indicative of a strong interest from the operators to move beyond connectivity. It is still early in the game.
With IoT there is a discussion around the fragmentation with no set of common standards that can help bind various IoT hardware components together. AllJoyn/OIC is there. Android is taking a shot at it and numerous proposals in the burner but it will take some work to harmonize the standards that makes the IoT platform attractive to the developers without whom the IoT traction will suffer.
Regulatory support is critical for the segment as it starts touching various vertical industries like automotive, retail, energy, etc. and also in the context of personal data. Europe is obviously much more stricter on the consumer privacy issues than rest of the world and it seems the regulators are trying to get ahead of the problem by at least starting to talk about them.
GE is a great microcosm of IoT as they are across almost all verticals and are using data capabilities to build service solutions for different industries.
IoT can also help auto manufacturers in managing liability which is a big cost center for OEMs in addition to providing more relevant and real-time data useful for car bookings and navigation.
How should startups think about IoT? well, for one, don’t get too excited about the technology was the informed opinion of the panel. Rather, focus on the business problem and really understand how this helps the specific buyer who is writing the checks.
The IoT space is quite fragmented right now. Will that hinder progress? Where will the value lie in the value-chain?
The value currently is in the verticals, and with some specific industries, such as health, transport, construction, and oil/gas. Once these verticals have expanded, the horizontals will start to become important because one can leverage the true Big Data value by cross correlating data sets which each individual vertical cannot do.
Security and privacy continue to be hot topic in the post-snowden era especially in Europe. Regulations are also tightening up. EU wants much stronger privacy regulations. European operators want harmonization of privacy regulation between operators and the Internet players. IoT multiplies the attack nodes and it has serious implications for both enterprise and consumer domains.
The Thread Group is focused on the home and believes that,
like 802.11 (WiFi Alliance) and 802.15.1 (Bluetooth SIG), a third radio, 802.15.4 is in need of a group to support it. The easiest way to think of Thread is that it is the WiFi for low-powered networks in the home. Sound like Zigbee? Well, it is, except unlike its antiquated, 15 year old counterpart, it’s modern and based on existing standards like the IPv6. The goal of the Thread Group is that when you see their logo on a product, it will transparently talk to other Thread-logo’d products – right out of the box.
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