我是靠谱客的博主 贪玩发箍,这篇文章主要介绍python predict函数_Keras model.predict函数给出输入形状错误,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

I have implemented universal sentence encoder in Tensorflow and now I am trying to predict the class probabilities on a sentence. I am converting the string to an array as well.


if model.model_type == "universal_classifier_basic":

class_probs = model.predict(np.array(['this is a random sentence'], dtype=object)

Error Message:

InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): input must be a vector, got shape: []

[[Node: lambda_1/module_apply_default/tokenize/StringSplit = StringSplit[skip_empty=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](lambda_1/module_apply_default/RegexReplace_1, lambda_1/module_apply_default/tokenize/Const)]]

Any leads, suggestions or explanations are welcomed and highly appreciated.

Thank You :)


it is not that easy as you would like. Usually a model expects a vector of integer as input. Each integer represent the index of the correspondent word in a vocabulary. For example

vocab = {"hello":0, "world":1}

and you want to give as input the sentence "hello world" to the network then you should build the vector as follow:

net_input = [vocab.get(word) for word in "hello world".split(" ")]

Note also that, if you trained the network with mini batch then you will also need to add an extra first dimension to the vector you want to feed to the network. You can easily do this with numpy:

import numpy as np

net_input = np.expand_dims(net_input, 0)

In this way your net_input have the shape [1, 2] and you can feed it into the network.

There is still a problem that could stop you to feed the network with such a vector. At training time you have probably defined a placeholder for the input that has a precise len (30, 40 tokens). At test time you need to match that size at cost of padding your sentence if it doesn't feel the whole length or to cut it if it is longer.

You can truncate or add padding as follow:

net_input = [old_in[:max_len] + [vocab.get("PAD")] * (max_len - len(old_in[:max_len])] for old_in in net_input]

This line of code truncate the input if necessary old_in[:max_len] to the maximum possible len (note that python won't do anything if the len was less than max_len) and fill the difference between max len and the real len ((max_len - len(old_in[:max_len])) slots with padding tokens (+ [vocab.get("PAD")] )

Hope this helps.

If this is not the case you are in, just write down a comment to the answer and I'll try to figure out other solutions.


以上就是贪玩发箍最近收集整理的关于python predict函数_Keras model.predict函数给出输入形状错误的全部内容,更多相关python内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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