1、tomcat发布项目 日志
今天用tomcat发布其他离职同事写的IndexBysolr项目,发现始终转向error.jsp页面,还以为是找不到请求路径错误或者别filter拦截了!!!!!!项目中配置了debug、info、error日志,从这些日志以及tomcat的catalina.out中没有发现任何有效信息。 tomcat中 stdout log and stderr log日志不打印到任何地方(windows下)!!!
2、resin发布项目 日志
后来改为resin-4.0发布(起初也没有配置sdout、sderror日志),resin控制台输出了有效信息(action处理中 No live solrServer 信息),这个信息就是stout和sterror信息,tomcat控制台则神马都没有输出。
resin中 stdout log and stderr log 默认打印到控制台dos窗口(windows下);
resin中 stdout log and stderr log配置输出到文件,resin4.0.0中日志配置(resin.xml):
- Resin 4.0 configuration file.
- See conf/full.xml for more sample configuration, including load
- balancing and database configuration.
<resin xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin"
- driver .jar files can be placed in ${resin.root}/ext-lib
<tree-loader path="${resin.root}/ext-lib"/>
- project jars with maven dependencies can be placed
- in project-jars to be used by web-apps.
A WEB-INF/pom.xml will
- select the project's artifacts.
<resin:ProjectJarRepository path="${resin.root}/project-jars"/>
- Remote management requires at least one enabled admin user.
<resin:import path="${__DIR__}/admin-users.xml" optional="true"/>
- Logging configuration for the JDK logging API.
<log-handler name="" level="all" path="stdout:"
timestamp="[%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s] {%{thread}} "/>
- level='info' for production
- 'fine' or 'finer' for development and troubleshooting
<logger name="com.caucho" level="info"/>
<logger name="com.caucho.java" level="config"/>
<logger name="com.caucho.loader" level="config"/>
- For production sites, change dependency-check-interval to something
- like 600s, so it only checks for updates every 10 minutes.
- SMTP server for sending mail notifications
<system-property mail.smtp.host=""/>
<system-property mail.smtp.port="25"/>
- default configuration applied to all clusters
<!-- standard servlet behavior, including .jsp, .php, and WEB-INF -->
<resin:import path="${__DIR__}/app-default.xml"/>
<!-- enables development error pages -->
- Enables the proxy cache (available in Resin Professional)
<resin:if test="${resin.professional}">
<cache memory-size="64M">
<!-- Vary header rewriting for IE -->
- Admin services
<resin:if test="${resin.professional}">
- Default host configuration applied to all virtual hosts.
<access-log path="logs/access.log"
format='%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"'
- stdout log and stderr log
<stdout-log path="logs/stdout.log"
timestamp="[%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S.%s]"
<stderr-log path="logs/stderr.log"
timestamp="[%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S.%s]"
<!-- creates the webapps directory for .war expansion -->
<web-app-deploy path="webapps"/>
- Defaults applied to each web-app.
- Enable EL expressions in Servlet and Filter init-param
<!-- enable persistent sessions -->
- Sets max-age for cacheable pages, e.g. static pages.
<cache-mapping url-pattern="/" max-age="5s"/>
<cache-mapping url-pattern="*.gif" max-age="60s"/>
<cache-mapping url-pattern="*.jpg" max-age="60s"/>
<cache-mapping url-pattern="*.png" max-age="60s"/>
<cache-mapping url-pattern="*.css" max-age="60s"/>
<cache-mapping url-pattern="*.js" max-age="60s"/>
- Configures the main appliction cluster.
Load-balancing configurations
- will also have a load-balance-tier cluster.
<cluster id="app-tier">
<!-- sets the content root for the cluster, relative to resin.root -->
<!-- defaults for each server, i.e. JVM -->
<!-- The http port -->
<http address="*" port="8080"/>
<!-- SSL port configuration: -->
<http address="*" port="8443">
<jsse-ssl self-signed-certificate-name="resin@localhost"/>
- <jvm-arg>-agentlib:resin</jvm-arg>
- If starting Resin as root on Unix, specify the user name
- and group name for the web server user.
<resin:if test="${resin.userName == 'root'}">
<!-- define the servers in the cluster -->
<server id="" address="" port="6800">
<!-- server-specific configuration, e.g. jvm-arg goes here -->
<!-- the default host, matching any host name -->
<host id="" root-directory=".">
- configures an explicit root web-app matching the
- webapp's ROOT
<web-app id="/" root-directory="webapps/ROOT"/>
<web-app id="/IndexBysolr" root-directory="webapps/IndexBysolr"/>
- Administration application /resin-admin
<web-app id="/resin-admin" root-directory="${resin.root}/doc/admin">
<resin:set var="resin_admin_external" value="false"/>
<resin:set var="resin_admin_insecure" value="true"/>
- Resin documentation - remove for a live site
<web-app id="/resin-doc" root-directory="${resin.root}/doc/resin-doc"/>
- <resin:LoadBalance regexp="^/load" cluster="backend-tier"/>
- <resin:HttpProxy regexp="^/http" address="localhost:9000"/>
- <resin:FastCgiProxy regexp="^/fcgi" address="localhost:9001"/>
Resin中对日志的设置主要有如下参数:log、logger、access-log、stdout-log和stderr-log。前两个放在<resin>标签,也就是主标签下面,其中log主要用于配置JDK logging API,logger用于指定需要log的包及level,跟log4j中的用法相似,只不过resin中level有个特殊的选项就是off,用于关闭日志输出;而后面三个*-log放在<host>或<host-default>下面,access用于HTTP输出,stdout用于标准输出(System.out),stderr用于错误输出(System.err,对应log4j中的log.error)。
- path: 用于设定日志文件的路径,非常有意思的是它支持所谓的El Variables and Functions,也就是resin中的变量,比如${host.name}就是虚拟站点的id名称,所以如果将它放在<host-default>下面的话,将path设置为 logs/${host.name}/access.log的话可以将不同站点的日志存放在不同的目录下面。
- archive-format: 这个参数可以设置日志归档的格式,如设置为access-%Y%m%d.log可以在归档的时候自动按日期进行归档命名。另外还有一个特性需要说明的是,resin竟然支持自动压缩log文件,而且设置的方法非常简单,只要后缀名是gz就可以了,如access-%Y%m%d.log.gz,这样归档的时候会自动压缩,而且支持windows和linux系统。
- format: 用于设置每条日志输出的格式,这个非常简单,而且通常使用系统内置的格式就可以了。
- rollover-size: 用来设置归档日志文件的最小尺寸,单位可以设置成kb、mb等等,默认为1mb。
- rollover-period: 用来设置归档日志文件的周期,单位可以是1D(一天)、1W(一周)、1M(一个月)等。
- <!--
- - Resin 3.1 configuration file.
- -->
- <resin xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin"
- xmlns:resin="http://caucho.com/ns/resin/core">
- <!--
- - Logging configuration for the JDK logging API.
- -->
- <log name="" level="off" path="stdout:"
- timestamp="[%H:%M:%S.%s] {%{thread}} "/>
- <!--
- - 'info' for production
- - 'fine' or 'finer' for development and troubleshooting
- -->
- <logger name="com.caucho" level="info"/>
- <logger name="com.caucho.java" level="config"/>
- <logger name="com.caucho.loader" level="config"/>
- <host-default>
- <!--
- - With another web server, like Apache, this can be commented out
- - because the web server will log this information.
- -->
- <access-log path="logs/${host.name}/access.log"
- archive-format="access-%Y%m%d.log.gz"
- format='%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"'
- rollover-size="10mb"
- rollover-period="1D"/>
- <!--
- - stdout log and stderr log
- -->
- <stdout-log path="logs/${host.name}/stdout.log"
- archive-format="stdout-%Y%m%d.log.gz"
- timestamp="[%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S.%s]"
- rollover-size="10mb"
- rollover-period="1D"/>
- <stderr-log path="logs/${host.name}/stderr.log"
- archive-format="stderr-%Y%m%d.log.gz"
- timestamp="[%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S.%s]"
- rollover-size="10mb"
- rollover-period="1D"/>
- </host-default>
- </resin>
最后还有一个事情需要说明一下,如果在windows系统下将resin注册成服务程序之后就会在log目录下产生jvm-defautl.log文件,而且这个文件会一直累加,所以会变的文件非常大而影响resin的性能。原来在Apache和Resin产生大容量日志的解决办法这篇文件中提到的使用httpd -jvm-log NUL的方法在3.1中无法使用,而且查找了大量的文档也没有找到合适的方法,后来索性将log目录中的写入权限去掉了,重启resin也没有任何影响,算是解决了这个问题。
以上就是冷艳小丸子最近收集整理的关于resin和tomcat 日志配置的全部内容,更多相关resin和tomcat内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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