- 价值交换的载体
- 一个交易的媒体
- 一种储藏价值和记账的一种工具
- 中心化安全问题
- 交易的验证问题
- 双花问题
概念: 分布式账本由所有人同步更新.
- 比特币不是一种货币, 它是一种分布式的总账系统, 电子总账在每个参与者的电脑上备份, 实时的同步和对账.
分布式系统的核心问题: 一致性(Consistency)、可用性(Availability)和分区容忍性(Partition)
- 一致性:任何操作应该都是原子的,发生在后面的事件能看到前面事件发生导致的结果,注意这里指的是强一致性;
- 可用性:在有限时间内,任何非失败节点都能应答请求;
- 分区容忍性:网络可能发生分区,即节点之间的通信不可保障。
要超过全网51%的算力, 也就是6个比特币只有就能确定.
- 谁记账
- 如何记账
- 从信任某个人, 到信任某个机制
- 区块链1.0 比特币(c++)
- 区块链2.0 以太坊(Solitidy)
- 区块链3.0 hyperledger(go , nodejs, python…)
- 公链
公共区块链是指全世界任何人都可读取的、任何人都能发送交易且交易能获得有效确认的、任何人都能参与其中共识过程的区块链 - 联盟链
联盟区块链是指其共识过程受到预选节点控制的区块链 - 私链
完全私有的区块链是指其写入权限仅在一个组织手里的区块链。 - 侧链
不同区块链之间, 通过侧链连接在一起.
共识算法 (重点理解)
Paxos 算法
- 角色
- 步骤
- BasicPaxos基本流程
- Basic Paxos
活锁问题解决: 用随机等待时间解决即可. - Multi Paxos
- Leader Election
- Log Replication
- Safety
- Leader
- Follower
- Candidate
原理动画解释: http://thesecretlivesofdata.com/raft
场景测试: https://raft.github.io/
# Naive implementation of the Paxos protocol.
# Henry Robinson, 2009
# Licensed under GPL v2
# 1. Protocols log their state to persistent storage, and recover, rather than the fakery that's there at the moment.
# 2. No way for clients to know who the primary is
# 3. A leader that has failed and then wakes up will have no idea what the highest committed instance is. This can be helped, but the code is
# complex enough and it isn't so much an error condition as a pain.
# 4. Exercise for the reader: notify the client about the result of its request.
# 5. Garbage collect unneeded proposals, and re-propose those that seem to have stalled. Easy to do this from recvMessage.
# The idea of this Paxos implementation is to come to agreement on a
# history of values (which may represent commands in a state machine)
# We have two main players: PaxosLeader and PaxosAcceptor. PaxosLeader listens for proposals from external clients
# and runs the protocol with whichever PaxosAcceptors are currently correct.
# If a leader fails, another leader will take over once it realises. If clients fail, the protcol will still run until
# more than half have failed.
# This is designed to run all on one machine: each actor has a port number, but all are bound to localhost. Would be reasonably
# trivial to generalise this.
# See bottom of file for demonstration of use.
import threading, socket, pickle, Queue
class Message( object ):
#消息类 用于投票
def __init__( self, command = None ):
self.command = command
def copyAsReply( self, message ):
self.proposalID, self.instanceID, self.to, self.source = message.proposalID, message.instanceID, message.source, message.to
self.value = message.value
class MessagePump( threading.Thread ):
"""The MessagePump encapsulates the socket connection, and is responsible for feeding messages to its owner"""
class MPHelper( threading.Thread ):
"""The reason for this helper class is to pull things off the socket as fast as we can, to avoid
filling the buffer. It might have been easier to use TCP, in retrospect :)"""
def __init__( self, owner ):
self.owner = owner
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
def run( self ):
while not self.owner.abort:
(bytes, addr) = self.owner.socket.recvfrom( 2048 )
msg = pickle.loads( bytes )
msg.source = addr[1]
self.owner.queue.put( msg )
def __init__( self, owner, port, timeout=2 ):
self.owner = owner
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
self.abort = False
self.timeout = 2
self.port = port
self.socket = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM )
self.socket.setsockopt( socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 200000 )
self.socket.bind( ("localhost", port) )
self.socket.settimeout( timeout )
self.queue = Queue.Queue( )
self.helper = MessagePump.MPHelper( self )
def run( self ):
self.helper.start( )
while not self.abort:
message = self.waitForMessage( )
# This needs to be blocking, otherwise there's a world
# of multi-threaded pain awaiting us
self.owner.recvMessage( message )
def waitForMessage( self ):
msg = self.queue.get( True, 3 )
return msg
except: # ugh, specialise the exception!
return None
def sendMessage( self, message ):
bytes = pickle.dumps( message )
address = ("localhost", message.to)
self.socket.sendto( bytes, address )
return True
def doAbort( self ):
self.abort = True
import random
class AdversarialMessagePump( MessagePump ):
"""The adversarial message pump randomly delays messages and delivers them in arbitrary orders"""
def __init__( self, owner, port, timeout=2 ):
MessagePump.__init__( self, owner, port, timeout )
self.messages = set( )
def waitForMessage( self ):
msg = self.queue.get( True, 0.1 )
self.messages.add( msg )
except: # ugh, specialise the exception!
if len(self.messages) > 0 and random.random( ) < 0.95: # Arbitrary!
msg = random.choice( list( self.messages ) )
self.messages.remove( msg )
msg = None
return msg
class InstanceRecord( object ):
"""This is a bookkeeping class, which keeps a record of all proposals we've seen or undertaken for a given record,
both on the acceptor and the leader"""
def __init__( self ):
self.protocols = {}
self.highestID = (-1,-1)
self.value = None
def addProtocol( self, protocol ):
self.protocols[ protocol.proposalID ] = protocol
if protocol.proposalID[1] > self.highestID[1] or (protocol.proposalID[1] == self.highestID[1] and protocol.proposalID[0] > self.highestID[0]):
self.highestID = protocol.proposalID
def getProtocol( self, protocolID ):
return self.protocols[ protocolID ]
def cleanProtocols( self ):
keys = self.protocols.keys( )
for k in keys:
protocol = self.protocols[k]
if protocol.state == PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_ACCEPTED:
print "Deleting protocol"
del self.protocols[k]
class PaxosLeader( object ):
def __init__(self, port, leaders=None, acceptors=None):
self.port = port
if leaders == None:
self.leaders = []
self.leaders = leaders
if acceptors == None:
self.acceptors = []
self.acceptors = acceptors
self.group = self.leaders + self.acceptors
self.isPrimary = False
self.proposalCount = 0
self.msgPump = MessagePump( self, port )
self.instances = {}
self.hbListener = PaxosLeader.HeartbeatListener( self )
self.hbSender = PaxosLeader.HeartbeatSender( self )
self.highestInstance = -1
self.stopped = True
# The last time we tried to fix up any gaps
self.lasttime = time.time( )
# These two classes listen for heartbeats from other leaders
# and, if none appear, tell this leader that it should
# be the primary
class HeartbeatListener( threading.Thread ):
def __init__( self, leader ):
self.leader = leader
self.queue = Queue.Queue( )
self.abort = False
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
def newHB( self, message ):
self.queue.put( message )
def doAbort( self ): self.abort = True
def run( self ):
elapsed = 0
while not self.abort:
s = time.time( )
hb = self.queue.get( True, 2 )
# Easy way to settle conflicts - if your port number is bigger than mine,
# you get to be the leader
if hb.source > self.leader.port:
self.leader.setPrimary( False )
except: # Nothing was got
self.leader.setPrimary( True )
class HeartbeatSender( threading.Thread ):
def __init__( self, leader ):
self.leader = leader
self.abort = False
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
def doAbort( self ): self.abort = True
def run( self ):
while not self.abort:
time.sleep( 1 )
if self.leader.isPrimary:
msg = Message( Message.MSG_HEARTBEAT )
msg.source = self.leader.port
for l in self.leader.leaders:
msg.to = l
self.leader.sendMessage( msg )
def sendMessage( self, message ):
self.msgPump.sendMessage( message )
def start( self ):
self.hbSender.start( )
self.hbListener.start( )
self.msgPump.start( )
self.stopped = False
def stop( self ):
self.hbSender.doAbort( )
self.hbListener.doAbort( )
self.msgPump.doAbort( )
self.stopped = True
def setPrimary( self, primary ):
if self.isPrimary != primary:
# Only print if something's changed
if primary:
print "I (%s) am the leader" % self.port
print "I (%s) am NOT the leader" % self.port
self.isPrimary = primary
def getGroup( self ):
return self.group
def getLeaders( self ):
return self.leaders
def getAcceptors( self ):
return self.acceptors
def getQuorumSize( self ):
return (len(self.getAcceptors( ) ) / 2) + 1
def getInstanceValue( self, instanceID ):
if instanceID in self.instances:
return self.instances[ instanceID ].value
return None
def getHistory( self ):
return [ self.getInstanceValue( i ) for i in xrange( 1, self.highestInstance+1 ) ]
def getNumAccepted( self ):
return len( [v for v in self.getHistory( ) if v != None] )
def findAndFillGaps( self ):
# if no message is received, we take the chance to do a little cleanup
for i in xrange(1,self.highestInstance):
if self.getInstanceValue( i ) == None:
print "Filling in gap", i
self.newProposal( 0, i ) # This will either eventually commit an already accepted value, or fill in the gap with 0 or no-op
self.lasttime = time.time( )
def garbageCollect( self ):
for i in self.instances:
self.instances[i].cleanProtocols( )
def recvMessage( self, message ):
"""Message pump will call this periodically, even if there's no message available"""
if self.stopped: return
if message == None:
# Only run every 15s otherwise you run the risk of cutting good protocols off in their prime :(
if self.isPrimary and time.time( ) - self.lasttime > 15.0:
self.findAndFillGaps( )
self.garbageCollect( )
if message.command == Message.MSG_HEARTBEAT:
self.hbListener.newHB( message )
return True
if message.command == Message.MSG_EXT_PROPOSE:
print "External proposal received at", self.port, self.highestInstance
if self.isPrimary:
self.newProposal( message.value )
# else ignore - we're getting proposals when we're not the primary
# what we should do, if we were being kind, is reply with a message saying 'leader has changed'
# and giving the address of the new one. However, we might just as well have failed.
return True
if self.isPrimary and message.command != Message.MSG_ACCEPTOR_ACCEPT:
self.instances[ message.instanceID ].getProtocol(message.proposalID).doTransition( message )
# It's possible that, while we still think we're the primary, we'll get a
# accept message that we're only listening in on.
# We are interested in hearing all accepts, so we play along by pretending we've got the protocol
# that's getting accepted and listening for a quorum as per usual
if message.command == Message.MSG_ACCEPTOR_ACCEPT:
if message.instanceID not in self.instances:
self.instances[ message.instanceID ] = InstanceRecord( )
record = self.instances[ message.instanceID ]
if message.proposalID not in record.protocols:
protocol = PaxosLeaderProtocol( self )
# We just massage this protocol to be in the waiting-for-accept state
protocol.state = PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_AGREED
protocol.proposalID = message.proposalID
protocol.instanceID = message.instanceID
protocol.value = message.value
record.addProtocol( protocol )
protocol = record.getProtocol( message.proposalID )
# Should just fall through to here if we initiated this protocol instance
protocol.doTransition( message )
return True
def newProposal( self, value, instance = None ):
protocol = PaxosLeaderProtocol( self )
if instance == None:
self.highestInstance += 1
instanceID = self.highestInstance
instanceID = instance
self.proposalCount += 1
id = (self.port, self.proposalCount )
if instanceID in self.instances:
record = self.instances[ instanceID ]
record = InstanceRecord( )
self.instances[ instanceID ] = record
protocol.propose( value, id, instanceID )
record.addProtocol( protocol )
def notifyLeader( self, protocol, message ):
# Protocols call this when they're done
if protocol.state == PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_ACCEPTED:
print "Protocol instance %s accepted with value %s" % (message.instanceID, message.value)
self.instances[ message.instanceID ].accepted = True
self.instances[ message.instanceID ].value = message.value
self.highestInstance = max( message.instanceID, self.highestInstance )
if protocol.state == PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_REJECTED:
# Look at the message to find the value, and then retry
# Eventually, assuming that the acceptors will accept some value for
# this instance, the protocol will complete.
self.proposalCount = max( self.proposalCount, message.highestPID[1] )
self.newProposal( message.value )
return True
if protocol.state == PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_UNACCEPTED:
class PaxosLeaderProtocol( object ):
# State variables
def __init__( self, leader ):
self.leader = leader
self.state = PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_UNDEFINED
self.proposalID = (-1,-1)
self.agreecount, self.acceptcount = (0,0)
self.rejectcount, self.unacceptcount = (0,0)
self.instanceID = -1
self.highestseen = (0,0)
def propose( self, value, pID, instanceID ):
self.proposalID = pID
self.value = value
self.instanceID = instanceID
message = Message( Message.MSG_PROPOSE )
message.proposalID = pID
message.instanceID = instanceID
message.value = value
for server in self.leader.getAcceptors( ):
message.to = server
self.leader.sendMessage( message )
self.state = PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_PROPOSED
return self.proposalID
def doTransition( self, message ):
"""We run the protocol like a simple state machine. It's not always
okay to error on unexpected inputs, however, due to message delays, so we silently
ignore inputs that we're not expecting."""
if self.state == PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_PROPOSED:
if message.command == Message.MSG_ACCEPTOR_AGREE:
self.agreecount += 1
if self.agreecount >= self.leader.getQuorumSize( ):
# print "Achieved agreement quorum, last value replied was:", message.value
if message.value != None: # If it's none, can do what we like. Otherwise we have to take the highest seen proposal
if message.sequence[0] > self.highestseen[0] or (message.sequence[0] == self.highestseen[0] and message.sequence[1] > self.highestseen[1]):
self.value = message.value
self.highestseen = message.sequence
self.state = PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_AGREED
# Send 'accept' message to group
msg = Message( Message.MSG_ACCEPT )
msg.copyAsReply( message )
msg.value = self.value
msg.leaderID = msg.to
for s in self.leader.getAcceptors( ):
msg.to = s
self.leader.sendMessage( msg )
self.leader.notifyLeader( self, message )
return True
if message.command == Message.MSG_ACCEPTOR_REJECT:
self.rejectcount += 1
if self.rejectcount >= self.leader.getQuorumSize( ):
self.state = PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_REJECTED
self.leader.notifyLeader( self, message )
return True
if self.state == PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_AGREED:
if message.command == Message.MSG_ACCEPTOR_ACCEPT:
self.acceptcount += 1
if self.acceptcount >= self.leader.getQuorumSize( ):
self.state = PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_ACCEPTED
self.leader.notifyLeader( self, message )
if message.command == Message.MSG_ACCEPTOR_UNACCEPT:
self.unacceptcount += 1
if self.unacceptcount >= self.leader.getQuorumSize( ):
self.state = PaxosLeaderProtocol.STATE_UNACCEPTED
self.leader.notifyLeader( self, message )
class PaxosAcceptor( object ):
def __init__(self, port,leaders ):
self.port = port
self.leaders = leaders
self.instances = {}
self.msgPump = MessagePump( self, self.port )
self.failed = False
def start( self ):
self.msgPump.start( )
def stop( self ):
self.msgPump.doAbort( )
def fail( self ):
self.failed = True
def recover( self ):
self.failed = False
def sendMessage( self, message ):
self.msgPump.sendMessage( message )
def recvMessage( self, message ):
if message == None: return
if self.failed:
return # Failure means ignored and lost messages
if message.command == Message.MSG_PROPOSE:
if message.instanceID not in self.instances:
record = InstanceRecord( )
self.instances[ message.instanceID ] = record
protocol = PaxosAcceptorProtocol( self )
protocol.recvProposal( message )
self.instances[ message.instanceID ].addProtocol( protocol )
self.instances[ message.instanceID ].getProtocol( message.proposalID ).doTransition( message )
def notifyClient( self, protocol, message ):
if protocol.state == PaxosAcceptorProtocol.STATE_PROPOSAL_ACCEPTED:
self.instances[ protocol.instanceID ].value = message.value
# print "Proposal accepted at client: ", message.value
def getHighestAgreedProposal( self, instance ):
return self.instances[ instance ].highestID
def getInstanceValue( self, instance ):
return self.instances[ instance ].value
class PaxosAcceptorProtocol( object ):
# State variables
def __init__( self, client ):
self.client = client
self.state = PaxosAcceptorProtocol.STATE_UNDEFINED
def recvProposal( self, message ):
if message.command == Message.MSG_PROPOSE:
self.proposalID = message.proposalID
self.instanceID = message.instanceID
# What's the highest already agreed proposal for this instance?
(port, count) = self.client.getHighestAgreedProposal( message.instanceID )
# Check if this proposal is numbered higher
if count < self.proposalID[0] or (count == self.proposalID[0] and port < self.proposalID[1]):
# Send agreed message back, with highest accepted value (if it exists)
self.state = PaxosAcceptorProtocol.STATE_PROPOSAL_AGREED
# print "Agreeing to proposal: ", message.instanceID, message.value
value = self.client.getInstanceValue( message.instanceID )
msg = Message( Message.MSG_ACCEPTOR_AGREE )
msg.copyAsReply( message )
msg.value = value
msg.sequence = (port, count)
self.client.sendMessage( msg )
# Too late, we already told someone else we'd do it
# Send reject message, along with highest proposal id and its value
self.state = PaxosAcceptorProtocol.STATE_PROPOSAL_REJECTED
return self.proposalID
# error, trying to receive a non-proposal?
def doTransition( self, message ):
if self.state == PaxosAcceptorProtocol.STATE_PROPOSAL_AGREED and message.command == Message.MSG_ACCEPT:
self.state = PaxosAcceptorProtocol.STATE_PROPOSAL_ACCEPTED
# Could check on the value here, if we don't trust leaders to honour what we tell them
# send reply to leader acknowledging
msg = Message( Message.MSG_ACCEPTOR_ACCEPT )
msg.copyAsReply( message )
for l in self.client.leaders:
msg.to = l
self.client.sendMessage( msg )
self.notifyClient( message )
return True
raise Exception( "Unexpected state / command combination!" )
def notifyClient( self, message ):
self.client.notifyClient( self, message )
import time
if __name__ == '__main__':
numclients = 5
clients = [ PaxosAcceptor( port, [54321,54322] ) for port in xrange( 64320, 64320+numclients ) ]
leader = PaxosLeader( 54321, [54322], [c.port for c in clients] )
leader2 = PaxosLeader( 54322, [54321], [c.port for c in clients] )
leader.start( )
leader.setPrimary( True )
leader2.setPrimary( True )
leader2.start( )
for c in clients:
c.start( )
clients[0].fail( )
clients[1].fail( )
# clients[2].fail( )
# Send some proposals through to test
s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM )
start = time.time( )
for i in xrange(1000):
m = Message( Message.MSG_EXT_PROPOSE )
m.value = 0 + i
m.to = 54322
bytes = pickle.dumps( m )
s.sendto( bytes, ("localhost", m.to) )
while leader2.getNumAccepted( ) < 999:
print "Sleeping for 1s -- accepted:", leader2.getNumAccepted( )
time.sleep( 1 )
end = time.time( )
print "Sleeping for 10s"
time.sleep( 10 )
print "Stopping leaders"
leader.stop( )
leader2.stop( )
print "Stopping clients"
for c in clients:
c.stop( )
print "Leader 1 history: ", leader.getHistory( )
print "Leader 2 history: ", leader2.getHistory( )
print end - start
比特币的UTXO理解 : https://www.jianshu.com/p/02fd289e8853
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