我是靠谱客的博主 舒适奇异果,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍jquery $.expr[':'] 用法体会,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


今天在看$.widget 源码时发现有这样一行代码:


$.expr[ ":" ][ fullName ] = function( elem ) { return !!$.data( elem, name ); };



// Add this code anywhere you want (after jQuery has been loaded).  // Edit it to add your own expressions.  jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {      //     // form elements that are submitable based on these criteria      //    element is not disabled      //    element has a selected or checked attribute      //    element is a textarea      //    element is an input of type text or hidden      //      //  @usage: $(':submitable')      //  @usage: $('#myForm :submitable')      submitable: function(a) {          return !a.disabled&&(a.selected||a.checked||(a.nodeName.toUpperCase()=='TEXTAREA')||(a.nodeName.toUpperCase()=='INPUT'&&(a.type=='text'||a.type=='hidden'||a.type=='password')));      },      //     // elements that have a type attribute not equal to hidden      //    use if you want to select all input elements that are not hidden      //  @usage: $('input:nothidden')      nothidden: function(a) {          return a.type&&a.type!='hidden';      }  }) 



If you need a reusable filter to target specific elements based on their characteristics, you can extend jQuery’s selector expressions under the jQuery.expr[':'] object; this is an alias for Sizzle.selectors.filters. Each new filter expression is defined as a property of this object, like so:

jQuery.expr[':'].newFilter = function(elem, index, match){         return true; // Return true/false like you would on the filter() method };


The function will be run on all elements in the current collection and needs to return true (to keep the element in the collection) or false (to remove the element from the collection). Three bits of information are passed to this function: the element in question, the index of this element among the entire collection, and a match array returned from a regular expression match that contains important information for the more complex expressions.

For example, you might want to target all elements that have a certain property. This filter matches all elements that are displayed inline:


jQuery.expr[':'].inline = function(elem) {         return jQuery(elem).css('display') === 'inline'; };

Now that we have created a custom selector, we can use it in any selector expression:

// E.g. #1 jQuery('div a:inline').css('color', 'red'); // E.g. #2 jQuery('span').filter(':not(:inline)').css('color', 'blue')

jQuery’s custom selectors (:radio, :hidden, etc.) are created in this way.

As mentioned, the third parameter passed to your filter function is an array returned from a regular expression match that jQuery performs on the selector string. This match is especially useful if you want to create a filter expression that accepts parameters. Let’s say that we want to create a selector that queries for data held by jQuery:


jQuery('span').data('something', 123); // We want to be able to do this: jQuery('*:data(something,123)');

The purpose of the selector would be to select all elements that have had data attached to them via jQuery’s data() method—it specifically targets elements with a datakey of something, equal to the number 123.

The proposed filter (:data) could be created as follows:


jQuery.expr[':'].data = function(elem, index, m) {                 // Remove ":data(" and the trailing ")" from         // the match, as these parts aren't needed:         m[0] = m[0].replace(/:data\(|\)$/g, '');                 var regex = new RegExp('([\'"]?)((?:\\\\\\1|.)+?)\\1(,|$)', 'g'),         // Retrieve data key:         key = regex.exec( m[0] )[2],         // Retrieve data value to test against:         val = regex.exec( m[0] );                 if (val) {         val = val[2];         }                 // If a value was passed then we test for it, otherwise         // we test that the value evaluates to true:         return val ? jQuery(elem).data(key) == val : !!jQuery(elem).data(key);   };

The reason for such a complex regular expression is that we want to make it as flexible as possible. The new selector can be used in a number of different ways:


// As we originally mused (above): jQuery('div:data("something",123)'); // Check if 'something' is a "truthy" value jQuery('div:data(something)'); // With or without (inner) quotes: jQuery('div:data(something, "something else")');

Now we have a totally new way of querying data held by jQuery on an element.

If you ever want to add more than one new selector at the same time, it’s best to use jQuery’s extend() method:


jQuery.extend(jQuery.expr[':'], {         newFilter1 : function(elem, index, match){         // Return true or false.         },         newFilter2 : function(elem, index, match){         // Return true or false.         },         newFilter3 : function(elem, index, match){         // Return true or false.         } });



以上就是舒适奇异果为你收集整理的jquery $.expr[':'] 用法体会的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决jquery $.expr[':'] 用法体会所遇到的程序开发问题。



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