我是靠谱客的博主 害怕火龙果,这篇文章主要介绍BlockBank六扇门社区AMA内容记录,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。











Topic: How does BlockBank seamlessly connect AID’s traditional banking business with the cryptocurrency industry?





1.What is the latest experience for users to create an account on Apple or Android?

We launched our Beta version in late 2019 and have been adding features based on our community feedback. At the moment we have around 35k users and $100M TVL. At the moment our users can enjoy a simple and convenient non-custodial wallet with a credit top up function and multiple gift cards to cash out. The latter function is heavily used by our users in countries with many restrictions on the use of crypto.

Download onGoogle Play andApp Sore.

We are building out the next version of the app which will bring in the full banking experience and bridge the DeFi gap. Along with that, our users will get access to a sophisticated robo-advisor to help them navigate this space. The developer and AI teams are working hard to bring as many features as possible in the V2 of the app.

我们于2019年末推出了Beta版本,并根据社区反馈添加了功能。 目前,我们拥有约35,000名用户和1亿美元的TVL(总锁仓金额)。 目前,我们的用户可以使用带有信用充值功能和多个礼品卡的简单便捷的非托管钱包。 我们的用户在使用密码有很多限制的国家/地区大量使用后一种功能。

可以从Google Play和App Sore下载。

我们正在开发该应用程序的下一个版本,它将带来完整的银行业务经验并弥合DeFi的差距。 除此之外,我们的用户将可以使用复杂的机器人顾问来帮助他们导航这个空间。 开发人员和AI团队正在努力为该应用程序的V2带来尽可能多的功能。


2、What issues should be paid attention to during the process of creating wallet, backup and restore?

BlockBank comes with a non-custodial wallet that is automatically created when you create an account on the app. The wallet supports all BTC and ERC-20 assets.

Being non-custodial, users are fully responsible for the security of their wallet. Although we have added a number of industry-standard security measures (like biometric login, pin codes, passwords, encryption, etc.), the ultimate responsibility falls on the user.

For example, they should never reveal their private keys to anyone. Anyone with access to private keys would be able to access their funds.

We have added a backup and restore feature that comes in useful in case the device gets damaged, misplaced, or stolen. And we highly recommend that our users back up at least once a week or whenever they do a transaction on the app – step-by-step information here: https://blog.blockbank.ai/how-to-backup-and-restore-your-blockbank-wallet-2b81e9588069

Our users should also be careful about storing the backup file in a safe place along with the password that s/he had used to create it. Anyone with access to the file and the password would again be able to access the funds.

To sum up, we would say:

l Do not reveal your private keys.

l Store your backup file in a safe place.

l Use a strong password while creating the backup and note it down in a safe place. Do not reveal it to anyone.

l And finally, do not ask anyone else to create your account on BlockBank. Create on your own.

Note: The BlockBank team would never ask you for any sensitive information such as your app login pin, private keys, backup file, etc.

Gabe please fill in here with Sudiptos help














3、What is the staking business of BlockBank?

Staking will be available inside application. At the moment, BlockBank’s native token is available on Mantra DAO staking platform on both ERC20 and BEP20 chains. Through our partnership, the platform will provide $BBANK token holders with an avenue to participate and earn daily passive rewards in the broader DeFi and PoS cross-chain space.

Every user who stakes their $BBANK tokens on the MANTRA DAO platform will receive, in addition to their staking interest less a small fee taken by the DAO, the OM token. MANTRA DAO uses highly secure, enterprise-grade node infrastructure that will allow our members to earn staking rewards while still retaining custody of their own crypto assets.

You can read more details on our blog here: https://blog.blockbank.ai/bbank-is-now-available-on-mantra-dao-staking-f8b2ba64f8aa

Stay tuned for details on how to stake on BlockBanks app.

Staking将在APP内可用。 目前,BlockBank的本地代币BBANK可在ERC20和BEP20链上的Mantra DAO质押挖矿平台上使用。 通过我们的合作伙伴关系,该平台将为BBANK代币持有人提供在更广泛的DeFi和PoS跨链空间中参与并获得每日被动奖励的途径。

每个将其BBANK代币投入MANTRA DAO平台的用户,除了他们的权益外,还将获得OM代币DAO提供的一小笔收益。 MANTRA DAO使用高度安全的企业级节点基础架构,这将使我们的会员获得一定的回报,同时仍保留其自己的加密资产的托管权。




4、Can you introduce the status and cooperation content of BlockBank’s latest

partners API3, UmbNetwork, and bridge?

BlockBank has partnered with API3 to integrate data from dAPIs (data feeds) and AIrnode-enabled APIs to BlockBank’s platform, allowing its use in training BlockBank’s AI assistant, and on the platform itself.

BlockBank leverages Artificial Intelligence, adding it to the traditional banking and DeFi system making the entire ecosystem more secure, private, and decentralized. The platform will be AI-powered, which means it will monitor and understand social intelligence, risk mitigation, analytics, batched transactions, and smart contracts.

Partnering with API3 is a step in the right direction as this will provide the AI technology with real-world data by offering API3 data feeds, dAPIs, aggregate data from first-party oracles, operated by some of the world’ premier API providers. The AI technology will monitor, gather, and provide platform users with powerful insights in real-time based on investment preferences to maximize gains and minimize unnecessary losses. You can learn more here: https://blog.blockbank.ai/blockbank-partners-with-api3-to-provide-insightful-data-for-ai-assistant-45a374a32f1c



与API3的合作是朝正确方向迈出的一步,因为这将通过提供API3数据提要,dAPI,来自第一方甲骨文的汇总数据(由一些世界一流的API提供商运营)为AI技术提供真实数据。 AI技术将根据投资偏好实时监控,收集平台用户并为其提供强大的洞察力,以最大程度地提高收益并最大程度地减少不必要的损失。您可以在此处了解更多信息:https://blog.blockbank.ai/blockbank-partners-with-api3-to-provide-insightful-data-for-ai-assistant-45a374a32f1c

Umbrella Network, which is a community owned decentralized oracle service providing secure, low cost, and massively scalable data solutions to blockchain applications.

Under this partnership, Umbrella Network will be providing secure and scalable price feeds to support BlockBank’s mobile platform and its suite of intelligent DeFi tools, AI-augmented investment advisors, cross-chain swapping facilities, and other Neobanking functionalities. Details here: https://blog.blockbank.ai/blockbank-announces-partnership-with-umbrella-network-72992ec3e1b9

Umbrella Network是一个社区拥有的去中心化oracle服务,它为区块链应用程序提供安全,低成本和可大规模扩展的数据解决方案。

在这项合作关系下,Umbrella Network将提供安全且可扩展的价格信息,以支持BlockBank的移动平台及其智能DeFi工具套件,人工智能增强的投资顾问,跨链交换设施以及其他Neobanking功能。 此处的详细信息:https://blog.blockbank.ai/blockbank-announces-partnership-with-umbrella-network-72992ec3e1b9

Bridge Mutual aims to advance the safeguarding of assets within the BlockBank application by integrating a DeFi risk coverage application into their system. By bringing an extra layer of security onto BlockBank’s platform, users can experience a seamless and decentralized way to protect their assets.

The cryptocurrency space offers massive opportunities but is incredibly complex and risky. Our mission at BlockBank is to help our users navigate this space, and partnering with Bridge Mutual is a step in the right direction. Bridge Mutual will provide our users with additional security to help migitage their risks. Read more details here: https://blog.blockbank.ai/bridge-mutual-provides-additional-security-for-blockbank-7f9a064ed7b1

Bridge Mutual旨在通过将DeFi风险覆盖应用程序集成到其系统中来提高BlockBank应用程序中资产的安全性。 通过在BlockBank的平台上增加一层额外的安全保护,用户可以体验到无缝且分散的方式来保护其资产。

加密货币空间提供了巨大的机会,但异常复杂且充满风险。 我们在BlockBank的使命是帮助我们的用户在这个空间中导航,与Bridge Mutual的合作是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。 Bridge Mutual将为我们的用户提供额外的安全性,以帮助减轻他们的风险。 在此处阅读更多详细信息:https://blog.blockbank.ai/bridge-mutual-provides-additional-security-for-blockbank-7f9a064ed7b1



1、What are the next exchanges?

Gabriel Hiris:We are in discussions with a few exchanges. However due to the nature of these announcements, we cannot reveal anything until it is concrete ????

我们正在与一些交流中进行讨论。 但是,由于这些公告的性质,我们在具体之前无法透露任何内容:)


2、plan in which month?

Details will be provided in official announcements, we can’t give specific dates yet.



3、What are the official self-media channels?

✅Discord: https://discord.gg/KHrtbaqxQv

✅Telegram: https://t.me/BlockBankApp

✅Twitter: https://twitter.com/blockbankapp

✅Website: https://blockbank.ai/

✅LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockbankapp

✅Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blockbankapp/

✅Spanish Community: https://t.me/blockbankspanish

✅Mandarin Community: https://t.me/blockbankmandarin

✅Vietnam Community: https://t.me/Blockbankvn

✅ Arabic community: https://t.me/BlockBankArabic

✅ Turkish Community: https://t.me/BlockBank_tr





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