I have been trying to insert emoji in textarea exactly where the cursor is at. I looked around how tos in the web could not find anything specific in VUE JS. Most of them are in plain JS.
I have this Code
set ="messenger"
title="Pick your emoji…"
placeholder="Hi {first-name}! Welcome to our bot. Click on the ‘Get
Started’ button to begin
My Method
this.greeting_text += emoji.native;
this.showPicker = !this.showPicker;
Obviously, this code will add the character (emoji, in my case) to the last of the string. I need a pure vuejs solution for this.
What would be the best practise for this kind of problem in Vue? as there are few solutions in the web that based either in vanilla JS or Jquery.
Two steps:
1 get textarea element using a vue-way:
1.1 Add ref attrbute to textarea tag in your template code:
1.2 get this element after mounted hook of this component:
let textarea = this.$refs.ta
2 get cursor position of textarea element.
let cursorPosition = textarea.selectionStart
Here is reference: ref
以上就是舒心盼望最近收集整理的关于vue 怎么在字符串中指定位置插入字符_在VUE JS中的Cursor位置插入字符的全部内容,更多相关vue内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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