function [] = GUI_16()
% Demonstrate display & change a slider's position & limits with edit boxes
% This is an extension of GUI_13. Slide the slider and it's position will
% be shown in the editbox. Enter a valid number in the editbox and the
% slider will be moved to that position. If the number entered is outside
% the range of the slider, the number will be reset. The range of the
% slider will be shown in two editboxes on either side of the slider. The
% user may change the range of the slider, as long as valid entries are
% made.
% Suggested exercise: Notice that any number (>min) is acceptable for the
% max range number, and that when max is chosen such that max < value,
% value is set equal to max. Modify the code to restrict max>=value. Do
% similarly for the min.
% Author: Matt Fig
% Date: 7/15/2009
S.fh = figure('units','pixels',...
'position',[300 300 390 100],...
S.sl = uicontrol('style','slide',...
'position',[60 10 270 30],...
S.ed(1) = uicontrol('style','edit',...
'position',[10 10 40 30],...
'string','1'); % Displays the min.
S.ed(2) = uicontrol('style','edit',...
'position',[60 50 270 30],...
'string','50'); % Displays the value.
S.ed(3) = uicontrol('style','edit',...
'position',[340 10 40 30],...
'string','100'); % Displays the max.
set([S.ed(:);S.sl],'call',{@sl_call,S}); % Shared Callback.
function [] = sl_call(varargin)
% Callback for the edit box and slider.
[h,S] = varargin{[1,3]}; % Get calling handle and structure.
SL = get(S.sl,{'min','value','max'}); % Get the slider's info.
E = str2double(get(h,'string')); % Numerical edit string.
switch h % Who called?
case S.ed(1)
if E <= SL{2}
set(S.sl,'min',E) % E is less than current value.
elseif E < SL{3}
set(S.sl,'val',E,'min',E) % E is less than max value.
set(S.ed(2),'string',E) % Set the current display.
set(h,'string',SL{1}) % Reset the value.
case S.ed(2)
if E >= SL{1} && E <= SL{3}
set(S.sl,'value',E) % E falls within range of slider.
set(h,'string',SL{2}) % User tried to set slider out of range.
case S.ed(3)
if E >= SL{2}
set(S.sl,'max',E) % E is less than current value.
elseif E > SL{1}
set(S.sl,'val',E,'max',E) % E is less than max value.
set(S.ed(2),'string',E) % Set the current display.
set(h,'string',SL{3}) % Reset the value.
case S.sl
set(S.ed(2),'string',SL{2}) % Set edit to current slider.
% Do nothing
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