我是靠谱客的博主 成就眼睛,这篇文章主要介绍LLVM Coding Standards(译注)LLVM Coding Standards(LLVM编码规范)译注,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


LLVM Coding Standards(LLVM编码规范)


This document attempts to describe a few coding standards that are being used in the LLVM source tree. Although no coding standards should be regarded as absolute requirements to be followed in all instances, coding standards are particularly important for large-scale code bases that follow a library-based design (like LLVM).


While this document may provide guidance for some mechanical formatting issues, whitespace, or other “microscopic details”, these are not fixed standards. Always follow the golden rule:

If you are extending, enhancing, or bug fixing already implemented code, use the style that is already being used so that the source is uniform and easy to follow.



Note that some code bases (e.g. libc++) have really good reasons to deviate from the coding standards. In the case of libc++, this is because the naming and other conventions are dictated by the C++ standard. If you think there is a specific good reason to deviate from the standards here, please bring it up on the LLVM-dev mailing list.


There are some conventions that are not uniformly followed in the code base (e.g. the naming convention). This is because they are relatively new, and a lot of code was written before they were put in place. Our long term goal is for the entire codebase to follow the convention, but we explicitly do not want patches that do large-scale reformatting of existing code. On the other hand, it is reasonable to rename the methods of a class if you’re about to change it in some other way. Just do the reformatting as a separate commit from the functionality change.


The ultimate goal of these guidelines is to increase the readability and maintainability of our common source base. If you have suggestions for topics to be included, please mail them to Chris.



Languages, Libraries, and Standards(语言、库和标准)

Most source code in LLVM and other LLVM projects using these coding standards is C++ code. There are some places where C code is used either due to environment restrictions, historical restrictions, or due to third-party source code imported into the tree. Generally, our preference is for standards conforming, modern, and portable C++ code as the implementation language of choice.


C++ Standard Versions(C++标准版本)

LLVM, Clang, and LLD are currently written using C++11 conforming code, although we restrict ourselves to features which are available in the major toolchains supported as host compilers. The LLDB project is even more aggressive in the set of host compilers supported and thus uses still more features. Regardless of the supported features, code is expected to (when reasonable) be standard, portable, and modern C++11 code. We avoid unnecessary vendor-specific extensions, etc.


C++ Standard Library(C++标准库)

Use the C++ standard library facilities whenever they are available for a particular task. LLVM and related projects emphasize and rely on the standard library facilities for as much as possible. Common support libraries providing functionality missing from the standard library for which there are standard interfaces or active work on adding standard interfaces will often be implemented in the LLVM namespace following the expected standard interface.


There are some exceptions such as the standard I/O streams library which are avoided. Also, there is much more detailed information on these subjects in the LLVM Programmer’s Manual.

【译】也有一些例外,如标准库中的I/O流操作是被禁用的。另外,对于这块更多的详情可参考《LLVM Programmer’s Manual》。

Supported C++11 Language and Library Features(支持的C++11语言与库特性)

While LLVM, Clang, and LLD use C++11, not all features are available in all of the toolchains which we support. The set of features supported for use in LLVM is the intersection of those supported in the minimum requirements described in the Getting Started with the LLVM System page, section Software. The ultimate definition of this set is what build bots with those respective toolchains accept. Don’t argue with the build bots. However, we have some guidance below to help you know what to expect.

【译】虽然LLVM、Clang和LLD均使用C++11,但并不是所有C++11特性都可用于我们支持的全部工具链。LLVM可用的C++11特性集是《Getting Started with the LLVM System》中Software章节所描述的最小需求的交集。这个特性集的最终确立来源于各工具链所接纳特性集的自动构建。一切以自动构建为准。同时,我们下面有一些指导来帮助了解哪些特性是可用的。

Each toolchain provides a good reference for what it accepts:


  • Clang: https://clang.llvm.org/cxx_status.html
  • GCC: https://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx-status.html#cxx11
  • MSVC: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh567368.aspx

In most cases, the MSVC list will be the dominating factor. Here is a summary of the features that are expected to work. Features not on this list are unlikely to be supported by our host compilers.


  • Rvalue references: N2118

    • But not Rvalue references for *this or member qualifiers (N2439)


  • Static assert: N1720


  • auto type deduction: N1984, N1737


  • Trailing return types: N2541


Trailing return type, useful if the return type depends on argument names, such as

template <class T, class U>
auto add(T t, U u) -> decltype(t + u);

or is complicated, such as in

auto fpif(int)->int(*)(int)
  • Lambdas: N2927

    • But not lambdas with default arguments.


A lambda-expression appearing in a default argument shall not implicitly or explicitly capture any entity. [ Example:

void f2() {
int i = 1;
void g1(int = ([i]{ return i; })());
// ill-formed
void g2(int = ([i]{ return 0; })());
// ill-formed
void g3(int = ([=]{ return i; })());
// ill-formed
void g4(int = ([=]{ return 0; })());
// OK
void g5(int = ([]{ return sizeof i; })());	// OK

—end example ]

  • decltype: N2343
  • Nested closing right angle brackets: N1757

【注】模板右尖括号嵌套:c98版本模板中>>会被解析为右移,需要添加空格隔开> >,C++11开始支持叠用

  • Extern templates: N1987


  • nullptr: N2431


  • Strongly-typed and forward declarable enums: N2347, N2764

【注】强类型枚举:enum class代替enum可解决同命名空间下不同枚举类型拥有相同枚举成员名会报错的问题;C++03版本枚举类型视为整数,可与整数、其他枚举类型比较和互转,强枚举类型限制了这种不安全的隐式转换。

  • Local and unnamed types as template arguments: N2657


  • Range-based for-loop: N2930

    • But {} are required around inner do {} while() loops. As a result, {} are required around function-like macros inside range-based for loops.

【注】基于范围的for循环:内部使用do {} while()时,需要添加{}。同样,基于范围的for循环内部的函数式宏也需要{}包围。

  • override and final: N2928, N3206, N3272


  • Atomic operations and the C++11 memory model: N2429


  • Variadic templates: N2242


  • Explicit conversion operators: N2437


struct B {
explicit B(int) { }
explicit B(int, int) { }
explicit operator bool() const { return true; }
B b1 = 1;
// 错误:复制初始化不考虑 B::B(int)
B b2(2);
// OK:直接初始化选择 B::B(int)
B b3 {4, 5};
// OK:直接列表初始化选择 B::B(int, int)
B b4 = {4, 5}; // 错误:复制列表初始化不考虑 B::B(int,int)
B b5 = (B)1;
// OK:显式转型进行 static_cast
if (b2);
// OK:B::operator bool()
bool nb1 = b2; // 错误:复制初始化不考虑 B::operator bool()
bool nb2 = static_cast<bool>(b2); // OK:static_cast 进行直接初始化
  • Defaulted and deleted functions: N2346


  • Initializer lists: N2627


  • Delegating constructors: N1986


  • Default member initializers (non-static data member initializers): N2756

    • Feel free to use these wherever they make sense and where the = syntax is allowed. Don’t use braced initialization syntax.

【注】默认成员初始化(非静态成员初始化):成员初始化列表优先级高于默认成员初始化。此场景下,请勿使用大括号初始化语法C c4 = C{};

The supported features in the C++11 standard libraries are less well tracked, but also much greater. Most of the standard libraries implement most of C++11’s library. The most likely lowest common denominator is Linux support. For libc++, the support is just poorly tested and undocumented but expected to be largely complete. YMMV. For libstdc++, the support is documented in detail in the libstdc++ manual. There are some very minor missing facilities that are unlikely to be common problems, and there are a few larger gaps that are worth being aware of:


  • Not all of the type traits are implemented


  • No regular expression library.


  • While most of the atomics library is well implemented, the fences are missing. Fortunately, they are rarely needed.


  • The locale support is incomplete.


Other than these areas you should assume the standard library is available and working as expected until some build bot tells you otherwise. If you’re in an uncertain area of one of the above points, but you cannot test on a Linux system, your best approach is to minimize your use of these features, and watch the Linux build bots to find out if your usage triggered a bug. For example, if you hit a type trait which doesn’t work we can then add support to LLVM’s traits header to emulate it.


Other Languages(其他语言)

Any code written in the Go programming language is not subject to the formatting rules below. Instead, we adopt the formatting rules enforced by the gofmt tool.


Go code should strive to be idiomatic. Two good sets of guidelines for what this means are Effective Go and Go Code Review Comments.

【译】Go代码应该尽量符合其语言习惯。《Effective Go》和《Go Code Review Comments》对Go语言都是很好的指导 。

Mechanical Source Issues

Source Code Formatting(源码格式)


Comments are one critical part of readability and maintainability. Everyone knows they should comment their code, and so should you. When writing comments, write them as English prose, which means they should use proper capitalization, punctuation, etc. Aim to describe what the code is trying to do and why, not how it does it at a micro level. Here are a few critical things to document:


File Headers(文件头)

Every source file should have a header on it that describes the basic purpose of the file. If a file does not have a header, it should not be checked into the tree. The standard header looks like this:


//===-- llvm/Instruction.h - Instruction class definition -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// file
/// This file contains the declaration of the Instruction class, which is the
/// base class for all of the VM instructions.

A few things to note about this particular format: The “-*- C++ -*-” string on the first line is there to tell Emacs that the source file is a C++ file, not a C file (Emacs assumes .h files are C files by default).

【译】关于这种特殊格式需要注意:第一行的“-*- C++ -*-”用于告知Emacs这是个C++文件,而非C文件(Emacs默认.h为C文件)。


This tag is not necessary in .cpp files. The name of the file is also on the first line, along with a very short description of the purpose of the file. This is important when printing out code and flipping though lots of pages.


The next section in the file is a concise note that defines the license that the file is released under. This makes it perfectly clear what terms the source code can be distributed under and should not be modified in any way.


The main body is a doxygen comment (identified by the /// comment marker instead of the usual //) describing the purpose of the file. The first sentence (or a passage beginning with brief) is used as an abstract. Any additional information should be separated by a blank line. If an algorithm is being implemented or something tricky is going on, a reference to the paper where it is published should be included, as well as any notes or gotchas in the code to watch out for.


Class overviews(类的概述)

Classes are one fundamental part of a good object oriented design. As such, a class definition should have a comment block that explains what the class is used for and how it works. Every non-trivial class is expected to have adoxygen comment block.


Method information(方法说明)

Methods defined in a class (as well as any global functions) should also be documented properly. A quick note about what it does and a description of the borderline behaviour is all that is necessary here (unless something particularly tricky or insidious is going on). The hope is that people can figure out how to use your interfaces without reading the code itself.


Good things to talk about here are what happens when something unexpected happens: does the method return null? Abort? Format your hard disk?


Comment Formatting(注释的格式)

In general, prefer C++ style comments (// for normal comments, /// for doxygen documentation comments). They take less space, require less typing, don’t have nesting problems, etc. There are a few cases when it is useful to use C style (/* */) comments however:

【译】通常,我们倾向于C++风格的注释(//用于普通注释,///用于doxygen文档注释)。这种注释风格占用比较少的空间、不需要打太多的字,也没有嵌套问题等等。但也有些情况C风格的注释(/* */)是比较有用的:

  1. When writing C code: Obviously if you are writing C code, use C style comments.


  1. When writing a header file that may be #included by a C source file.


  1. When writing a source file that is used by a tool that only accepts C style comments.


  1. When documenting the significance of constants used as actual parameters in a call. This is most helpful for bool parameters, or passing 0 or nullptr. Typically you add the formal parameter name, which ought to be meaningful. For example, it’s not clear what the parameter means in this call:



An in-line C-style comment makes the intent obvious:




Commenting out large blocks of code is discouraged, but if you really have to do this (for documentation purposes or as a suggestion for debug printing), use #if 0 and #endif. These nest properly and are better behaved in general than C style comments.

【译】不鼓励注释掉大块代码,但如果真的必须得这样做(出于文档的目的或者作为调试打印的建议),使用 #if 0#endif。这些可以保证嵌套的正确性,而且通常比C风格的注释表现更好。

Doxygen Use in Documentation Comments(文档注释中Doxygen的应用)

Use the file command to turn the standard file header into a file-level comment.


Include descriptive paragraphs for all public interfaces (public classes, member and non-member functions). Don’t just restate the information that can be inferred from the API name. The first sentence (or a paragraph beginning with brief) is used as an abstract. Try to use a single sentence as the brief adds visual clutter. Put detailed discussion into separate paragraphs.


To refer to parameter names inside a paragraph, use the p name command. Don’t use the arg name command since it starts a new paragraph that contains documentation for the parameter.

【译】若要引用段落中的参数名称,使用p name命令。不要使用arg name命令,因为它会开始一个包含参数注释的新段。

Wrap non-inline code examples in code ... endcode.

【译】把非内联代码示例放在code ... endcode中。

To document a function parameter, start a new paragraph with the param name command. If the parameter is used as an out or an in/out parameter, use the param [out] name or param [in,out] name command, respectively.

【译】若要注释函数参数,使用param name新起一段。如果是一个输出或输入/输出参数,分别使用param [out] nameparam [in,out] name命令。

To describe function return value, start a new paragraph with the returns command.


A minimal documentation comment:


/// Sets the xyzzy property to p Baz.
void setXyzzy(bool Baz);

A documentation comment that uses all Doxygen features in a preferred way:


/// Does foo and bar.
/// Does not do foo the usual way if p Baz is true.
/// Typical usage:
/// code
fooBar(false, "quux", Res);
/// endcode
/// param Quux kind of foo to do.
/// param [out] Result filled with bar sequence on foo success.
/// returns true on success.
bool fooBar(bool Baz, StringRef Quux, std::vector<int> &Result);

Don’t duplicate the documentation comment in the header file and in the implementation file. Put the documentation comments for public APIs into the header file. Documentation comments for private APIs can go to the implementation file. In any case, implementation files can include additional comments (not necessarily in Doxygen markup) to explain implementation details as needed.


Don’t duplicate function or class name at the beginning of the comment. For humans it is obvious which function or class is being documented; automatic documentation processing tools are smart enough to bind the comment to the correct declaration.




// In Something.h:
/// Something - An abstraction for some complicated thing.
class Something {
/// fooBar - Does foo and bar.
void fooBar();
// In Something.cpp:
/// fooBar - Does foo and bar.
void Something::fooBar() { ... }



// In Something.h:
/// An abstraction for some complicated thing.
class Something {
/// Does foo and bar.
void fooBar();
// In Something.cpp:
// Builds a B-tree in order to do foo.
See paper by...
void Something::fooBar() { ... }

It is not required to use additional Doxygen features, but sometimes it might be a good idea to do so.




  • adding comments to any narrow namespace containing a collection of related functions or types;


  • using top-level groups to organize a collection of related functions at namespace scope where the grouping is smaller than the namespace;


  • using member groups and additional comments attached to member groups to organize within a class.


For example:


class Something {
/// name Functions that do Foo.
/// @{
void fooBar();
void fooBaz();
/// @}

#include Style(#include风格)

Immediately after the header file comment (and include guards if working on a header file), the minimal list of #includes required by the file should be listed. We prefer these #includes to be listed in this order:



  1. Main Module Header【译】主模块头文件
  2. Local/Private Headers【译】临近/私有的头文件
  3. LLVM project/subproject headers (clang/..., lldb/..., llvm/..., etc)【译】LLVM项目/子项目的头文件
  4. System #includes【译】系统#include

and each category should be sorted lexicographically by the full path.



The Main Module Header file applies to .cpp files which implement an interface defined by a .h file. This #includeshould always be included first regardless of where it lives on the file system. By including a header file first in the .cpp files that implement the interfaces, we ensure that the header does not have any hidden dependencies which are not explicitly #included in the header, but should be. It is also a form of documentation in the .cpp file to indicate where the interfaces it implements are defined.


LLVM project and subproject headers should be grouped from most specific to least specific, for the same reasons described above. For example, LLDB depends on both clang and LLVM, and clang depends on LLVM. So an LLDB source file should include lldb headers first, followed by clang headers, followed by llvm headers, to reduce the possibility (for example) of an LLDB header accidentally picking up a missing include due to the previous inclusion of that header in the main source file or some earlier header file. clang should similarly include its own headers before including llvm headers. This rule applies to all LLVM subprojects.


Source Code Width(源码行宽)

Write your code to fit within 80 columns of text. This helps those of us who like to print out code and look at your code in an xterm without resizing it.


The longer answer is that there must be some limit to the width of the code in order to reasonably allow developers to have multiple files side-by-side in windows on a modest display. If you are going to pick a width limit, it is somewhat arbitrary but you might as well pick something standard. Going with 90 columns (for example) instead of 80 columns wouldn’t add any significant value and would be detrimental to printing out code. Also many other projects have standardized on 80 columns, so some people have already configured their editors for it (vs something else, like 90 columns).


This is one of many contentious issues in coding standards, but it is not up for debate.



In all cases, prefer spaces to tabs in source files. People have different preferred indentation levels, and different styles of indentation that they like; this is fine. What isn’t fine is that different editors/viewers expand tabs out to different tab stops. This can cause your code to look completely unreadable, and it is not worth dealing with.


As always, follow the Golden Rule above: follow the style of existing code if you are modifying and extending it. If you like four spaces of indentation, DO NOT do that in the middle of a chunk of code with two spaces of indentation. Also, do not reindent a whole source file: it makes for incredible diffs that are absolutely worthless.


Do not commit changes that include trailing whitespace. If you find trailing whitespace in a file, do not remove it unless you’re otherwise changing that line of code. Some common editors will automatically remove trailing whitespace when saving a file which causes unrelated changes to appear in diffs and commits.

【译】请勿提交行尾带有空格的变更。如果文件中有行尾带空格的代码,除非正在修改那行,否则不要修改(如上文所述:格式化、重构和功能开发应以不同的patch提交)。一些常见的编辑器会在保存文件时自动删除行尾的空格,这会导致无关的变更出现在差异和提交(git commit的变更比较)中。

Indent Code Consistently(代码缩进一致)

Okay, in your first year of programming you were told that indentation is important. If you didn’t believe and internalize this then, now is the time. Just do it. With the introduction of C++11, there are some new formatting challenges that merit some suggestions to help have consistent, maintainable, and tool-friendly formatting and indentation.


Format Lambdas Like Blocks Of Code(像代码块一样格式化lambda表达式)

When formatting a multi-line lambda, format it like a block of code, that’s what it is. If there is only one multi-line lambda in a statement, and there are no expressions lexically after it in the statement, drop the indent to the standard two space indent for a block of code, as if it were an if-block opened by the preceding part of the statement:


std::sort(foo.begin(), foo.end(), [&](Foo a, Foo b) -> bool {
if (a.blah < b.blah)
return true;
if (a.baz < b.baz)
return true;
return a.bam < b.bam;

To take best advantage of this formatting, if you are designing an API which accepts a continuation or single callable argument (be it a functor, or a std::function), it should be the last argument if at all possible.


If there are multiple multi-line lambdas in a statement, or there is anything interesting after the lambda in the statement, indent the block two spaces from the indent of the []:


[] (PHINode *PN) {
// process phis...
[] (SelectInst *SI) {
// process selects...
[] (LoadInst *LI) {
// process loads...
[] (AllocaInst *AI) {
// process allocas...
Braced Initializer Lists(大括号初始化列表)

With C++11, there are significantly more uses of braced lists to perform initialization. These allow you to easily construct aggregate temporaries in expressions among other niceness. They now have a natural way of ending up nested within each other and within function calls in order to build up aggregates (such as option structs) from local variables. To make matters worse, we also have many more uses of braces in an expression context that are not performing initialization.


The historically common formatting of braced initialization of aggregate variables does not mix cleanly with deep nesting, general expression contexts, function arguments, and lambdas. We suggest new code use a simple rule for formatting braced initialization lists: act as-if the braces were parentheses in a function call. The formatting rules exactly match those already well understood for formatting nested function calls.




foo({a, b, c}, {1, 2, 3});
llvm::Constant *Mask[] = {
llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(getLLVMContext()), 0),
llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(getLLVMContext()), 1),
llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::getInt32Ty(getLLVMContext()), 2)};

This formatting scheme also makes it particularly easy to get predictable, consistent, and automatic formatting with tools like Clang Format.

【译】这样的格式化方案,可以很方便的利用自动格式化工具(如Clang Format)得到可以预计的、稳定的格式。

Language and Compiler Issues(语言和编译器)

Treat Compiler Warnings Like Errors(将编译器告警视为错误)

If your code has compiler warnings in it, something is wrong — you aren’t casting values correctly, you have “questionable” constructs in your code, or you are doing something legitimately wrong. Compiler warnings can cover up legitimate errors in output and make dealing with a translation unit difficult.


It is not possible to prevent all warnings from all compilers, nor is it desirable. Instead, pick a standard compiler (like gcc) that provides a good thorough set of warnings, and stick to it. At least in the case of gcc, it is possible to work around any spurious errors by changing the syntax of the code slightly. For example, a warning that annoys me occurs when I write code like this:


if (V = getValue()) {

gcc will warn me that I probably want to use the == operator, and that I probably mistyped it. In most cases, I haven’t, and I really don’t want the spurious errors. To fix this particular problem, I rewrite the code like this:


if ((V = getValue())) {

which shuts gcc up. Any gcc warning that annoys you can be fixed by massaging the code appropriately.


【注】warning中确实存在一些有争议的项,通常编译器有关闭某类告警的开关。但此处举例不恰当,最大的问题在if ((V = getValue()))中,V = getValue()先执行赋值动作,然后V做布尔类型转换,前者破坏条件表达式中判断表达式只做判断的单一职责,后者采用默认转换语义不清。此写法不值得推荐,如果想限制V的作用域,请抽函数或使用{}控制,推荐写法如下:

auto V = getValue();
if (V != 0) {

Write Portable Code(写可移植的代码)

In almost all cases, it is possible and within reason to write completely portable code. If there are cases where it isn’t possible to write portable code, isolate it behind a well defined (and well documented) interface.



In practice, this means that you shouldn’t assume much about the host compiler (and Visual Studio tends to be the lowest common denominator). If advanced features are used, they should only be an implementation detail of a library which has a simple exposed API, and preferably be buried in libSystem.

【译】这意味着在写代码的时候,不应该对主流编译器做过多假设(Visual Studio做的最差)。如果使用了高级功能,那他们的实现细节应该隐藏在库中,并只暴露简单的接口。


Do not use RTTI or Exceptions(禁用运行时类型识别和异常)

In an effort to reduce code and executable size, LLVM does not use RTTI (e.g. dynamic_cast<>;) or exceptions. These two language features violate the general C++ principle of “you only pay for what you use”, causing executable bloat even if exceptions are never used in the code base, or if RTTI is never used for a class. Because of this, we turn them off globally in the code.


That said, LLVM does make extensive use of a hand-rolled form of RTTI that use templates like isa<>, cast<>, and dyn_cast<>. This form of RTTI is opt-in and can be added to any class. It is also substantially more efficient than dynamic_cast<>.

【译】也就是说,LLVM广泛使用了手动形式的RTTI,如 isa<>, cast<>, and dyn_cast<>等模板。这类形式的RTTI是可用的,并可添加到任何类中。而且它也比dynamic_cast<>更高效。

Do not use Static Constructors(禁用静态构造)

Static constructors and destructors (e.g. global variables whose types have a constructor or destructor) should not be added to the code base, and should be removed wherever possible. Besides well known problems where the order of initialization is undefined between globals in different source files, the entire concept of static constructors is at odds with the common use case of LLVM as a library linked into a larger application.


【注】这里Static Constructor推断应理解为静态构造,构建并初始化全局对象或类内的静态对象等,而非静态构造函数的含义。

Consider the use of LLVM as a JIT linked into another application (perhaps for OpenGL, custom languages, shaders in movies, etc). Due to the design of static constructors, they must be executed at startup time of the entire application, regardless of whether or how LLVM is used in that larger application. There are two problems with this:


  • The time to run the static constructors impacts startup time of applications — a critical time for GUI apps, among others.


  • The static constructors cause the app to pull many extra pages of memory off the disk: both the code for the constructor in each .o file and the small amount of data that gets touched. In addition, touched/dirty pages put more pressure on the VM system on low-memory machines.


We would really like for there to be zero cost for linking in an additional LLVM target or other library into an application, but static constructors violate this goal.


That said, LLVM unfortunately does contain static constructors. It would be a great project for someone to purge all static constructors from LLVM, and then enable the -Wglobal-constructors warning flag (when building with Clang) to ensure we do not regress in the future.


Use of class and struct Keywords(classstruct关键字的使用)

In C++, the class and struct keywords can be used almost interchangeably. The only difference is when they are used to declare a class: class makes all members private by default while struct makes all members public by default.


Unfortunately, not all compilers follow the rules and some will generate different symbols based on whether class or struct was used to declare the symbol (e.g., MSVC). This can lead to problems at link time.


  • All declarations and definitions of a given class or struct must use the same keyword. For example:


class Foo;
// Breaks mangling in MSVC.
struct Foo { int Data; };
  • As a rule of thumb, struct should be kept to structures where all members are declared public.


// Foo feels like a class... this is strange.
struct Foo {
int Data;
Foo() : Data(0) { }
int getData() const { return Data; }
void setData(int D) { Data = D; }
// Bar isn't POD, but it does look like a struct.
struct Bar {
int Data;
Bar() : Data(0) { }

Do not use Braced Initializer Lists to Call a Constructor(禁用大括号初始化列表来调用构造函数)

In C++11 there is a “generalized initialization syntax” which allows calling constructors using braced initializer lists. Do not use these to call constructors with any interesting logic or if you care that you’re calling some particular constructor. Those should look like function calls using parentheses rather than like aggregate initialization. Similarly, if you need to explicitly name the type and call its constructor to create a temporary, don’t use a braced initializer list. Instead, use a braced initializer list (without any type for temporaries) when doing aggregate initialization or something notionally equivalent. Examples:


class Foo {
// Construct a Foo by reading data from the disk in the whizbang format, ...
Foo(std::string filename);
// Construct a Foo by looking up the Nth element of some global data ...
Foo(int N);
// ...
// The Foo constructor call is very deliberate, no braces.
std::fill(foo.begin(), foo.end(), Foo("name"));
// The pair is just being constructed like an aggregate, use braces.
bar_map.insert({my_key, my_value});

If you use a braced initializer list when initializing a variable, use an equals before the open curly brace:


int data[] = {0, 1, 2, 3};

Use auto Type Deduction to Make Code More Readable(使用auto自动类型推导提升代码可读性)

Some are advocating a policy of “almost always auto” in C++11, however LLVM uses a more moderate stance. Use auto if and only if it makes the code more readable or easier to maintain. Don’t “almost always” use auto, but do useauto with initializers like cast<Foo>(...) or other places where the type is already obvious from the context. Another time when auto works well for these purposes is when the type would have been abstracted away anyways, often behind a container’s typedef such as std::vector<T>::iterator.


【注】auto是一种类似于强类型语言python变量定义的语义,形式上又如弱类型语言javascript中的var。这种方式的体验感很是酸爽,一方面代码表现的很简洁,不啰嗦;另外一方面,即使命名技巧很强,代码分析时也容易卡壳,不得不分析上下文。auto的使用,更推荐是仅在很小的语块(3句左右)中使用的、类型在语块中明确可见的、机械性重复给重命名带来额外工作量的类型使用auto替代。译文中的would have been abstracted表达的是其概念高度抽象化,无论其实际类型是什么都不影响这类概念的使用方式。举例来说:

std::vector<T>::iterator It = std::find(Vec.begin(), Vec.end(), ElemToFind);
if (It == Vec.end())
T& Elem = *It
return Elem.xxx + Elem.yyy;

std::vector<T>::iterator It推荐使用autoIt承载的是迭代器的概念,两处使用if (It == Vec.end())是与T类型无关的属于迭代器抽象模型的逻辑算法,T& Elem = *It在简短语块中清晰可见。T& Elem = *It不推荐使用auto,因为下文有若干特定业务的计算逻辑,此处需要保持类型描述清晰,否则需要反向推导直到发现std::find中的Vec的类型。由于对auto使用的判断具有一定的主观性,且依赖于历史开发维护经验,所以若当是否用auto的选择不能快速直观的给出结论时,不要使用auto,少量的啰嗦总强于语意不清。

Beware unnecessary copies with auto(警惕不必要的auto拷贝)

The convenience of auto makes it easy to forget that its default behavior is a copy. Particularly in range-based forloops, careless copies are expensive.


As a rule of thumb, use auto & unless you need to copy the result, and use auto * when copying pointers.

【译】根据经验,除非拷贝结果,否则使用auto &,并使用auto *拷贝指针。


// Typically there's no reason to copy.
for (const auto &Val : Container) { observe(Val); }
for (auto &Val : Container) { Val.change(); }
// Remove the reference if you really want a new copy.
for (auto Val : Container) { Val.change(); saveSomewhere(Val); }
// Copy pointers, but make it clear that they're pointers.
for (const auto *Ptr : Container) { observe(*Ptr); }
for (auto *Ptr : Container) { Ptr->change(); }

Beware of non-determinism due to ordering of pointers(警惕指针排序的不确定性)

In general, there is no relative ordering among pointers. As a result, when unordered containers like sets and maps are used with pointer keys the iteration order is undefined. Hence, iterating such containers may result in non-deterministic code generation. While the generated code might not necessarily be “wrong code”, this non-determinism might result in unexpected runtime crashes or simply hard to reproduce bugs on the customer side making it harder to debug and fix.


As a rule of thumb, in case an ordered result is expected, remember to sort an unordered container before iteration. Or use ordered containers like vector/MapVector/SetVector if you want to iterate pointer keys.

【译】根据经验,如果需要有序结果,记住在迭代之前对无序容器进行排序。 或者,如果要迭代指针键,使用vector / MapVector / SetVector等有序容器。


Beware of non-deterministic sorting order of equal elements(警惕相等对象排序的不确定性)

std::sort uses a non-stable sorting algorithm in which the order of equal elements is not guaranteed to be preserved. Thus using std::sort for a container having equal elements may result in non-determinstic behavior. To uncover such instances of non-determinism, LLVM has introduced a new llvm::sort wrapper function. For an EXPENSIVE_CHECKS build this will randomly shuffle the container before sorting. As a rule of thumb, always make sure to use llvm::sort instead of std::sort.

【译】std :: sort使用了非稳定排序算法,它不保证相等元素的顺序。 因此,对具有相等成员的容器使用std :: sort可能导致不确定性行为。 为了解决这种不确定情况,LLVM引入了一个新的llvm :: sort函数封装。 对于EXPENSIVE_CHECKS构建,这将在排序之前随机地移动容器。 根据经验,始终确保使用llvm :: sort而不是std :: sort。

Style Issues(格式)

The High-Level Issues(高级主题)

Self-contained Headers(自包含的头文件)

Header files should be self-contained (compile on their own) and end in .h. Non-header files that are meant for inclusion should end in .inc and be used sparingly.


All header files should be self-contained. Users and refactoring tools should not have to adhere to special conditions to include the header. Specifically, a header should have header guards and include all other headers it needs.


There are rare cases where a file designed to be included is not self-contained. These are typically intended to be included at unusual locations, such as the middle of another file. They might not use header guards, and might not include their prerequisites. Name such files with the .inc extension. Use sparingly, and prefer self-contained headers when possible.

【译】有极少的情况,一个文件会被设计成被包含但却不自包含。这些通常被包含在特殊的位置,例如另一个文件的中间位置。 他们可能不使用标题保护,可能不包括他们的依赖。 使用.inc扩展名命名此类文件。 谨慎使用,并尽可能选择自包含的头文件。

In general, a header should be implemented by one or more .cpp files. Each of these .cpp files should include the header that defines their interface first. This ensures that all of the dependences of the header have been properly added to the header itself, and are not implicit. System headers should be included after user headers for a translation unit.


Library Layering(库分层)

A directory of header files (for example include/llvm/Foo) defines a library (Foo). Dependencies between libraries are defined by the LLVMBuild.txt file in their implementation (lib/Foo). One library (both its headers and implementation) should only use things from the libraries listed in its dependencies.

【译】一个头文件目录(如include/llvm/Foo)定义了一个库(Foo)。库之间的依赖关系在实现(lib / Foo)目录下的LLVMBuild.txt文件中定义。 一个库(头和实现)应该只使用其依赖库中的东西。

Some of this constraint can be enforced by classic Unix linkers (Mac & Windows linkers, as well as lld, do not enforce this constraint). A Unix linker searches left to right through the libraries specified on its command line and never revisits a library. In this way, no circular dependencies between libraries can exist.

【译】一些约束可以由经典的Unix链接器强制执行(Mac和Windows链接器,以及lld,不强制执行此约束)。 Unix链接器从左到右搜索其命令行中指定的库,不会再重新访问一个库。 这样,库之间就不可能循环依赖了。

This doesn’t fully enforce all inter-library dependencies, and importantly doesn’t enforce header file circular dependencies created by inline functions. A good way to answer the “is this layered correctly” would be to consider whether a Unix linker would succeed at linking the program if all inline functions were defined out-of-line. (& for all valid orderings of dependencies - since linking resolution is linear, it’s possible that some implicit dependencies can sneak through: A depends on B and C, so valid orderings are “C B A” or “B C A”, in both cases the explicit dependencies come before their use. But in the first case, B could still link successfully if it implicitly depended on C, or the opposite in the second case)

【译】这并不会强制所有库间的依赖关系,并且重要的是,不会强制执行内联函数引起的头文件循环依赖关系。 回答“正确分层”的一个好方法是,考虑如果所有内联函数都定义成外联,Unix链接器是否能成功链接程序。 (对于依赖关系的所有有效排序 - 因为链接决议是线性的,所以有可能即使存在某些隐式依赖关系也可以链接通过:A依赖于B和C,因此有效排序是“CBA”或“BCA”,这两种情况下,显式依赖关系都在它们使用之前确定。但在第一种情况下,如果B隐式依赖于C的话,B仍然可以链接成功,或者反过来在第二种情况下。)

#include as Little as Possible(头文件最小依赖)

#include hurts compile time performance. Don’t do it unless you have to, especially in header files.


But wait! Sometimes you need to have the definition of a class to use it, or to inherit from it. In these cases go ahead and #include that header file. Be aware however that there are many cases where you don’t need to have the full definition of a class. If you are using a pointer or reference to a class, you don’t need the header file. If you are simply returning a class instance from a prototyped function or method, you don’t need it. In fact, for most cases, you simply don’t need the definition of a class. And not #includeing speeds up compilation.


It is easy to try to go too overboard on this recommendation, however. You must include all of the header files that you are using — you can include them either directly or indirectly through another header file. To make sure that you don’t accidentally forget to include a header file in your module header, make sure to include your module header first in the implementation file (as mentioned above). This way there won’t be any hidden dependencies that you’ll find out about later.


Keep “Internal” Headers Private(保持"内部"头文件私有)

Many modules have a complex implementation that causes them to use more than one implementation (.cpp) file. It is often tempting to put the internal communication interface (helper classes, extra functions, etc) in the public module header file. Don’t do this!


If you really need to do something like this, put a private header file in the same directory as the source files, and include it locally. This ensures that your private interface remains private and undisturbed by outsiders.



It’s okay to put extra implementation methods in a public class itself. Just make them private (or protected) and all is well.


Use Early Exits and continue to Simplify Code(提前使用退出和continue来简化代码)

When reading code, keep in mind how much state and how many previous decisions have to be remembered by the reader to understand a block of code. Aim to reduce indentation where possible when it doesn’t make it more difficult to understand the code. One great way to do this is by making use of early exits and the continue keyword in long loops. As an example of using an early exit from a function, consider this “bad” code:


Value *doSomething(Instruction *I) {
if (!I->isTerminator() &&
I->hasOneUse() && doOtherThing(I)) {
... some long code ....
return 0;

This code has several problems if the body of the 'if' is large. When you’re looking at the top of the function, it isn’t immediately clear that this only does interesting things with non-terminator instructions, and only applies to things with the other predicates. Second, it is relatively difficult to describe (in comments) why these predicates are important because the if statement makes it difficult to lay out the comments. Third, when you’re deep within the body of the code, it is indented an extra level. Finally, when reading the top of the function, it isn’t clear what the result is if the predicate isn’t true; you have to read to the end of the function to know that it returns null.


It is much preferred to format the code like this:


Value *doSomething(Instruction *I) {
// Terminators never need 'something' done to them because ...
if (I->isTerminator())
return 0;
// We conservatively avoid transforming instructions with multiple uses
// because goats like cheese.
if (!I->hasOneUse())
return 0;
// This is really just here for example.
if (!doOtherThing(I))
return 0;
... some long code ....

This fixes these problems. A similar problem frequently happens in for loops. A silly example is something like this:


for (Instruction &I : BB) {
if (auto *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(&I)) {
Value *LHS = BO->getOperand(0);
Value *RHS = BO->getOperand(1);
if (LHS != RHS) {

When you have very, very small loops, this sort of structure is fine. But if it exceeds more than 10-15 lines, it becomes difficult for people to read and understand at a glance. The problem with this sort of code is that it gets very nested very quickly. Meaning that the reader of the code has to keep a lot of context in their brain to remember what is going immediately on in the loop, because they don’t know if/when the if conditions will have elses etc. It is strongly preferred to structure the loop like this:


for (Instruction &I : BB) {
auto *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(&I);
if (!BO) continue;
Value *LHS = BO->getOperand(0);
Value *RHS = BO->getOperand(1);
if (LHS == RHS) continue;

This has all the benefits of using early exits for functions: it reduces nesting of the loop, it makes it easier to describe why the conditions are true, and it makes it obvious to the reader that there is no else coming up that they have to push context into their brain for. If a loop is large, this can be a big understandability win.


Don’t use else after a return(禁止return后使用else)

For similar reasons above (reduction of indentation and easier reading), please do not use 'else' or 'else if' after something that interrupts control flow — like return, break, continue, goto, etc. For example, this is bad:

【译】和上述原因类似(减少缩进、提升可阅读性),请不要在中断控制流的语句后使用elseelse if——例如returnbreakcontinuegoto等。举例来说,这样是不好的:

case 'J': {
if (Signed) {
Type = Context.getsigjmp_bufType();
if (Type.isNull()) {
Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_sigjmp_buf;
return QualType();
} else {
} else {
Type = Context.getjmp_bufType();
if (Type.isNull()) {
Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_jmp_buf;
return QualType();
} else {

It is better to write it like this:


case 'J':
if (Signed) {
Type = Context.getsigjmp_bufType();
if (Type.isNull()) {
Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_sigjmp_buf;
return QualType();
} else {
Type = Context.getjmp_bufType();
if (Type.isNull()) {
Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_jmp_buf;
return QualType();

Or better yet (in this case) as:


case 'J':
if (Signed)
Type = Context.getsigjmp_bufType();
Type = Context.getjmp_bufType();
if (Type.isNull()) {
Error = Signed ? ASTContext::GE_Missing_sigjmp_buf :
return QualType();

The idea is to reduce indentation and the amount of code you have to keep track of when reading the code.


Turn Predicate Loops into Predicate Functions(将判断循环变为判断函数)

It is very common to write small loops that just compute a boolean value. There are a number of ways that people commonly write these, but an example of this sort of thing is:


bool FoundFoo = false;
for (unsigned I = 0, E = BarList.size(); I != E; ++I)
if (BarList[I]->isFoo()) {
FoundFoo = true;
if (FoundFoo) {

This sort of code is awkward to write, and is almost always a bad sign. Instead of this sort of loop, we strongly prefer to use a predicate function (which may be static) that uses early exits to compute the predicate. We prefer the code to be structured like this:


/// returns true if the specified list has an element that is a foo.
static bool containsFoo(const std::vector<Bar*> &List) {
for (unsigned I = 0, E = List.size(); I != E; ++I)
if (List[I]->isFoo())
return true;
return false;
if (containsFoo(BarList)) {

There are many reasons for doing this: it reduces indentation and factors out code which can often be shared by other code that checks for the same predicate. More importantly, it forces you to pick a name for the function, and forces you to write a comment for it. In this silly example, this doesn’t add much value. However, if the condition is complex, this can make it a lot easier for the reader to understand the code that queries for this predicate. Instead of being faced with the in-line details of how we check to see if the BarList contains a foo, we can trust the function name and continue reading with better locality.


The Low-Level Issues(初级主题)

Name Types, Functions, Variables, and Enumerators Properly(类型、函数、变量、枚举的合理命名)

Poorly-chosen names can mislead the reader and cause bugs. We cannot stress enough how important it is to use descriptive names. Pick names that match the semantics and role of the underlying entities, within reason. Avoid abbreviations unless they are well known. After picking a good name, make sure to use consistent capitalization for the name, as inconsistency requires clients to either memorize the APIs or to look it up to find the exact spelling.


In general, names should be in camel case (e.g. TextFileReader and isLValue()). Different kinds of declarations have different rules:


  • Type names (including classes, structs, enums, typedefs, etc) should be nouns and start with an upper-case letter (e.g. TextFileReader).


  • Variable names should be nouns (as they represent state). The name should be camel case, and start with an upper case letter (e.g. Leader or Boats).


  • Function names should be verb phrases (as they represent actions), and command-like function should be imperative. The name should be camel case, and start with a lower case letter (e.g. openFile() or isFoo()).


  • Enum declarations (e.g. enum Foo {...}) are types, so they should follow the naming conventions for types. A common use for enums is as a discriminator for a union, or an indicator of a subclass. When an enum is used for something like this, it should have a Kind suffix (e.g. ValueKind).

【译】枚举声明(如enum Foo {…})是类型,所以它们应该遵循类型的命名规则。一个枚举的通常用法是联合体的鉴别符或子类的指示符。当枚举用于类似的场景时,它应该有一个Kind后缀(如ValueKind)。

  • Enumerators (e.g. enum { Foo, Bar }) and public member variables should start with an upper-case letter, just like types. Unless the enumerators are defined in their own small namespace or inside a class, enumerators should have a prefix corresponding to the enum declaration name. For example, enum ValueKind { ...}; may contain enumerators like VK_Argument, VK_BasicBlock, etc. Enumerators that are just convenience constants are exempt from the requirement for a prefix. For instance:

【译】枚举成员(如enum { Foo, Bar })和公有成员变量应该以大写字母打头,就像类型。除非枚举成员定义在它们自己的小命名空间或类内部,否则枚举成员应该有一个和枚举名称对应的前缀。例如,enum ValueKind { ...};可以包含枚举成员,如VK_ArgumentVK_BasicBlock等。 仅为了便利而定义的枚举常量不受前缀要求的约束,举例来说:

enum {
MaxSize = 42,
Density = 12

As an exception, classes that mimic STL classes can have member names in STL’s style of lower-case words separated by underscores (e.g. begin(), push_back(), and empty()). Classes that provide multiple iterators should add a singular prefix to begin() and end() (e.g. global_begin() and use_begin()).


Here are some examples of good and bad names:


class VehicleMaker {
Factory<Tire> F;
// Bad -- abbreviation and non-descriptive.
Factory<Tire> Factory;
// Better.
Factory<Tire> TireFactory;
// Even better -- if VehicleMaker has more than one
// kind of factories.
Vehicle makeVehicle(VehicleType Type) {
VehicleMaker M;
// Might be OK if having a short life-span.
Tire Tmp1 = M.makeTire();
// Bad -- 'Tmp1' provides no information.
Light Headlight = M.makeLight("head");
// Good -- descriptive.

Assert Liberally(灵活的使用断言)

Use the “assert” macro to its fullest. Check all of your preconditions and assumptions, you never know when a bug (not necessarily even yours) might be caught early by an assertion, which reduces debugging time dramatically. The “<cassert>” header file is probably already included by the header files you are using, so it doesn’t cost anything to use it.


To further assist with debugging, make sure to put some kind of error message in the assertion statement, which is printed if the assertion is tripped. This helps the poor debugger make sense of why an assertion is being made and enforced, and hopefully what to do about it. Here is one complete example:


inline Value *getOperand(unsigned I) {
assert(I < Operands.size() && "getOperand() out of range!");
return Operands[I];

Here are more examples:


assert(Ty->isPointerType() && "Can't allocate a non-pointer type!");
assert((Opcode == Shl || Opcode == Shr) && "ShiftInst Opcode invalid!");
assert(idx < getNumSuccessors() && "Successor # out of range!");
assert(V1.getType() == V2.getType() && "Constant types must be identical!");
assert(isa<PHINode>(Succ->front()) && "Only works on PHId BBs!");

You get the idea.


In the past, asserts were used to indicate a piece of code that should not be reached. These were typically of the form:


assert(0 && "Invalid radix for integer literal");

This has a few issues, the main one being that some compilers might not understand the assertion, or warn about a missing return in builds where assertions are compiled out.


Today, we have something much better: llvm_unreachable:


llvm_unreachable("Invalid radix for integer literal");

When assertions are enabled, this will print the message if it’s ever reached and then exit the program. When assertions are disabled (i.e. in release builds), llvm_unreachable becomes a hint to compilers to skip generating code for this branch. If the compiler does not support this, it will fall back to the “abort” implementation.


Neither assertions or llvm_unreachable will abort the program on a release build. If the error condition can be triggered by user input then the recoverable error mechanism described in LLVM Programmer’s Manual should be used instead. In cases where this is not practical, report_fatal_error may be used.

【译】在发布版本中,无论断言还是llvm_unreachable都将中止程序。如果出错条件可以由用户输入触发,则应使用LLVM程序员手册中描述的可恢复错误机制。 如果这不可行,可以使用report_fatal_error。

Another issue is that values used only by assertions will produce an “unused value” warning when assertions are disabled. For example, this code will warn:


unsigned Size = V.size();
assert(Size > 42 && "Vector smaller than it should be");
bool NewToSet = Myset.insert(Value);
assert(NewToSet && "The value shouldn't be in the set yet");

These are two interesting different cases. In the first case, the call to V.size() is only useful for the assert, and we don’t want it executed when assertions are disabled. Code like this should move the call into the assert itself. In the second case, the side effects of the call must happen whether the assert is enabled or not. In this case, the value should be cast to void to disable the warning. To be specific, it is preferred to write the code like this:


assert(V.size() > 42 && "Vector smaller than it should be");
bool NewToSet = Myset.insert(Value); (void)NewToSet;
assert(NewToSet && "The value shouldn't be in the set yet");

Do Not Use using namespace std(禁用using namespace std)

In LLVM, we prefer to explicitly prefix all identifiers from the standard namespace with an “std::” prefix, rather than rely on “using namespace std;”.

【译】在LLVM中,我们更喜欢使用“std ::”前缀显式地为标准命名空间中的所有标识符添加前缀,而不是依赖于“using namespace std;”。

In header files, adding a 'using namespace XXX' directive pollutes the namespace of any source file that #includes the header. This is clearly a bad thing.

【译】在头文件中,使用'using namespace XXX'会污染任何#include该头文件的源文件命名空间。 这显然不好。

In implementation files (e.g. .cpp files), the rule is more of a stylistic rule, but is still important. Basically, using explicit namespace prefixes makes the code clearer, because it is immediately obvious what facilities are being used and where they are coming from. And more portable, because namespace clashes cannot occur between LLVM code and other namespaces. The portability rule is important because different standard library implementations expose different symbols (potentially ones they shouldn’t), and future revisions to the C++ standard will add more symbols to the std namespace. As such, we never use 'using namespace std;' in LLVM.

【译】在实现文件(如.cpp文件)中,这条规范更像是一种格式规范,但依然很重要。 基本上,使用显式命名空间前缀可以使代码更清晰,因为用了什么、在哪儿定义将会变得显而易见。 而且可以避免LLVM代码和其他命名空间之间发生命名空间冲突,代码更具可移植性。 可移植性规则很重要,因为不同的标准库实现对外暴露了不同的符号(可能有些不应该暴露),随着将来对C ++标准的修订,std命名空间中将会添加更多符号。 因此,我们从不在LLVM中使用’using namespace std;’ 。

The exception to the general rule (i.e. it’s not an exception for the std namespace) is for implementation files. For example, all of the code in the LLVM project implements code that lives in the ‘llvm’ namespace. As such, it is ok, and actually clearer, for the .cpp files to have a 'using namespace llvm;' directive at the top, after the #includes. This reduces indentation in the body of the file for source editors that indent based on braces, and keeps the conceptual context cleaner. The general form of this rule is that any .cpp file that implements code in any namespace may use that namespace (and its parents’), but should not use any others.

【译】针对实现文件,也有例外(即,它不是针对std命名空间的例外)。 例如,在LLVM工程中,所有代码都实现了位于“llvm”命名空间中的代码。 因此,对于.cpp文件来说,使用’using namespace llvm;'是可以的,而且实际上更清楚。 在#includes之后的顶部指令。 这减少了基于大括号缩进的源编辑器的文件正文中的缩进,并使概念上下文更清晰。 此规则的一般形式是,在任何命名空间中实现代码的任何.cpp文件都可以使用该命名空间(及其父节点),但不应使用任何其他命名空间。

Provide a Virtual Method Anchor for Classes in Headers(为定义在头文件中的类提供虚函数声明)

If a class is defined in a header file and has a vtable (either it has virtual methods or it derives from classes with virtual methods), it must always have at least one out-of-line virtual method in the class. Without this, the compiler will copy the vtable and RTTI into every .o file that #includes the header, bloating .o file sizes and increasing link times.


Don’t use default labels in fully covered switches over enumerations(枚举成员全覆盖的switch分支中,不要使用default标签)

-Wswitch warns if a switch, without a default label, over an enumeration does not cover every enumeration value. If you write a default label on a fully covered switch over an enumeration then the -Wswitch warning won’t fire when new elements are added to that enumeration. To help avoid adding these kinds of defaults, Clang has the warning -Wcovered-switch-default which is off by default but turned on when building LLVM with a version of Clang that supports the warning.


A knock-on effect of this stylistic requirement is that when building LLVM with GCC you may get warnings related to “control may reach end of non-void function” if you return from each case of a covered switch-over-enum because GCC assumes that the enum expression may take any representable value, not just those of individual enumerators. To suppress this warning, use llvm_unreachable after the switch.

【译】这种风格的规定带来了一个连锁效应,当使用GCC构建LLVM时,如果枚举成员全覆盖的switch的每个case分支均执行return,那将触发和“control may reach end of non-void function”相关的告警。这是因为GCC假定枚举表达式可能包含任何可表示的值,而不仅仅是一个个枚举成员。要避免该告警,在switch分支选择完成后,使用llvm_unreachable

Use range-based for loops wherever possible(尽可能使用基于范围的for循环)

The introduction of range-based for loops in C++11 means that explicit manipulation of iterators is rarely necessary. We use range-based for loops wherever possible for all newly added code. For example:

【译】在C ++ 11中引入了基于范围的for循环,这意味着大多数情况下,不需要显式操作迭代器。 我们应尽可能的在所有新增代码重使用基于范围的for循环。例如:

BasicBlock *BB = ...
for (Instruction &I : *BB)
... use I ...

Don’t evaluate end() every time through a loop(不要每轮循环都计算end())

In cases where range-based for loops can’t be used and it is necessary to write an explicit iterator-based loop, pay close attention to whether end() is re-evaluted on each loop iteration. One common mistake is to write a loop in this style:

【译】如果无法使用基于范围的for循环,而且有必要写显式迭代器的循环,那就要密切注意是否在每次循环迭代时重新计算end()。 一个常见的错误是以下面这种方式写循环:

BasicBlock *BB = ...
for (auto I = BB->begin(); I != BB->end(); ++I)
... use I ...

The problem with this construct is that it evaluates “BB->end()” every time through the loop. Instead of writing the loop like this, we strongly prefer loops to be written so that they evaluate it once before the loop starts. A convenient way to do this is like so:


BasicBlock *BB = ...
for (auto I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I)
... use I ...

The observant may quickly point out that these two loops may have different semantics: if the container (a basic block in this case) is being mutated, then “BB->end()” may change its value every time through the loop and the second loop may not in fact be correct. If you actually do depend on this behavior, please write the loop in the first form and add a comment indicating that you did it intentionally.

【译】读者可能会很快指出这两个循环可能有不同的语义:如果容器(在本例中是一个基础块)正在被修改,那么每次循环迭代后“BB->end()”的值都可能发生改变,可能第二次循环就已经不正确了。 如果确实有这样的行为,那请用第一种形式写循环,并且添加注释来说明就是要这样做。

Why do we prefer the second form (when correct)? Writing the loop in the first form has two problems. First it may be less efficient than evaluating it at the start of the loop. In this case, the cost is probably minor — a few extra loads every time through the loop. However, if the base expression is more complex, then the cost can rise quickly. I’ve seen loops where the end expression was actually something like: “SomeMap[X]->end()” and map lookups really aren’t cheap. By writing it in the second form consistently, you eliminate the issue entirely and don’t even have to think about it.

【译】为什么倾向于第二种形式(正确的时候)?以第一种形式写循环有两个问题。 首先,它可能会比在循环开始就计算的效率低。 这种情况下,代价可能很小 —— 每次循环都会做一些额外加载。 但是,如果基础表达式变得更复杂,那么代价将会迅速增加。 我见过一些循环,它们的结束表达式实际上像这样:“SomeMap[X]->end()”,而在map中查找的代价真的不小。 通过统一按第二种形式写,这个问题就完全消除了,甚至都不需要考虑。

The second (even bigger) issue is that writing the loop in the first form hints to the reader that the loop is mutating the container (a fact that a comment would handily confirm!). If you write the loop in the second form, it is immediately obvious without even looking at the body of the loop that the container isn’t being modified, which makes it easier to read the code and understand what it does.

【译】第二个(甚至更为严重)的问题是,以第一种形式写循环是在提醒读者:循环正在改变容器(注释可以轻易确认的事实!)。 如果以第二种形式写循环,一目了然,甚至都不用看循环体是否修改了容器,这使得阅读和理解代码变得更简单。

While the second form of the loop is a few extra keystrokes, we do strongly prefer it.


#include <iostream> is Forbidden(禁用#include <iostream>)

The use of #include <iostream> in library files is hereby forbidden, because many common implementations transparently inject a static constructor into every translation unit that includes it.

【译】特别声明,禁止在库文件中使用#include <iostream>,因为通常的实现方式是显式将静态构造函数注入到每个包含它的转换单元中。

Note that using the other stream headers (<sstream> for example) is not problematic in this regard — just <iostream>. However, raw_ostream provides various APIs that are better performing for almost every use thanstd::ostream style APIs.



New code should always use raw_ostream for writing, or the llvm::MemoryBuffer API for reading files.


Use raw_ostream(使用raw_ostream)

LLVM includes a lightweight, simple, and efficient stream implementation in llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h, which provides all of the common features of std::ostream. All new code should use raw_ostream instead of ostream.


Unlike std::ostream, raw_ostream is not a template and can be forward declared as class raw_ostream. Public headers should generally not include the raw_ostream header, but use forward declarations and constant references to raw_ostream instances.

【译】与std::ostream不同,raw_ostream不是模板,并可以前向声明为class raw_ostream。公共头文件通常不应该包含raw_ostream头文件,但可以用前向声明,以及raw_ostream实例的常量引用。

Avoid std::endl(避免使用std::endl)

The std::endl modifier, when used with iostreams outputs a newline to the output stream specified. In addition to doing this, however, it also flushes the output stream. In other words, these are equivalent:


std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << 'n' << std::flush;

Most of the time, you probably have no reason to flush the output stream, so it’s better to use a literal 'n'.


Don’t use inline when defining a function in a class definition(不需要对类的成员函数使用inline)

A member function defined in a class definition is implicitly inline, so don’t put the inline keyword in this case.




class Foo {
inline void bar() {
// ...



class Foo {
void bar() {
// ...

Microscopic Details(小细节)

This section describes preferred low-level formatting guidelines along with reasoning on why we prefer them.


Spaces Before Parentheses(括号前的空格)

We prefer to put a space before an open parenthesis only in control flow statements, but not in normal function call expressions and function-like macros. For example, this is good:


if (X) ...
for (I = 0; I != 100; ++I) ...
while (LLVMRocks) ...
assert(3 != 4 && "laws of math are failing me");
A = foo(42, 92) + bar(X);

and this is bad:


if(X) ...
for(I = 0; I != 100; ++I) ...
while(LLVMRocks) ...
somefunc (42);
assert (3 != 4 && "laws of math are failing me");
A = foo (42, 92) + bar (X);

The reason for doing this is not completely arbitrary. This style makes control flow operators stand out more, and makes expressions flow better. The function call operator binds very tightly as a postfix operator. Putting a space after a function name (as in the last example) makes it appear that the code might bind the arguments of the left-hand-side of a binary operator with the argument list of a function and the name of the right side. More specifically, it is easy to misread the “A” example as:

【译】这样做的原因并不完全是随意的。 这种风格使控制流操作显得更加突出,使之可以更好的表达。 函数调用运算符作为后缀运算符连接的非常紧密。 在函数名后添加一个空格(如上例所示)会让代码看起来就像,函数的参数列表作为二元运算符左侧的参数和右侧的名称绑定在一起。 更具体地说,很容易将“A”示例误读成下面这样:

A = foo ((42, 92) + bar) (X);

when skimming through the code. By avoiding a space in a function, we avoid this misinterpretation.


Prefer Preincrement(优先使用前自增)

Hard fast rule: Preincrement (++X) may be no slower than postincrement (X++) and could very well be a lot faster than it. Use preincrementation whenever possible.

【译】规范概览:前自增(++X)可能不比后自增(X++)慢,并且可能比它快很多。 尽可能使用前自增。

The semantics of postincrement include making a copy of the value being incremented, returning it, and then preincrementing the “work value”. For primitive types, this isn’t a big deal. But for iterators, it can be a huge issue (for example, some iterators contains stack and set objects in them… copying an iterator could invoke the copy ctor’s of these as well). In general, get in the habit of always using preincrement, and you won’t have a problem.

【译】后自增的语义包含拷贝待自增的值,返回它,然后前自增“工作值”。 对于原生类型,这不是什么大问题。 但对于迭代器来说,它可能是一个巨大的问题(例如,一些迭代器包含栈和集合对象…复制迭代器可能会同时调用这些迭代器的拷贝构造函数)。 一般来说,养成一直使用前自增的习惯就不会有问题了。

Namespace Indentation(命名空间的缩进)

In general, we strive to reduce indentation wherever possible. This is useful because we want code to fit into 80 columns without wrapping horribly, but also because it makes it easier to understand the code. To facilitate this and avoid some insanely deep nesting on occasion, don’t indent namespaces. If it helps readability, feel free to add a comment indicating what namespace is being closed by a }. For example:

【译】一般来讲,我们尽可能地努力减少缩进。 这很有用,因为我们希望代码可以适配80列,而且没什么不友好的东西包住它,也因为这会使代码更容易理解。 为了方便做到这一点,并避免一些疯狂的深度嵌套,那就不对命名空间缩进。 如果在闭合命名空间的}处添加命名空间注释,可以帮助提高可读性,尽管去做。例如:

namespace llvm {
namespace knowledge {
/// This class represents things that Smith can have an intimate
/// understanding of and contains the data associated with it.
class Grokable {
explicit Grokable() { ... }
virtual ~Grokable() = 0;
} // end namespace knowledge
} // end namespace llvm

Feel free to skip the closing comment when the namespace being closed is obvious for any reason. For example, the outer-most namespace in a header file is rarely a source of confusion. But namespaces both anonymous and named in source files that are being closed half way through the file probably could use clarification.

【译】无论出于什么原因,当闭合的命名空间很明显时,可以随意跳过闭合注释。 例如,头文件中最外层的命名空间很少会引起混淆。 但是在源文件中,匿名和具名的命名空间可能会在文件的中途被闭合,所以需要使用注释。

Anonymous Namespaces(匿名空间的缩进)

After talking about namespaces in general, you may be wondering about anonymous namespaces in particular. Anonymous namespaces are a great language feature that tells the C++ compiler that the contents of the namespace are only visible within the current translation unit, allowing more aggressive optimization and eliminating the possibility of symbol name collisions. Anonymous namespaces are to C++ as “static” is to C functions and global variables. While “static” is available in C++, anonymous namespaces are more general: they can make entire classes private to a file.

【译】聊过通常的命名空间后,你可能会特别想知道匿名空间。 匿名空间是一种很好的语言特性,它告诉C++编译器,该命名空间的内容仅在当前转换单元中可见,可以使用更激进的优化,同时可以消除符号名称冲突的可能性。 匿名空间对于C++,就像“static”对于C函数和全局变量。 虽然C++中提供了“static”,但匿名空间更为通用:它们可以使整个类变为文件私有。

The problem with anonymous namespaces is that they naturally want to encourage indentation of their body, and they reduce locality of reference: if you see a random function definition in a C++ file, it is easy to see if it is marked static, but seeing if it is in an anonymous namespace requires scanning a big chunk of the file.

【译】匿名空间的问题在于,它们很自然的希望更多的对内容进行缩进,以及减少了引用的局部性:如果在C ++文件中看到随便一个函数定义,很容易看出它是否标记为static,但是判断是否位于匿名命名空间中,则需要阅读文件的一大段。

Because of this, we have a simple guideline: make anonymous namespaces as small as possible, and only use them for class declarations. For example, this is good:

【译】因此,我们有一个简单的准则:使匿名空间尽可能小,并且只将它们用于类声明。 例如,这就很好:

namespace {
class StringSort {
bool operator<(const char *RHS) const;
} // end anonymous namespace
static void runHelper() {
bool StringSort::operator<(const char *RHS) const {

This is bad:


namespace {
class StringSort {
bool operator<(const char *RHS) const;
void runHelper() {
bool StringSort::operator<(const char *RHS) const {
} // end anonymous namespace

This is bad specifically because if you’re looking at “runHelper” in the middle of a large C++ file, that you have no immediate way to tell if it is local to the file. When it is marked static explicitly, this is immediately obvious. Also, there is no reason to enclose the definition of “operator<” in the namespace just because it was declared there.

【译】如果在一个庞大C ++文件的中间查看“runHelper”,但没法立即判断出它是否在这个文件中,这就会非常糟糕。 当显示标记为static时,这就很明显。 此外,没有理由将“operator <”的定义限制在匿名空间中,仅仅是因为是在那里声明的。

See Also

A lot of these comments and recommendations have been culled from other sources. Two particularly important books for our work are:

  1. Effective C++ by Scott Meyers. Also interesting and useful are “More Effective C++” and “Effective STL” by the same author.
  2. Large-Scale C++ Software Design by John Lakos

If you get some free time, and you haven’t read them: do so, you might learn something.

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