I am trying to import CSV data into postgreSQL using Python. I tried to search on Stack Overflow for this issue but couldn't find anything fruition for my situation. I have empty columns in my CSV file, when I run the code it throws out an error for the blank column for which there's no information. I want to be able to tell Python to ignore the blank column and continue to the next column. Not all of the columns have data in them so I want your kind assistance to implement a solution which I can have edited in the script for the columns which have no data in them. I am new to Programming so please pardon my stupidity.
import psycopg2
import csv
csv_data = csv.reader(file('SampleData1.csv'))
database = psycopg2.connect (database = "**", user="**", password="***", host="**", port="**")
cursor = database.cursor()
delete = """Drop table if exists "Real".SampleDataOne"""
print (delete)
mydata = cursor.execute(delete)
cursor.execute("""Create Table "Real".SampleDataOne
(Username varchar(55),
TimeStamp timestamp,
Week date,
Actual_Sale_Date date,
Estimated_Closing_Date date,
Last_Name_First_Name varchar(55),
Ages varchar(55)
print "Table created successfully"
for row in csv_data:
cursor.execute("""Insert into "Real".SampleDataOne(Username,TimeStamp, Week, Actual_Sale_Date, Estimated_Closing_Date,
Last_Name_First_Name, Ages)"""
"""VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""",
print "CSV imported"
The error is as follows: It has a point upwards (^) next to the column after the 'False'.
Drop table if exists "Real".SampleDataOne
Table created successfully
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Desktop/Programming/SampleData1Python.py", line 61, in
DataError: invalid input syntax for type date: ""
LINE 1: ...****@jcp.com','****@comcast.net','No','FALSE','','','')
解决方案f = open('SampleData1.csv')
cursor.copy_from(f, '"Real".sampledataone', sep=',', null='')
Should work provided you have simple csv data without quoting or commas in the data.
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