template<class T>
class Array
friend class Pointer<T>;
Array(unsigned size):
data(new Array_data<T>(sze)){}
if (--data->use == 0)
delete data;
const T& operator[](unsigned n)const
return (*data)[n];
T& operator[](unsigned n)
return (*data)[n];
void resize(unsigned n)
void reserve(unsigned new_sz)
if (new_sz >= data->sz)
Array(const Array& a):data(Array_data<T>)(a.data->sz)
data->copy(a.data->data, a.data->sz);
Array& operator=(const Array& a)
if (this != &a)
data->clone(*a.data, a.data->data);
return *this;
Array(const Array&);
Array& operator=(const Array&);
Array_data<T>* data;
* 通过引进一个额外的中间层,能够解决大部分问题,在该类中通过引用计数器的技术实现了删除不同的指针对象删除对象后原对象还存在
template<class T>
class Array_data
friend class Array<T>;
friend class Pointer<T>;
Array_data(unsigned size = 0):
data(new T[size]), sz(size), use(1){}
delete [] data;
T& operator[](unsigned n) const
if (n >= sz)
throw "Array subscript out of range";
return data[n];
T& operator[](unsigned n)
if (n >= sz)
throw "Array subscript out of range";
return data[n];
void resize(unsigned n)
if (n == sz)
T* odata = data;
data = new T[n];
copy(odata, sz > n ? n: sz);
delete [] odata;
sz = n;
void copy(T* arr, unsigned n)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
data[i] = arr[i];
void grow(unsigned new_sz)
unsigned nsz = sz;
if (nsz == 0)
nsz = 1;
while(nsz <= new_sz)
nsz *= 2;
void clone(const Array_data& a, unsigned n)
delete [] data;
data = new T[sz = a.sz];
copy(a.data, sz);
Array_data(const Array_data&);
Array_data& operator=(const Array_data&);
T* data;
unsigned sz;
int use;
template<class T>
class Ptr_to_const
Ptr_to_const(const Array<T>& a, unsigned n = 0):
ap(a.data), sub(n)
Ptr_to_const():ap(0), sub(0){}
Ptr_to_const(const Ptr_to_const<T>& p):
ap(p.ap), sub(p.sub)
if (ap)
if (ap && --ap->use == 0)
delete ap;
Ptr_to_const& operator=(const Ptr_to_const<T>& p)
if (p.ap)
if (ap&& --ap->use == 0)
delete ap;
ap = p.ap;
sub = p.sub;
return *this;
const T& operator*()const
if (ap == 0)
throw "* o unbound Ptr_to_const";
return (*ap)[sub];
Array_data<T>* ap;
unsigned sub;
template<class T>
class Pointer:public Ptr_to_const<T>
Pointer(Array<T>& a, unsigned n = 0):Ptr_to_const<T>(a, n){}
Pointer(Array<T>& a, unsigned n = 0):ap(&a), sub(n){}
Pointer():ap(0), sub(0){}
T operator*()const
if (ap == 0)
throw "* of unbound Pointer";
return (*ap)[sub];
void update(const T& t)
if (ap == 0)
throw "update of unbound Pointer";
(*ap)[sub] = t;
T operator[](unsigned n) const
if (n >= sz)
throw "Array subscripte out of range";
return data[n];
void update(unsigned n, const T& t)
if (n >= sz)
throw "Array subscript out of range";
data[n] = t;
T operator*() const
if (ap == 0)
throw "* of unbond Pointer";
return (*ap)[sub];
T& operator*()const
if (ap == 0)
throw "* of unbound Ptr_to_const";
return (*ap)[sub];
Array<T>* ap;
unsigned sub;
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